Why has reading become niche? Shouldn’t we continue to read so we learn what worked before and what hasn’t worked before??
Why has reading become niche...
Wrong board, faggot. Jow Forums loves books.
Reading these three.
Fuck off boomer, we watch soph now
Wow, OP, what a faggy idea.
Real men rush headlong into every new thing without a second thought.
All books are a form of degeneracy
They take your mind away from the focusing on what is real and true in the moment.
They make up complex unreal scenarios to draw you away from reality
Burn all books
Why are you on here complaining about anons not reading? Are you some kind of idiot?
does internet reading count cause i've read like 150 vox articles today
Good looks
I was more so thinking reading in general. I always see family and ‘friends’ share bs on FB and bitch about said article, then I read the article and it usually says something different than what they bitched about
So history never happened?
Most of it is made up bullshit
this site is too addictive, it's taking up all the time i used to spend reading.
History is written by the victor, so I guess
But I read every day
duuuuuude, it seems like reading comprehension is at an all time low, but literacy is at an all time high. Interesting phenomena.
Me personally, I like to read a lot of shit, but not specifically in book format. It's mostly internet.
Honestly what I was thinking, just couldn’t think of the right way to say it
Everything I read, even books, is on the computer. But I read lots of books. In between shitposting, TV, vidyas, YT, and news. But, I really believe that school is no longer necessary. People who want to know what everyone is looking at on their screens, learn how to read on their own. Big disruption in the works.
>Why has reading become niche?
it hasn't, but i guess it may seem that way if you live in some trump-loving red state shithole.
Literacy 99.9% in the western world yet people struggle with newspapers and basic knowledge. Maybe it's a work in progress but still, I'm skeptical about how smart we really are as a collective.
I'm into philosophy but most of the books that they write like fuckers like sartre and hegel are so god damn dry and incomprehensible because they switch between 3 languages that i just use wikipedia to get a better understand lmao
but the point i wanted to make was that you're absolutely correct, in todays age of telecommunications, dudes from anywhere in the world hooked up to the internet can be a subject matter expert if they have the drive. The internet has been the biggest contribute to collective human knowledge since the invention of writing.
>I always see family and ‘friends’ share bs on FB and bitch about said article, then I read the article and it usually says something different than what they bitched about
That has a lot to do with the how articles are written now. The headlines are usually click bait / misleading and don't match the actual content. People tend to just read headlines
Then we agree. How boring!
ah shit. well you're a nigger!
reading isn't niche, you're just stupid.
I literally just got that exact copy of Meditations off amazon.