Do Africans see themselves as human...

Do Africans see themselves as human? We obviously see them as some type of apes but i wonder how can they themselves look into mirror (invented by humans) and think "that's a human being"?

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That thing is not the same as me I don't care what anyone says.


>Do Africans see themselves as human?
They really do. It's astounding.

Mental health and neuro-psychological assessment of the typical politically incorrect poster.

Pepe Frog, MD, MPH, PhD, Wojack Feel Guy,MD, PhD
University of Kek,Meme State

Every three or four threads created on the board you will find one discussing blacks and even threads having nothing to do with them will often times have some user/anons who feel it necessay to drag them into the conversation.Behind all the hate, behind all the monkey and KANGZ memes,Tyrone sheeit comics,gifs,demotivational pictures, and webms - pol/ users secretly admire the Negro.The raw brass confident masculinity that they possess which they are quick to compare to a feral animal,and yet at the
same time acknowledge is what women truly desire at their core and what is lacking in many white heterosexual unions.Their intrinsic ruggedness that enables them to stamp their mark on any field of physical activity that they enter.The amazing sense of rhythm that they naturally seem to possess that they liken to ape gesticulations and yet are oh so majestic to witness.Then there is the stereotype of the black man's sexuality,particularly his phallus.It has become a bodily protuberance of myth and legend.There is a reason that r/AsianMasculinity trolls are laughed off while BBC and Blacked generates anger and solemn disdain.For where the Asian man's masculinity is considered a joke the black man's is a threat to be taken with utmost seriousness,for there may be a kernel of truth to it.Is it a coincidence that of all the races of men it is the black man whose masculinity has become a meme? Based on our assessment,Dr. Wojack and I have thus concluded that pol/ is a board populated with manic depressive autistic schizoid individuals afflicted with a sort of Jungian-Pavlovian psycho-pathological negro-complex.

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They might think of themselves as humans, but its more like they think of themselves as the "real" humans and whites as some alien parasite that stole their gibs

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niggers believe the whole diversity bullshit, even african niggers. they're extremely delusional and ignore everything that hurts their feelings.

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This is a good question!
How do africans see themselves?

Idk perhaps. I had a friend of mine. Who turned black like that one day. That lady is Chinese btw. We were walking and some guy aimed a device at him. Like duke nukem. All the sudden his hair started curling and curling and some of it fell off. Then his skin began to contour and change color. Ever since then I think true blacks are few. As many African historians believe I do too. True blacks have round faces. The rest are decoys if war to propagate white.

>This established that roughly eight per cent of their DNA comes from a yet unknown 'ghost' species.

>(((Harvard researcher)))


Hey guys, I found the missing link. No need to thank me.

ay dios mio...
el americano...

>That lady is Chinese btw.
No, its a capoid.

Well, no, when they look in a mirror they think they're looking at a rival african.

basically he thinks woman desire this. unfortunately for him both common sense and empirical data go against his hypothesis.

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microcephally before any asks

someone needs to gene test this guys because I think he is a Cro Magnun

okay now explain this:pro tip you can't

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I like him

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Simple. That's a goblin.

Jesus Christy. That is the type of person I avoid eye contact and pretty much every other forms of contact you can conceive.

She's saying she wants to eat your ass.

Niggers dont know what ”human” is to begin with

I would totally work in that ghetto ass liquor store if I was safely behind 10" of bullet proof glass, allowed to conceal carry a handgun to work (so I don't get robbed on my way to my car) and allowed to get stoned on the job.

It would be non-stop laughter.


That's not a Bantu and it doesn't belong to the Congoid race, it's a Khoisan and it's a Capoid. Don't rag on them too hard, they're not the ones responsible for all the violence in Africa, they're self destructive but not really outwardly destructive. Their people got nearly wiped out Congoids.

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It appears that species is no longer unknown

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They definately see themselves as something completely different than whites. They are smart enough to know that. They have a concept of species and they were completely aware they are a different than whites.
Most of them cope with we wuz kang speak

this is considered white in america

>Do Africans see themselves as human

The problem is that niggers have bought into white virtue signaling. If it weren't for white feel-gooders running around trying to convince everyone niggers were human I think think niggers would know their place.

This thing might be the direct ancestor of Homo Neanderthalensis.

Does it matter? I care more about what my dog thinks about going to the vet than how a negro sees itself.


You faggot obviously that's a European

Well yeah. Neanderthals were smarter than humans. They were killed off because Nogs were more aggressive.

>They were killed off because Nogs were more aggressive.

Where is your proof of this? Where is your proof they were even nogs?

FBI crime statistics

I don't know, white are getting cucked pretty hard by them so-called apes. makes you wonder how retarded the white really are.

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We're all apes, idiot

t Nigger

Some of us are more evolved than others. That's the whole fucking point you retarded chimp


hi cracker, I have an IQ higher than you, let that sink in

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More evolved for civilized society, yes. Niggers never discovered agriculture or lives in large groups of people for millennia.

Posting the same image over and over is all so tiresome.

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yet they'll inherit the Earth

Show nose

they are a separate sub-species, at least.

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>they'll inherit the Earth
say goodbye to clean water, reliable electricity and utilities, road upkeep, modern medicine, functional industry...

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Because white man is too nice

they cant recognize themselves in a mirror

maybe, maybe not.
but white is sure never coming back.

>maybe, maybe not.
it isn't up for debate. niggers take over and infrastructure crumbles

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if that was a white girl i would let her eat my ass

nigger fantasies are funny

ever notice how nigger fantasies don't extend past today?

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That wall
>tldr nigger

an inverted gypsy like you cannot comprehend the truth, but i'll tell you anyway. when you say whites will disappear and will never return, you actually mean gypsy kikes. you didn't even study your own dark inversion magic. you are to be sacrificed to molech in a true holocaust. that's the result of your entire life's work.

Nairobi, Lagos, Accra, Addis Ababa, Kampala, Windhoek etc...

I'll wait and see if they collapse. but I know what you mean. I just think overtime the top 10% would take the lead and prosper.


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literally the only good thing about African history IS white people. The only hope in living hell these yard apes have is what we gave them. Islamic/Jewish hordes swept their continent around 1000AD and took slaves (who were ALREADY SLAVES by their own battling tribes) . White people came in, did what the Africans/Jews/Arabs had been doing for hundreds of years and improved the conditions of their countries by one hundred fold and for some strange reason are considered the reason why Africa is fucked. Really makes you think... So basically , not humans, just butt hurt morons

well its not like they came up with that on their own, some jew or gay white fuck put it in their head that we are the same species

of course you do, you meme flag jew

I think they're more likely to see themselves as human than they do other races.

can you tl;dr that. i'm too drunk to read it

White Like in the UK, being cucked so hard by muslim and Somali, they litterally offering their kids and kingdom to the non-white.

>muh super IQ.

You must be aware that africans that have not been under european rule have not yet discovered the wheel, right?
They have yet to develop written language either.

It is 2019.
The phoenicians, greeks, egyptians, indians, had written language 3400 years ago.
It's mindboggling.

Sorry. Do a little more research than brain size. That extra percentage humans had was dedicated to smell. So big fucking whoop. Sight > Smell

Nafris and Sub-saharans are nothing but monkeys

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dear god that is an ugly man

I forget the source but I either heard or read about a very interesting conversation relating to this. A foreign white guy was speaking with an african from some previously-colonized african country. The subject of the conversation shifted to african countries and their different levels of development. The African's response to the question of "why are these undeveloped countries doing so poorly?" and the african responds "because they were never colonized."

i'll try to find it real quick

it's ok to be a white retard too.

I can take a pic of some white living in the gutter too.

give it time. they are slowly emerging from their stupidity

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Pic related. True story.

My best friend was forced by his employer to go to Dakar, Senegal. They have a project there in the port. He fought off going for month and in the end was forced to go there.

So the local niggers tried to rape him.

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and yet these cities exist and the worker are black that can read. crazy right ?

>built by whites

How much do you want to bet that the architects, civil engineers, electrical engineers, surveyors, were all white?

>they are slowly emerging from their stupidity
what selection pressure is increasing their iq? to me it seems like the population is exploding, and with average iq's ranging from 70-80 i'm not seeing the mechanism of reducing stupidity

>vision and smell is all there is in the brain
you're the neanderthal lol

You imply that all Africans live like that or something? You're more retarded than a tribal nig.

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Not only is this untrue… the headline has a grammar mistake.

Where is that because it looks like anytown usa.

Neanderthal had much bigger brains than humans, but didn't have the ability for complex language due to their vocal cords/larynx. They were able to live in Europe without all the stuff we need to survive in the cold.
Humans interbred with them to some extent, but humans also were forced to develop the ego in order to compete with them. So humans developed a conceptual mind that was able to think in terms of time, planning ahead, and also humans developed the drive to wage war in cohesive groups. Only humans who were migrating out of Africa developed this stuff, and also interbreeding with neanderthal helped, too.
Competing with neanderthals forced humans to evolve the ability to think strategically, and to identify threats and destroy them. Neanderthals had a lot of intelligence, but it wasn't really the same as ours. They were more like super intelligent nature boy hippie apes. They also might have been into eating humans. We won through to our cunning
It would be awesome to try and crispr a neaderthal human hybrid with at least 50% neanderthal DNA. We share 99% of the same DNA, and whites have up to 4% unique Neanderthal DNA.

Yes, and koko the gorilla scored 82 in the standardized stanford-binet IQ test. Is koko human?
Sub-saharan african average IQ according to WAIS is 68. Are sub-saharan africans human?

bump my thread

The flaggit flaps its sticky fingers yet again

maybe if they had their own written language and could read, they wouldn't realize only the most recent occurrence of their sad pathetic tragic lives. But that's like asking a monkey to not fling its shit.

>posts a quasi-colony, entirely built by whites.

Are you being facetious?

looks comfy

that one is obviously a meme, ya dip

nope, now most of them are black.

just like black that work with me in 3D or Engineering.

>You must be aware that africans that have not been under european rule have not yet discovered the wheel, right?
They have yet to develop written language either.

Ethiopia had its own written language which is one of the oldest written languages besides (9th/8th BC) long before many European peoples had their own. They had the wheel too... castles even...

It was all good until
>Only humans who were migrating out of Africa developed this stuff

Out of africa hypothesis is passe, practically no one in academia entertains it ever since computational phylogenetics became a thing.

did I imply that ? no.
I only stated that the top 10% black will certainly live in these cities while the other 90% monkey will fight themselves to death while no white to be seen around.

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No retarded chimp. I'm relaying the research you are too stupid to search for yourself. While neanderthals had a large area dedicated to sight, humans larger area was dedicated to smell. What part of that do you not understand. Should I smell some shit on the wall in the form of a diagram? Would you be more comfortable with that?

Did you learn that in your african cultural studies course?
You can readily refute yourself with a simple google search, you know.

I wasn't reply to you. Look again.