Why do people with dark skin have lower intelligence?

Why do people with dark skin have lower intelligence?

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African music is usually more rhythmically complex than a majority of western music. Fela Kuti and Miles Davis have many layers of sound meshing together in ways you don’t see in most white western stuff and it still has the “flow” that makes music sounds good. A lot of tribal and aboriginal art uses designs and patterns that are actually quite mathematically complex as well.

Hunter-gatherer lifestyles in tribal peoples are not low intelligence either necessarily- adapting to the environment versus adapting the environment to you may be the biggest difference between civilization versus tribes. Your skillsets aren’t likely to be as valuable in the South Pacific or Africa, just like theirs are not as useful here.

And socialization is huge, we are not just genetics. Leftists might underplay biology but the right oversells it. We are a product of both genetics and learned behaviors- otherwise you wouldn’t have black britons that have white sounding voices.

Cold Winters hypothesis and the closer you are to the equator the darker your people are.

that's a question that can't be fully explored until we get over ourselves.
first, it presumes that the premise is correct; we can't really know with the current data because of how crime data is currently being collected.
second, it's really really taboo.

it's a fascinating discussion, but we probably won't be able to explore it in our lifetimes because of reasons.

because they are niggers, idiot.

would abos be aesthetically pleasing if they didn’t live in the impoverished utback and their genes allowed to properly express itself. She looks different from the rest

They dont

Natural selection. Tropical areas make it so you can climb up a tree to get a banana. Northern climes have a period of time where you will freeze to death if you didn't plan ahead.

Thus, the stupidity of the niggers and Abos are embedded into their DNA. They were not selected at all, and thus are more stupid like animals. Their facial features are another manifestation of their lack-of-evolution. Forward facing nostrils like a gorilla, sloping forehead, like a baboon, longer arm lengths like a chimpanzee.

This really needs to be talked about more.

Not everyone with dark skin is a nigger

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Because they are the demographic that uses tanning salons


Because they come from an environment where they weren't challenged to survive, improve and evolve like the rest of us.


>Because they come from an environment where they weren't challenged to survive, improve and evolve like the rest of us.

>Natural selection. Tropical areas make it so you can climb up a tree to get a banana. Northern climes have a period of time where you will freeze to death if you didn't plan ahead.

it's the above freezing/below freezing cycle. you had to plan on the order of months instead of hours/days. totally different environments.

Because white people oppressed them for so long that they forgot their intelligences

don't sleep on the street bana bana don't sniff
gasoline from a can bana bana yeah yeah

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It's not the skin itself, but the conditions that caused the dark skin.

Living in places with food available year round means you don't have to plan ahead (a higher-IQ trait). In Africa especially, being agressive and taking shit for the now was genetically rewarded. In Europe or parts of asia, if yoy didn't play nice with others and planned ahead, you froze/starved to death.

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Pakistani man

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good post. stay awhile

>Leftists might underplay biology but the right oversells it.

really? the people who don't believe in dinosaurs or evolution are overplaying genetic determinism? i think not. if you want to bash conservatives at least get your story straight you fucking faggot.

>the stupidity of the niggers and Abos are embedded into their DNA
>This really needs to be talked about more.
lol, did you hear about one of the DNA pioneers who said africa had a bleak future because of just this? it was a couple years back but the REEEEEEEEs still echo

when you're kept in the dark it means you don't
know something. dark skin is the same shit.

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I'd like to subscribe to your newsletter. Fuck.... Deep shit here mayne

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this. the question will never be explored rigorously in our lifetimes, because science is extremely beholden to popular social trends, regardless of whatever the "i fuckin love science!" goyboy crowd says. for fucks sake, scientists wont even admit there are multiple sub-species of humanity, despite knowing full well that if the same criteria we apply to every other living species were applied to humanity, we'd easily have 4+ sub-species

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Why do people with lower intelligence have darker skin*

too be fair india solves its nigger problem by throwing so much shit at the wall until it sticks.

Why do people with higher intelligence and white skin have less babies and eventually die off? It seems more intelligence makes you an incel.

No neanderthal genes

Genetic differences between "races" is false science, m'kay?

>Not everyone with dark skin is a nigger
street shitter

have an atomic redpill


Silicon Valley drools over themselves for Indians, because they are the only "brown" people that are not completely retarded. Promote them into all the top position for "diversity" points, it's sickening

>African music is usually more rhythmically complex than a majority of western music. Fela Kuti and Miles Davis have many layers of sound meshing together in ways you don’t see in most white western stuff
lol, like this?

i appreciates those two nigs though
too bad jews had to fuck it up with slavery reparations and they went from this to gangsta rap and trap

In the Pergamonmuseum in Berlin I saw black skinned (so black, they were blue) people with perfect greek nose and european traits, and I dont think they were as dumb as negroes.

There environment never required it

>Your skillsets aren’t likely to be as valuable in the South Pacific or Africa, just like theirs are not as useful here.
Eat shit Jared Diamond you intellectually dishonest kike :^)

melanin reacts with the pineal gland to make smart
you mayo munching white bois put flouride in the water to keep us down
we used to enslave jews with our superior intellect before you poisoned our water

Cheerful darkskinned waifu is the best waifu

Purely economic reasons

So powerful. So moving.

One of the greatest mathematicians was a Dravidian Tamil with dark skin

Jow Forums BTFO

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Because they come from Africa, an environment that is only physically challenging.
They never had to worry about building solid shelters to protect from cold, ravines, floods, earthquakes.
They never had to farm, protect the animals, learn how to preserve food for the winter.

Big muscles and small brain.

>African music is usually more rhythmically complex than a majority of western music
Baroque begs to differ

For west Africans it is the %7 archaic hominid DNA which appears to be an unknown species less evolved than homo sapiens or neanderthal

He was a fucking brainlet who couldn’t understand Euler or Gauss so he came up with a different way to do things that don’t actually work.

And then he died.

>literally 1 (one)

>t. retard

whites can live literally anywhere, because of higher IQ. niggers and browns might just "get by" for thousands of years, but we can always just genocide their asses with ease and then turn their land into something more useful like resorts and rental properties for actual humans

to start with the niggers were to lazy and stupid to figure out how to leave Africa

Equatorials didn't have 3 glacial periods to bottleneck their survival traits (IQ linked).

बढ़िया भाई. ये लोग चूतिये हैं। मादरचोद के पिल्लै हैं

meant other post for:

Why can they run faster?

It's a white girl with a photoshop filter.

5000 more years of running from lions, the slow ones died. Europeans just got together and killed all their Lions

They have longer legs

Never tought that Mozart, Bach and Beethoven were black, go fuck yourself nigger

>Dark skin is a trait of warmer climates
>Warmer climates typically have an abundance of food
>Warmer climates lack the need for proper shelter
>Developing critical thinking is unnecessary for survival

There's a ratio somewhere of the environment's effect of a races IQ, too simple or too hostile and it diminishes IQ and/or civilization advancements.

no it's an abbo before she hits goblin puberty

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because the short legged ones were eaten by lions

Pretty cute

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can they though?

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based lions
Look at the olympic and college runners, they're mostly black doods

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>a white child running faster than the world record holder

*wry smile*

face it you're finished in sports

Holy moley that's an ugly child.

thats only natural when their only entertainment is dancing around communal bush fire and rape. They devoted whole 2000000 years one upping tap dance each other instead of invent farming.

Because there is diversity in all things.
The rocks. The mountains. The trees. You. Me.
The animals. The species.
The people.
Some dogs are smarter, faster, more disease prone, or longer lived than others.
It is the same with people.
For instance black people have a MUCH greater risk of heart disease and they have shorter general lifespans. Along with this their intelligence is lesser by a high degree.
They are not giftless as nothing is.
It's just the diversity of life.

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Because all the smart people with dark skin kill themselves for having dark skin.

but dude

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