>Americans literally argue that raping women is worse than mutilating infant boys
>Americans accuse people of caring about mutilating kids of being "incels"
>Americans literally argue that raping women is worse than mutilating infant boys
>Americans accuse people of caring about mutilating kids of being "incels"
Other urls found in this thread:
They have convinced themselves that "dickcheese" is a threat to hygiene and increases STD rates (contrary to statistics) and "prevents cancer and phimosis!!". If good hygiene was unarbitrarily tied to lower smegma production girls would get hoodectomies and labiaplasties since they produce more smegma than men, this is not the case. They simply operate on herd mentality and do whats popular. This is luckily slowly changing since the rates are going lower and information is more easily available.
We need to nuke jews, americans and muslims to be honest. I'm not sure if this even qualifies as human.
Americans aren't human
Well, what you have to consider at this point is that we've been circumcising boys for generations. If circumcision is wrong, then how many people are guilty? My own parents did it to me. Should I hate them? Or should I rationalize why they could love me and still do it?
Many Americans know this feeling.
Your parents of course think it's good, it's the fault of the medical organizations in America. Eric Clopper showed the influence of jews on circumcision in the AAP.
If they dont apologize disown them.
Sex & Circumcision: An American Love Story by Eric Clopper
MUST WATCH FOR AMERIMUTTS! Huge red pill try to share it with any ameritards that are having pure innocent baby boys.
If I wasnt range banned from uploading files on this shithole board I'd post the sorrells pic to these retards.
>reddit arguments
>needing to state you’re a male on Jow Forums, or even the internet in general
Why are redditfags so retarded?
No one on this site cares about real children being hurt. They'd rather sperg about boys dressing like girls I guess and put those dumb smoke screen issues to bunp limit
This is how redditors argue
Next question, why the fuck is this in Jow Forums?
Because they worship a kike and someone brought up his views on circumcision.
Your parents were JEWED. It's as simple as that.
It's just an extention of the Jewish Agenda.
At least Greeks and romans fucked boys but they didnt mutilate them
Unfortunately I am circumcised, but I made goddamn sure that my son wasn't. The amount of bullshit I have to hear about it is pretty telling that cutfags are insecure as all fuck.
Yep. Hopefully foregen or something similar will be able to fix us someday.
Hold the fucking phone assholes, the vast majority of Jow Forums is against circumcision because we're not fucking retarded. It's a handful of incredibly vocal psychopaths (read: Israeli/Jewish astroturfers) who keep arguing in favor of, literally, genital mutilation.
Take the paperwork home before you sign it. Scan it in and post it on the inernet.
>were not fucking retarded
I dunno you guys worship (((Stallman))) who is retarded on circumcision and more.
The funny thing about Christians and circumcision is their own Apostles straight up said that circumcision was unnecessary and that it died with the Mosaic Law.
Stallman is a Jew and he's not against circumcision, but he doesn't support it either. He's also been right about a looot of security and rights issues when it comes to hardware, software, and technology.
I don't agree with everything he says, but he's pretty autistic and that has led to a pretty good chunk of his beliefs also being correct, in spite of him being Jewish.
But anyway, one guy that Jow Forums respects does not represent that vast majority of what we believe, and that is that genital mutilation should be banned.
person who made this image never had the pleasure of owning one.
You kinda gotta wonder when the primary justification for mutilation of genitals is "it's a little easier to clean".
Most Christians are NPCs.
Which means hes blue pilled on circumcision, and race and nationalism and more.
Before this thread was here on Jow Forums I saw nearly everyone rag on the one guy defending infant boys on Jow Forums. Maybe you all aren't retarded but it looks like that just from this sample.
I'm literally OP's pic related, even though I know it's stupid and wrong...for some reason, even after all of these years of hating Jews, I can't make the mental disconnect to the truth
How does it become so mentally ingrained frens?
Everyone who believes sandnigger abrahamic filth is a fucking NPC.
>Before this thread was here on Jow Forums I saw nearly everyone rag on the one guy defending infant boys on Jow Forums. Maybe you all aren't retarded but it looks like that just from this sample.
Like I said, a very vocal and extremely tiny minority. It was probably a single guy larping as 10 to try and "break consensus" even though the other 95% of the board agrees, mutilation of genitals should be banned. We're in near-unanimous agreement on that board.
Abraham was definitely filth. He was going to slaughter his son as a sacrifice before his god.
I'm glad then. It needs to be banned. Now let's get that consensus in the real world.
Bring it up everywhere.
And mutilated his kids for y*hwweh
And all his goyim slaves, which is retrograde to the commandment to go forth and multiply.
God still told abraham to mutilate his kids and all the way until Jesus they still regarded him as a man of faith. Even with jesus being circumcised.
White people need to drop abrahamic religion for good. Its long past time. Japanese and Chinese dont have these issues.
u fag
God told them stop it, and that the burnt offerings (animal sacrifice) were no longer part of the new pact.
Told them to stop mutilating children after he had commanded it?
Theres no excuse for this in my mind. I'll never forgive abrahamic religion
That's correct. The circumcision deal was revoked.
Doesnt change the morality of it being a thing in the first place even if true. I realize it isnt requires to be christian but I only saw it pointed out that it wasnt a requirement rather than stern and unbending condemnation.
How do we raise awareness to stop this heinous crime that happens every day once and for all?
Circumcision has no place in Christianity any more than burnt offerings (holocaust). Baptism comes first.
Cutting baby penises is wrong. Wow, who would've thought?
Literally bring it up everywhere and to everyone. Any time you watch a YouTube video bring it up, everytime some dumb slut whore woman whines about male privilege or rape bring it up, everytime some faggot kike kvetches bring it up etc.
Dont ever let it die down.
Jesus was still a circumcised jew and just by nature of it existing in christian doctrine and it being a past rule and decree of god warms people to the idea. Same as having jews play such a pivotal role in the religion.
Is anything happening with it? Its the only thing I have hope for
>Jesus was still a circumcised jew
He revoked the covenant. It doesn't matter what you think about his dick.
Even uneducated idiots today could be easily misguided or blindly arrive to that conclusion. We are at the tip of the spear of educating people that it's more than a sexual preference thing. Don't blame them. Is your dad circumcised? If so, he is as much a victim as you are. And your mom preferred it sexually, so obviously she wanted you to be included in that (no incest).
If you've ever heard of the Big Lie, circumcision being pushed by Jewry was one such case. If they get most of the population to buy into it for various reasons, then it becomes the cultural norm. They operated with more limited information than is available to you. Being mad at them accomplishes nothing, there is no action they can do but apologize, which is even more hollow if you are expecting it from them.
We need daily anti-circumcision threads to get the point across. It's a shame I never hear any side talk about it. It's almost like they pretend it doesn't exist.
He didnt outright say it was bad though, just that it wasnt necessary. They even circumcised timothy just to preach to jews since that was jesus' favorite group.
I'm saying the fact that they laud abraham as a man of faith, the fact that it was a decree from god (even If it is no longer necessary) and the fact that jesus is god so was a part of the original decree makes Christians more accepting of the act.
Christianity belongs in the middle east with Islam and judaism, or ideally all of them iust not existing any longer.
Christians aren't allies of whites. Christianity is the origin of white hate (original sin) and globohomo monstrosities since caring about christianity precedes caring about race.
What part of not necessary do you not understand?
They do pretend like it doesnt exist. There should be at least one politician against it. But israeli and Jew money and power harms that a lot, and organizations like fox news will always defend their stupid religious barbarity because muh freedom of religion. Ignoring freedom of religion only applies to an adult individual not pushing your religion onto others who aren't consenting via force and violating their basic rights.
The scotus is also infested with judaism and has been for a long time.
At this point in time I'd take destroying religion and these people with force and laws. I dont care anymore it needs to fucking end, I'm sick and tired of this archaic foolishness.
What part about my argument dont you understand? I'm saying even If it isnt technically necessary it makes people far more tending toward accepting it by the very nature of the religion, its figures and its connections with judaism and abraham. Read the image I posted for fuck sake.
Christcucks aren't on the side of whites. Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results Is literal insanity. Christianity destroyed whites.
What argument? You don't have one. Do you want to present a better argument about your pagan bullshit or whatever else?
I can't believe you're actually arguing that Christianity does not prescribe circumcision.
>you dont have one
Okay so youre just willfully ignorant then.
I'll make it simple.
Christianity is a religion with Jewish prominent figures and a Jewish god to worship who prescribed at one point mutilating kids. The messiah figure is a circumcised jew.
Contrast that with a religion with no connection to jews, no Jewish figures and circumcision not being mentioned ever.
Which followers do you think are more likely to have interaction with jews and circumcision?
>reddit spacing
Not much of a surprise.
It's a negro baby, cut its dick off to prevent crime
>reddit spacing
>what arguement
wew lad
>reddit spacing
Nice try newfag. I shouldve figured a christnigger would be an election fag.
Do you want another (You) to prop up you ego? It's obvious you have disabled your capacity for an argument.
Could you be more obvious in your intentions?
>Do you want another (You) to prop up you ego? It's obvious you have disabled your capacity for an argument.
I'm just a bystander. I'm not interested in an argument, I want to see you make one, but here I'll make my case more explicitly.
You directly attacked him for not making a point. Unfortunately a.) he did make a point, and b.) you refused to answer it in a meaningful way. Which makes you guilty of doing exactly what you accused him of.
If you can't understand how hard you are projecting right now I suggest you go outside and suck on your JEWL for a moment and collect your thoughts.
The point is circumcision. You're not doing a very good job here.
My intentions? Ive made them clear. To end mutilating kids and put an end to the garbage that started it in the first place. Abrahamic religion is a fucking disease.
>christianity is anti white
This actually seems like a reasonable thread for a meme to pull upon. Liberals hate white people, christians can be any color. We shoudl meme them into embracing christcucks thereby excusing their insanity. CHEK-M8
No those people you're talking about burn American flags and are not American.
>: I, Paul, say to you that if you accept circumcision, Christ will be of no advantage to you.
This kind of anger is typical for children who have been abused. It's very easy to understand your mindset.
Get over it retard. Not your creation
that's stupid. circumcision rate here is very high it's not all jews and traitors doing this to their kids. it's all kinds of otherwise normal people.
Some pros people are not considering
- It relieves you of cleaning your penis.
- It protects you from transmitting STDs
Rural whites are some of the highest circumcisers so that isnt true at all.
The odd thing is they already embrace christianity. Its like Hitler said christianity birthed Bolshevism.
lmao okay buddy nice arguments you got there.
cope harder
It does not protect you from "teh aidz", Americans are the most sexually active circumcised group in the world and have a 10-20% higher STD rate compared to Europeans. Hygiene is not an argument if you shower once in 3 days anyways, it's arbitrary and it would be more useful to give girls hoodectomies and labiaplasties since they produce more smegma and will need more thorough cleaning.
I agree, but my only real point is you keep taking tangental roads instead of addressing his primary point because you think throwing garbage in front of yourself gives you runway. Newsflash: It doesn't. He's made several points about it circumcision and Christianity, you haven't said shit beyond the literary equivalent of holding your nose in the air and snorting. While I have been moving closer to christianity lately, I always back off because I encounter dipshits like you who are so functionally retarded I have to rethink my orientation in that direction. XW/L4r7P has made a reasonable point that is supported internally throughout his posts. Christianity is cancer for whites. It may have pulled us out of the dark ages, but it's killing us now. Liberal values are just the secular version of christianity. Everybody may be equal before the eyes of the lord in your eyes, but they aren't here on earth so you can go fuck yourself. You dont understand shit and this is again (SHOCKER) not an argument. Maybe someday you will stop skipping from logical fallacy to logical fallacy for every fucking post. Here specifically you are guilty of a more classic ad hominem, tu quoque and personal incredulity. Disgusting representative for your cause.
One thing I can appreciate about Jow Forums is it's not afraid to discuss political issues everyone else keeps hiding under the rug.
>10 For there are many rebellious people, full of meaningless talk and deception, especially those of the circumcision group.
>11 They must be silenced, because they are disrupting whole households by teaching things they ought not to teach—and that for the sake of dishonest gain.
>12 One of Crete’s own prophets has said it: “Cretans are always liars, evil brutes, lazy gluttons.”
>13 This saying is true. Therefore rebuke them sharply, so that they will be sound in the faith
>14 and will pay no attention to Jewish myths or to the merely human commands of those who reject the truth.
>15 To the pure, all things are pure, but to those who are corrupted and do not believe, nothing is pure. In fact, both their minds and consciences are corrupted.
>16 They claim to know God, but by their actions they deny him. They are detestable, disobedient and unfit for doing anything good.
People who circumsize their children can't call themselves christian, period. the bible is quite clear that christ was to be the end of flesh sacrifice. forever.
>My intentions? Ive made them clear. To end mutilating kids and put an end to the garbage that started it in the first place. Abrahamic religion is a fucking disease.
Christianity forbids circumcision. One manifestation of the underlying truth that makes it a superior faith to sand nigger garbage.
FGM is far more serious since it desensitizes women while circumcision isn't that big of a deal. Every male child should be circumcised.
>you beat me: the post
oy vey
Ive addressed this "forbidding" of circumcision already go and read up.
Christianity is "sandnigger garbage".
Kill yourself dumb tripnigger.
Male circumcision removes more flesh than 99% of female circumcisions
Male circumcisions remove more nerves than female circumcision.
Foreskin has more functional importance than the clit, as the clit is just for pleasure. The foreskin protects the glans, that prevent calloses called keritinization forming on the head. Circumcision increases both premature ejaculation in young men and erectile dysfunction in older men. The foreskin has langerhans cells that fight STDs. The foreskin reduces pain and dryness in women, and increases their orgasms from just vaginal simulation.
1 in 300 or so women are circumcisied. 1 in 3 men are circumcised.
Women don't all have type Ib/III circumcisions that includes clitidectomy. There is type Ia/IIII which night just remove the hood or a symbolic pin prick which is still illegal in many place. Men's circumcisions can be botched causing skin bridges, 90 degree curves, secondary holes, and even loss of the glans or entire penis.
To say it's a false equivalency is true, but the reality is that male circumcision is worse, which is a hard pill to swallow.
>I'm still losing: The exciting sequel to "You Beat Me"
Yes goy it's bad when it happens to girls it desensitizes them while it's beneficial to boys even though the structures that are destroyed are more sensitive and made to protect his glans.
oy gevalt
- deprives you of the natural sexual experience
- disables normal functions of a normal penis
- early childhood sexual trauma
- puts children at risk of accidents/malpractice/infections/complications
- ugly scar
- dry cock head, desensitizes until you die
- extreme discomfort/pain in cold temperatures
i think the cons are a little more serious, my lazy jewfriend.
>Join us for the 3rd installment of the exciting "You Beat Me" Trilogy: I Can't Argue
oy direcht
>It relieves you of cleaning your penis.
The jews never clean their penises
We cannot be made whole again until the next round, but we can take ourselves back.
I'm still waiting for foregen but it sucks I just want to be normal.
Interesting, they seem to be relatively far along in their roadmap. I wish them luck. I've acquiesced to not being whole in this lifetime but the practice ends with me.
That is infactnot true, if you look at a chart that showcases the start of the circumcision revolution in america you can see a great decline compared to the forecasted statistics
Cicumcision if done correctly by a rabbi that was trained in Israel will have no impack on the sensitivity of the head, will have no scarring, no trauma as they forget it anyway
Forgen may never happen, I highly suggest tugging as a plan A and forgen as a plan B.
>t. one month in and already noticed a difference.