The socks tho

The socks tho

Attached: yriBYNe.jpg (505x898, 43K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Jews are pedophiles so this checks out

>Saves pic


Attached: Yikes.png (500x611, 180K)

white men are pedophiles, that's why my husband is chinese.

Fishnets are noice. That loli appears to have a bit much forehead though. Still good for cuddling and cumming in

Attached: b405e24843bc401489850afc29a5de95_A.png (265x472, 159K)

my husband is Chinese, you retard.
Last I checked I'm not married to a pan faced fat gook with a white husband.

Attached: D6Lapx4UwAASrPl.jpg (1536x1944, 549K)

No one cares that you are a rice queen faggot

You talk to your husband with that mouth? Slut.

East asians are open pedos, just check their porn, they don't even hide it that they love tender women.

Attached: D6LEiS7V4AAlCqe.jpg (2048x1536, 265K)

No one cares faggot

Attached: 7CC.gif (207x150, 182K)

You married a Canadian? Sucks to be you, whore


This is not fucking true. White countries have the highest age of consent of the entire world.
Asians are the biggest pedophiles of 1st world countries they love underaged girls. Look at how much lolishit Japan produces.
In any 3rd world country they're marrying 12 year olds left and right.

You are brainwashed if you think whites are the biggest pedos when it is a fact they are the least pedophilic culture on Earth.

>White men recognize used goods.

The word "pedophile" is like the word "racist", it gets brown around so much, it has no meaning and no one cares

Just like how whites get blamed for slavery when white people owned less slaves than any other race on Earth. The Muslim, African, and Asian slave trades were vastly bigger.

i'd smash that so fucking hard

What’s the source?

oh my

Get the fuck off it kike

Why's there cunny posting on Jow Forums???

Daily nice.

Attached: disgust.gif (213x199, 341K)

i want a qt doll to buy cute clothes for

Fucking pedophile piece of shit.

back 2 reddit faggot..

Nope. Being a pedohpile has a very black and white definition unlike racism. If you want to fuck an underage girl you are a pedophile

My dick moved when I looked at that picture

wat do?

no but you are a fat white slag, married to an insect, so good on you

are you... larping?

You aren't fucking anything so no need to worry

yes hello fbi?

>White men are pdeophiles
>Jamal, Xiang, Pedro, and N'gumbo violate and sodomise their underage nieces and nephews and no one says a word because it's literally ingrained in their culture so statistics reflect a skewed representation
But remember, Jews and Muslims are the biggest pedos of all.

wait for sharia law.

Attached: 5a0c2524cac1d.png (671x559, 1M)

she kinda looks native

Children should be sacred not sexed up, unless she was your bride.
You see how this works? This is the next push by the international Jew. On GOT there was that 14 year girl (older in real life) old fucking that guy , seemingly out of nowhere.
They want you talking about it until you're okay with it too, like Satan is.
The truth is there are few things more evil than seducing sexualizing and fucking children

>brown around

Attached: DykD6YRXcAAbBuy.jpg (1536x2048, 457K)

you try telling that "theory" to the father of the kid youre trying to molest, I'm sure he will be open to your sound logic

Classic shill answer the pedo shit shilling is obvious.

just come out m8, nobody cares you're a faggot

Yeah but why would this surprise you given what these women do when they pay for prostitution services. Go look at the lineup in a Japanese host club. Late teens to early 20s dudes with makeup and boyish haircuts.

well its not like I wasnt already on a list

Attached: 1404107136635.jpg (720x460, 35K)

FBI won't do shit about twinks dancing for money what makes you think this image in OP means shit?

Anyone who puts sex on a pedestal as an end all be all is a virgin and has low self esteem

May help current investigations who knows

They look trashy. Regular knee high socks and a longer dress(?) would've been much cuter, but it's Tel Aviv, so I can't really expect anything different from some kikes and their little jewess offspring

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that's an adult you can see the shaved pubes. nice try.

for anyone who says whites are the pedos:

I don't and you are still a virgin, faggot

Young girlchildren are made for sex, don't be a fag. Of course if is man who doesn't own her sexes girl that is rape. But man can sex any girl he owns, its age doesn't matter.
>what in a fick, pedo on Jow Forums?
Why don't you newfags just leave?

Attached: asdf.png (880x541, 46K)

eh good point. but this is a little girl and for some reason people easier realise it's fucked up when it's a girl

I want to commit a crime

>very black and white definition
>underage (

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14 per 1000. Jesus fucking christ almighty.

Attached: ItsNotGoingToGetBetter.jpg (500x500, 21K)

why are you in this thread?


Yeesh. That is tacky af, mane.

Keep in mind that's just the reported. Something tells me injuns and niggers won't report sexual contact as frequently as others

>FBI won't do shit about twinks dancing for money what makes you think this image in OP means shit?
they unironically go after CP wayyy harder than IRL child molesters... read up on it.
what makes you assume that the American justice system is logical?


Jews are cumming.

Attached: sephardic-ashkenazi-rabbis.jpg (1024x682, 121K)

Jews are cumming

>Something tells me injuns and niggers won't report sexual contact as frequently as others
It's a part of their culture, so why would they?

Thinly veiled Pedo thread
Fuck off OP you ridiculous hue monkey wait until they are teenagers, and never post again