In response to the latest media reports...

>In response to the latest media reports, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Poland would like to announce that the visit of Israeli delegation headed by Mr. Avi Cohen-Scali, the Director General of the Israeli Ministry for Social Equality, in Warsaw on 13 May will not take place.

>Poland decided to cancel the visit of Israeli officials after the Israeli side made last minute changes in the composition of the delegation suggesting that the talks would primarily focus on the issues related to property restitution.

Are will in the clear or will they bow to Israel via email?

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>in the clear?
Never know with (((them)))
>bow to Israel via email?
Way better than openly bowing and sucking their cocks. At least your gov. is standing up against their threats in the public space.

How stereotypically Jewish

Will Poland finally denounce Israel for destroying Europe in WWII? Will they openly support Palestine? Will they admit the hall of cost was fake and legalize investigation? Let's find out.

>Will they openly support Palestine?
How is it our business to support some Muslims in the middle east? We want everyone to fuck off. Israel can't fuck off for some reason. They push and push. Why? Are they asking for it? That's retarded!

No Palestinian ever made me sit through a sob story of a fake genocide.

The genocide is real but Israel is acting like Nazi Germany. They get to invade Palestine and holocaust everyone yet they want more ,more more!

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They ran Poland and most of Europe before the Germans dumped them into pits. This is their coping mechanism.

Attached: bry1c8w.jpg (2400x1186, 269K)

So they are still running "everything" or not? Which one is it?

>holocaust class
I still cannot believe it

They control investment banking, political financing and the American media in 2019. After the Great Depression hit they brought in foreign capital and bought up virtually all of Poland for nothing. Hitler meticulously removed from them Central and Eastern Europe.

>t. long nose tribe

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You seem angry. Why?

why do you think? just look at the language he used. thats why we need holocaust 2.0 - the real deal. if you give them an inch on this property grab, i will personally mount a horse and charge into israel like a winged hussar and reduce it to rubble

I don't hate regular Jews. I have issues with Israel state policies. That still makes me a Nazi, right? Why is this idiot attacking me for posting real news?

USA gave Nukes to Israel and JFK died for trying to stop it.

because you are from Poland, where there is 99% racial homogeneity

you are a threat to jews
jews can only feel non-threatened by whites if they do not exist

jews always push too much
hence why they have been kicked out over a hundred times of a nation

jews are never satisfied
this is why they always end up shooting themselves in the foot

Fuck isreal why would Poland give them anything. Fucking kikes trying to steal from Poland

because kikes are now re-writing history (yet again), to say that Poland was actually full of people who hurt and stole from jews
that the tales of the pollacks risking their lives for jews are exagerated
ah and the professor is a jew with ties to israel

>hitler removed jews
nope he didn't
also jews had more power in Poland after than before the war after communism sucked us dry they were emigrating in the 60s and after communism collapsed but some stayed
>The anti-Jewish campaign had already begun in 1967. The policy was carried out in conjunction with the Soviet withdrawal of all diplomatic relations with Israel after the Six-Day War, but also involved a power struggle within the Polish communist party itself. The subsequent purges within the ruling party, led by Mieczysław Moczar and his faction, failed to topple Gomułka's government, but resulted in an exile from Poland of thousands of individuals of Jewish ancestry, including professionals, party officials and secret police functionaries. In carefully staged public displays of support, factory workers across Poland were assembled to publicly denounce Zionism.[3][4] At least 13,000 Poles of Jewish origin emigrated in 1968–72 as a result of being fired from their positions and various other forms of harassment.[5][6][7]

on 359 occasions may i add

Great Poland! Get into our comfy US to kill list, just between Russia and China. Between Russia and Iran if u try good enough.

yeah bro
why don't you take care of your women, so they don't end up sex slaves to jews in Israel ?


Will bow, PiS already "stood up for Poland" in public for support several times, only to betray us behind the curtains

I hope they get BTFO'd in both upcoming elections. I will never forgive them for barring me from working on Sunday. Fucking commies.