Feeling suicidal. How much lithium and seroquel do I need to take for a lethal dose that I won’t throw up?

Feeling suicidal. How much lithium and seroquel do I need to take for a lethal dose that I won’t throw up?

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You'd have an easier time with antihistamines/unisom sleep tablets.

Listen to this song. The world is still beautiful despite those who have tried to destroy it. youtube.com/watch?v=4_tJgsEfGfs

Apparently it’s really hard to overdose on antihistamines and they usually just cause hallucinations and a bunch of other weird symptoms.

I liked the flute. It’s just hard to find he beauty in anything. All I feel is constant unease.

Unease? About what friend?

checked. Things will get better fren. Love you nohomo

Maybe try not taking anti-depressants that obviously aren't working.

Those won’t kill you user, you’ll just end up in a psych ward and your life will be worse than it is now

Just hold your breath until you die.

Don't kill yourself, it's not worth it. There is more to life that you have yet to experience.

Learn helpful lessons from Buddhism!

It’s really hard to pinpoint. Basically I worry something is going to go wrong all the time. I recently was diagnosed with bipolar type 1, and while the treatments help a little, I still have really bad anxiety. I always worry that I’m being watched, or someone is going to hurt me, or that if I leave my house I’ll end up having a panic attack. I spend most of my days inside and have trouble with always feeling dizzy, like my thoughts are moving to fast, or tremors throughout my body.

Just do it you weak faggot

>Those won’t kill you user, you’ll just end up in a psych ward and your life will be worse than it is now

this wouldn't be too bad if they didn't have to confiscate your guns. i could see myself living as a crazy person in a psych ward, not a care in the world. sounds comfy.

Just use a 12 gauge shotgun. Everything else is too risky. You can get a basic nigger-tier pump brand new for $200 or less.
If you fuck suicide up, you're going to wake up disabled and trapped in a worse hell than you could ever imagine. Do not fuck it up by trying to overdose or do any other retarded shit. Blow your brains to pieces with a 12 gauge slug and call it a night.
But honestly, don't do it. It's not going to solve your problems. Find God and develop some form of enthusiasm for the future. The ride is just beginning, things are going to get exciting.
And also, if you commit suicide, you will be separated from God for eternity! Just a consideration to make

Just take 100mg of seroquel. It will numb the pain and let you sleep for at least 6 hours. Re evaluate your life in the am and think positive. If you force yourself to re set and think positive every time you start to drift into misery your life situation will improve. You have to think positive for positive things to happen. It's a universal law and has worked for me personally. I wish you the best.

I know the feeling. I really do, you should do some writing and research to keep you occupied and delve into alternate history.

>he doesn't knows about the freezing method
You deserve to stay alive

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Normalfag cope, it does not get better (believe me) just find a high whatever and jump off.

Thanks for the support guys. I should probably just talk to my doctor about switching me to other meds. It just gets exhausting being stuck in your head all day.

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user, go see somebody RIGHT NOW. It can be a friend, family, whatever; maybe even just go to the hospital.
Don't an hero. You'd be wasting a lot of potential unnecessarily. Remind yourself that the mental anguish will eventually end.

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You will die eventually better just ride it out and try to improve; I've been there so many times. It happens to most of us. What r ur problems? Start with one at a time

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If you feel depressed learn try learning something new. Find something that you are good at and practice at it until you are good at it. this helped me to get out of my depression.

Pills are a horrible way to die, slow, painful, and usually someone finds you before you actually die so you just end up in the psych ward.

These are hardcore times indeed

What a surprise, a worthless attention whore... you should have necked yourself.

shhh, that's the point.
DPH or other alkaloids will sort him out ;)

dont do it

dont fucking do it

we need you for the race war

Nice digits user, dont give up. It's always darkest before the dawn.

You can be whatever you want to be, it is certainly not too late. All it takes is some faith in God. I understand your feels though, as the lunacy has kicked into high gear in the last couple years desu

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I actually already took 200mg. I currently have to take 200 at night and 200 during the day to deal with anxiety. I take 300mg of lithium in the morning and 600mg at night. The pills are supposed to numb me and make me sleep, but I think I just got used to the sedative effects.

Have you completed your government mandated gender transition yet?

I have the same problem dude go hiking in nature it makes me feel better.

stop obsessing over yourself you petulant little faggot
fucking GROW UP

Gravity is undefeated.

Not really, can you see out of your slitty-eyes yet though, gook?

Don't try to poison yourself, you'll more than likely end up just fucking yourself over and becoming braindead or crippled. If you're going to do it then blow your brains out with a shotgun or jump of a cliff, like a man, not like a fucking girl looking for attention. But don't do it user, we'll all die soon enough, play the hand you're dealt and see how it turns out.

Take some St. John's Wort instead of popping Seroquel. It won't kill you, it'll just make you less suicidal.

How do you know? Lots of people with mental illness end up dragging everyone around them down as they spiral down. Some get better, some don’t.


Jordan Peterson can help you friend.

For some reason I can’t stand the idea of shooting myself with a shotgun. If I were to an hero I would just use a handgun while standing in several feet of water. Seems pretty foolproof.

All of it and wash it down with bleach.

You need a purpose, bro. Real life goal to achieve. And even more - the idea. You really need something to belive in. Start with it and remember - big things have small beginnings.

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Please, we need you. Please don't. We care about you.

Who cares what type of gun it is? it's quick and painless ffs.

Kek, no "we" don't.

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Who wronged you?

Live stream it

>Normalfag tier response

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I bet nobody did, it's himself whos trying to larp idongiveafuck but deep inside even more depressd than anyone else pic related

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>wants to """die""" like a bitch with some pills
fuck off attention whore

or he is just a mudslime nigger

evem me???

Thread theme, well worth the listen.

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take the lead pill

Not really, but it could be worse, I could be living in a pseudo-3rd world shithole who's only relevant culture is squatting down and drinking... faggot.

If you really wanted to, you would already be dead.

fren, let me help.

go outside and run as hard and far as you can and try to kill yourself by going so hard your heart explodes. If it doesn’t work, try again tomorrow with even more effort. Don’t give up at trying to make your heart explode!

I don't know what you are going through with bipolar disorder, but I know the anxiety and dizziness. I took prescribed meds for a while and they really messed me up. The worst one changed my personality. Everything made me really angry.
The absolute best things that helped me were not prescriptions. I went for a walk every day in the sun and did not eat sugar. When I took it a step further and ate low carb, it made a huge difference. My energy and mood were very level. It was the best I have felt in my life.
Life may never be great, but it can be not bad.

You should overdose on stoicism instead

We love you here regardless of who has wronged you.

About 3.50, fren

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Neck yourself

I've got a super bad Anxiety ,Panic Attacks harm OCD basically I fell like I'm dying 24/7 and it fucking sucks i'm on my 5th different and have been drinking and popping Xanax and smoking weed. Not much helps all I can say is that nothing last forever and you will feel better. You've got to get your meds dialed in.

Live for revenge user. That's what keeps me going, that's what helps me lift and keeps me focused. My hatred and spite towards those traitors who sold out our country and our future for a little financial security. And to those welfare leeches who cry about how hard they have it while downing another bottle of tax-funded Hennessy and neglecting their bastard children. You can whether the storm, you can outlive this filth and the collapse they'll bring down on our heads. Live for revenge.

Well in this case the pills are fucking with you. I am not sure about lithium but you can kick seroquel with no withdrawal. I took seroquel every day for 7 months when I was in jail waiting for trial. (I won my case btw it was a bs domestic charge) and when I got out I didn't re up on seroquel and had no withdrawal. You need to get off the pills and start with light exercise then get a routine going. If there are any sports you enjoy playing get into that. Don't drink alcohol or smoke weed get sober go to 12 step meetings and talk to people that have been through hell and are doing well now and have found God. Aa, na or ca will do. Exercise and stay sober pray and go to a church and be around caring and considerate people. You can do something good with your life. Just stop poisoning yourself and get healthy and be positive. Don't kill yourself you can be of help to someone else once you clean up and that will give you purpose.

don''t user you're an amazing person we need people like you

We still do. :)

Legit advice here, user.
May I also add in the healing powers of decent sauerkraut? Eat at least a handful every day.

Daily reminder;

> Anybody who suffers from mental illness is a weak breed, should be killed.
> If you are white, please have the grace and respect to not reproduce.
> Neck yourselves and save yourselves from suffering, you dont need to suffer. Nor make us fellow whites suffer.

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At the very least, cut the drinking and replace it with more weed.

>current year
>taking lithium
is your psychiatrist 90 years old? take lamotrigine you cuck

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Don't do it. I feel you fren. Attend a church group even if you don't believe it. Find a routine. Better yourself and find a passion, cooking did it for me - when you can make a good dish and serve it to whoever you find, you'll absolutely melt when they appreciate it.

Stay stronk.

This. I was misdiagnosed with bipolar (was just depression but my meds caused mania), put on 5 medications, and it basically ruined my life. I moved, changed my career, and started running and everything improved.

I'm seeing a lot more typing, and a lot less necking yourself user.

*Pst, Not gonna happen.

Do this, faggit

Nah do it, fuck you OP

CP u ju

Pedophile jew detected

I wouldn't bet money on that, but whatever...


No, no, no, no, no. You've tried all this before. Do it. Everyone that has ever been born has or will die. Do it.

Literally zero, trust me on this one. It will work eventually.

Bet a billion, I love life despite people turning it into shit.

You know user some of this anons have a point, you should chill cook some tortillas and DO A FLIP FAGGOT.


I know the feeling, the pain with no end in such. That was until I spent a few years with Lord Kekage of South Hampton and my life changed for the better. Always darkest before dawn

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no, you do live in 3rd world shithole filled up with mudslimes, niggers and pakis who rape your children on a daily basis. or - what is more possible - you are the one.

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OP, don't listen to this guy DO A FLIP FAGGOT instead. I have faith in your skills, you'll come out unscathed.

Momo... i...



Muhammad... i...


Don't give up user.
Also check out these links.


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The queen is surely pleased.

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>I love life despite people turning it into shit.
>people turning it into shit.
>into shit.

No shit, and like I said I wouldn't go betting on anything just yet.

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I used to cook Japs back in Guam. Le sniff, good times with friends and foes.

Fuck off and drink vodka till you die Ivan.

That shit doesn't work on me fag, i'm used to digging foxholes.

Who was evening trying fren?