Game of Thrones metaphor for Globalism

Imperfect world with rulers murdering and squabbling amongst each other gets replaced with satanic dragon queen commanding hordes of Dothraki(muslims) and Unsullied(africans).

Do you miss Cersei yet?

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No but I miss Robert, the boomer king.

its judaism not "globalism" judaism they believe in evil to control, syphon, steal, loot artificially prop the government are productions staged fake for their "interests"

>Do you miss Cersei yet?

Why would we miss a cunt who started all this shit? King Jon will take over the enthostate and kill the niggers that his hormone infused queen brought over.

Young Robert could have taken out Drogon with one swing, Gods he was strong then

no because cersei was literally feminism and it got wrecked just like it will in reality soon enough

they way i see it
>danny represent white womens with power ( the rigth to vote)
>With her power (the rigth to vote)she bring unsullied(niggers) and dothraki(muslims) to europe (westeros)
>everyone on twitter cheer for danny and her army of immigrants
>by her action (danny) she unleash her army on the capital
>brainwash by extreme left wing ideology she goes insane and want to see (literally) the west burn
>her army of immigrants start raping and killing womens and childrens
>while jon (the white man) watch in despair
>the twitter crowd still cheer for her to burn it all down (the west)

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Cersei was the real mad queen. Pissing off Dany is always the wrong move.

Cersei was a boomer wine mom.

Dany was a traitor to her own kingdom.

he would have fornicated with it knowing that degenerate stooge

I stopped watching sftr season 6, what happened to cersei? she was one of my favorite characters.

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i thought it was great episode but i thought what dany did was so stupid that it only leaves 1 option for the last episode and that kinda sucks.

she dead, the show sucks dick now, the white walkers get beat in one episode and same for the lannisters.

Best take.

>Cersei did nothing wrong
Well, I mean, she did all kinds of shit that was wrong, but the point is she was actually more or less right about what was happening geopolitically.

At least the 7 kingdoms were united under one rule and are multicultural now. White bigots and their stupid culture got btfod. Free Dothraki mudhuts for everyone!

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All the important characters developed over 6 seasons are garbage now. Except Arya, she's some kind of metaninga now.

meh, I expected as much which is why I stopped watching the show.

I was spoiled baelishes death by youtube recommendations and I found that I was not even mad, knowing that he went out in such a retarded manner. personally I was rooting for him(maybe because he started out as a commoner more or less, or maybe because I like his machinations).

but after season 6 I was expecting it to end in muh girl power. so yeah I dropped it because I did not want to be disappointed.

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I miss the High Sparrow for sure. Westerosi nobility desperately need some kind of institutional counterweight and the church did a good job of that in real history.

this is the folly of modern writers: they assume that what makes a 'strong' character is the ability to solve external conflicts. when in reality what makes a strong character is the ability to solve internal conflicts. modern writers are retarded beta cucks who are too weak to analyze their own motivational structure and thus they cannot construe of motivational structures as such and how one could reconstruct them. because they are unable to do this, the characters they write always turn out to be shallow "good guys" and "bad guys".

I recently listened to some audiobook in which the MC just sat there and cried like a bitch after another character burned his house down(the mc knew this) almost killing him and his mother. whats more another older character showed up and instead of telling him to man up and to go and get some revenge and shit, he went and cried along with him. it was the most pathetic thing I have ever listened to in my life.

I can only assume that the retarded author who wrote some retarded shit like that assumed that MC is a good person, good people do not get angry, therefore mc cannot get angry.

what disheartens me the most about the shit is that the shit was able to pass through 2 filters somehow.

sorry for the long comment but this shit really pisses me off whenever I think about it.

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Stopped watching when they did the Right Proper King of Westeros in. It was obvious it would be nothing but contrivances from then on out. It's not even that I didn't expect him to eventually get killed off, but they really screwed up his whole arc

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Because the writers just accurately displayed what would happen if some stupid white whore was put in a position of leadership. It's hilarious that the story went in this direction, and props to the writers for being truthful. I'm sure George RR Martin intended for the story to go in this direction anyway, and they were simply staying true to the plot.

In any case, let's review Danny's plotline:

>Born as privileged white girl
>Goes around fucking tons of brown cock
>Put in a position of influence by fucking brown cock
>Betrays her brother. Let's the nigger she was fucking pour a pot of boiling metal on him, burning him to death.
>Gets gifted with dragons, because she's a privileged white slut from a lineage of warriors who happen to be dragonriders.
>Uses dragons to go around the entirety of the Eastern continent destroying all stability and social order. Overthrows ancient families and dynastys. Literally releases slaves and all kinds of POC on formerly orderly societies to rape and destroy. Basically establishes "social justice" and pseudo-communism.
>Travels to Westeros, the land she claims a "right" to, and begins doing the same thing.
>Brings armies of brown foreigners to rape and pillage.
>Genocides noble houses in excessive and brutal ways.
>Starts having sex with Jon Snow, because she quickly identifies him as the alpha male of the north.
>Manipulates him into accepting her as queen, offers his unconditional loyalty.
>Takes all her acquired armies south to capital city.
>Unleashes her non-white hordes on most ancient and beautiful city in Westeros. Proceeds to burn and genocide entire city and its millions of inhabitants with her dragon because she was PMSing and was mad at her political opponent, Queen Cersei.

This may be the most accurate depiction of white women in power ever displayed on television. Feminists are absolutely furious. I am so happy that the writers took this direction and the show ended up this way.

She’s not even white. Annoying that she’s supposed to be playing that kind of character.

>white women
why the prerogative? do you have any data that would justify it? if not then you are a fucking idiot.

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if anything Dany’s the symbol for feminism, and they just torched her. Varys has the most based line:
“MEN decide who rules, whether they know it or not.”

hmm As a PoC that how i mostly saw it.


based. king robert did nothing wrong.

The writers just accurately displayed what would happen if some stupid white whore was put in a position of leadership. It's hilarious that the story went in this direction, and props to the writers for being truthful. I'm sure George RR Martin intended for the story to go in this direction anyway, and they were simply staying true to the plot.

In any case, let's review Danny's plotline:

>Born as privileged white girl
>Goes around fucking tons of brown cock
>Put in a position of influence by fucking brown cock
>Betrays her brother. Let's the nigger she was fucking pour a pot of boiling metal on him, burning him to death.
>Gets gifted with dragons, because she's a privileged white slut from a lineage of warriors who happen to be dragonriders.
>Uses dragons to go around the entirety of the Eastern continent destroying all stability and social order. Overthrows ancient families and dynastys. Literally releases slaves and all kinds of POC on formerly orderly societies to rape and destroy. Basically establishes "social justice" and pseudo-communism.
>Travels to Westeros, the land she claims a "right" to, and begins doing the same thing.
>Brings armies of brown foreigners to rape and pillage.
>Genocides noble houses in excessive and brutal ways.
>Starts having sex with Jon Snow, because she quickly identifies him as the alpha male of the north.
>Manipulates him into accepting her as queen, offers his unconditional loyalty.
>Takes all her acquired armies south to capital city.
>Unleashes her non-white hordes on most ancient and beautiful city in Westeros. Proceeds to burn and genocide entire city and its millions of inhabitants with her dragon because she was PMSing and was mad at her political opponent, Queen Cersei.

This may be the most accurate depiction of white women in power ever displayed on television. Feminists are absolutely furious. I am so happy that the writers took this direction and the show ended up this way.