Pro-Jewish thread

Not all of us here hate Jews.

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Why the hats?

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I dont HATE them. I want them to stop embedding amongst our communities and stripping them of all their worth.

They have a homeland. Go there or expect the worst.

There already is one pro Jewish thread /ptg/

I don't hate jews. I feel nothing for them, and I will feel nothing as we systematically exterminate every last one of them.

Fuck off, Kike.

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>Pro jewish thread
> checks flag...Amerikike poster
ayyyyy lmao

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What's up my fellow kikes. G-d bless the Jews

I want to be financially dominated by a hot Jewish woman

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What's with all the 1 post OPs today?

based poo

Speak for yourself. Thanks to the opioid crises I’ve been getting Jews hooked on heroins and pills and then finishing the job with fentanyl laced dope. Got a good streak going :DDDDD

If you don't hate jews then u are gay

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To the gas room!

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Cute :3
>fuck 1
>marry 3
>kill 2

Autism of the abrahamic religions.

I support Israel. Haredim are freeloaders.

>antisemites hate this

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Very haute couture hats

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I have met.many jews and none were actually intelligent. They had what i call:

Would rather steal 50cents from someone, instead of working with them and make 50 bucks

>Want to interbreed with whites as much as possible to a point where made Reform Judaism
>Also want to kill off whites
Have a sneaking suspicion the upper class reform jews are trying to genocide the underclass jews. If all jews are in on a conspiracy why do they need to be brainwashed with Holocaust propaganda. All the meanwhile the anti-white stuff is meant to genocide the lower class white people. Eventually the higher class whites and higher class jews intermix to rule the world.

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I'm pro dead jew, does that count?

Poo with the bantz

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Thanks you merchant, you are my greatest ally.

Can commend the Jews on their fanatic in-group preference. They seem to understand how to survive.

The Talmud and the Warhammer 40k Codex both command me to conquer the Universe for the glory of God. Seems redpilled.

>I have met.many jews and none were actually intelligent.
The only intelligent jews are Ashkenazi Reform which are roughly 50% of ashkenazi. Even then is just an average bell curve and can still be dumb. With the teachings of elitism to gentiles and scamming people the idiot ones are more prone to doing stuff that would fail the marshmellow test would imagine.

I do hate the filthy parasites.

so let me get this straight

the conservative fundamental christian jews are fighting against the "king of the jews" progressive inclusive christian jews
and both of them are against the new-age pagan jews and the godless atheist jews
the communist jews are trying to take the money of the multi-billion dollar corporation owning anarchist jews
heck the jewish communists even want to do away with the jewish controlled banking system all together, by getting rid of all jew printed money
the american illuminated masonic jews wanted to escape the control of the jew controlled monarch families of europe, so they created america
the jewish slave boat owners were eventually overthrown by the jews, who wanted to give citizenship and voting rights to africans
the nobel prize winning scientific jews are struggling against the superstitious orthodox jews
the communist(and therefore jewish) shithole of north korea might go to war with the degenerate capitalist (and christian) south korea
the jew controlled united nations refuses to recognize the actions of the jewish ethnostate
the jew controlled european union competes with the jewish oligarchy of russia

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the pro-republican jew controlled media is trying to win voters from the pro-democrat jew controlled media, but both are losing to the jew controlled 'alternative media'
the jewish MGTOY movement wants you to nofap, thus striking a blow to the jewish porn industry
the halal eating jew-god worshipping gay stoning muslims are allies of the jews, and thus the jews want to get into europe, where the jews support gays
but muslim jews are also enemies of the jews, so the jews want to poison their water supplies and bomb their hospitals with chemical weapond
the nazies hate the jews because they are subhuman, despite time and time again jews being shown to outperform everyone in terms of inteligence
the jews were slaves in egypt, but if you want to delve into egyptian paganism it means you're controlled by jews. heck even the crusaders became jews, and the pope today is jewish too
some say the greeks gave us democracy, and created western civilization in general, but the bible crealy says "there is no differance between the greek and the jew", and the greeks are some of the most christian people there are
the jews want to destroy all white people, even tho they don't recognize ethiopion jews as real jews because they're black, and a jew could easily slip unnoticed in a white ethnostate
and all this done by a turkic tribe of khazars from about 1500 years ago, who had nothing to do with the biblical jews
except they claim they do, and are thus confronted by the 'black isrealite' jews, who claim that all jews, including jesus were actually black
when the reptilian alien jews arrive, the earth's armies will be under the leadership of the anti-christ jew
the jews will eventually win that war, and enslave the non-jews, but will then kill the non-jews and use robots instead

did i forget anyone

>Jews should buy my Survival Food and invest in my next Religious Theme Park.
>All income and losses are Tax Deductible.
>Because we're doing all of this for Jesus.

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Are we talking Moscow Jews of Tel-Aviv Jews?

I have a Jewish friend.

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The majority of jews are so brainwashed by their Rabbis that i'm not even sure they know what's going on. The antiwhite stuff is being promoted to them through emotional manipulation with the holocaust the neo-liberal ideas where they buy into their own bullshit. Like if the point of mongrelizing people of European decent was to control a dumber population then why dont they just move to dumber countries. The middle east has a lot of dumb people and they are super antisemitic and now the retarded left wing are becoming antisemitic as well. Seems the more retarded the population the less control jews have.

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It's probably half true at least. Some jew made a documentary about the ADL, holocaust industry and how they indoctrinate schoolkids in Israel called "Defamation." Dealing with these people is still intolerable, though.

Easy to tell with all the anti-christian threads

There are bad ones and good ones, jut like any group.

Every group is dangerous in different ways.

I'm completely aware of the Jewish menace, but the only red-pilled person I met in my life was an old Jewish lady who literally told me "there were too many brown people and she needed a more white city", "niggers suck", etc, a few years ago, LOL.

I like the hats. Not even joking. And they look like nice guys.

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>Not all of us here hate Jews
Absolute shill thread.

They hate us and all non jews you faggot, it's literally counter-semitism for about every race at this point, they are the true racial supremacists that subvert and destroy the institutions we have built, after taking them in, they cry out in pain still, while wringing their hands behind closed doors. They hate your christian family and ancestors. They hate beauty, and strength. They call us a pejorative, all of us.

They hate us, and we will perish unless we can move the people to racial awareness

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We already have one. It's called /ptg/

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i wouldn't even have to know anything about jews to find them disgusting.
even as a kid they just looked disgusting. i knew they were evil without ever knowing a thing about them.

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nice one pajeet

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