

Attached: black-or-white-we-all-are-same-inside-these-eggs-35625196.png (500x477, 113K)

>we're all the same inside, but we should get rid of all white eggs just in case

Didn’t you cunts get rangebanned?

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I'm pretty sure the red egg has salmonella

The brown eggs commit more crime though

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Race is not just determined by skin color, but also by muscle tissue and skeletal bone structure.

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oh yeah forget thousands of years of evolution and cultural differences, human being r just liek eggs lol

based white chick

We are all asian inside?

The egg on the right has killed before though

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>Race is a skin deep superficial difference between people
How does anyone believe this?

Holy fucking kek

the right egg has a lower iq and no father

I eat eggs all the time and I have never even considered buying the brown ones.

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Dark eggs blow themselves up in your grocery bag, some aren't even chicken eggs they're cuckoo eggs and duped you into raising abominations.

sickle cell

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Fuck niggers eat shit and die every last one of them there are no good niggers fucking die you stupid animals.
That said the news paints niggers as evil and stupid, which they are, however there are many that believe it or not are going to work everyday, that take care of their kids, and just want to get by and get home just like you.

Can't make an omelette without killing a few niggers

Oh Lordy

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14% of eggs looks like egg on right, but commit 50% of egg crime.

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>have basket with 100 eggs
>87 are white
>13 are black
>90 are good
>10 are rotten
>7.7 of the rotten eggs are black
good analogy m8

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All this tells me is that humans are food. We should be eating other humans. Just like eggs.

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>pay to go to a place to be educated
>be lectured to by a bunch of retards

It would be 5 not 7.7 in your analogy but w/e

Uhm I am lead of the Diverse Anthropology Council and you are wrong.

Rofl! I’mma share this on reddit

Objectively speaking no we're not, but nice meme none the less.

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Isn’t this joke 15-20 years old?

so we can abolish affirmative action, diversity quotas, etc, and make hiring and admittance decisions solely based on the qualifications of the applicant? sounds good to me.

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What have you done

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I didn't know whether to post this or an emu.

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brown eggs are useful.

Humans cannot be compared to eggs ....

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holy shit, if only we could tell hitler before he started WWII

have another (you)

we look same inside but we are not the same

you want to tell us that the smart's person brain is the same with an idiot's brain because they look same ?

ofc not

so the eggs maybe look same but they haven't the same taste, proteins, etc

these "studies" are dumper than this dog :p

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The irony is that despite having the exact same nutritional value brown eggs are more expensive because the phenotype of chicken that lays them is bigger and requires more food. So even if they are equal the white egg is better value for your money.

The science works

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false analogy, we are not eggs.

No she is right you retard!

I see what you did there

lmao you pathetic racists never fail to make me laugh with your "pol humor" threads. Face it, most poc are infinitely successful than any of you sad virgins. Your'e on the wrong side of history, get over it losers.

Lol, I love how you bigoted racist antisemitic losers have to rely on fake news to feed your outdated opinions. You really are on the wrong side of history.

Okay, that got me.

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Yeah, but, they didn’t put a whole heap of effort into it.

Weird fact, I actually banned Jow Forums from my modem so I couldn’t reach it. When I found out that it had actually been banned I got pissed off and removed self exhale and found away around the ban.

Here forever desu.

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Tommy is Romanian too xD. Based Gypsy

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Notice how the brown yolk is all disorderly and lopsided?

I got the brown organic ones to see if they taste any better i doubt they will though


Jow Forums wins the meme wars again


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Show two different sized eggs and tell me they produce equal yolks

> get it
Unevenly yoked

Just to bring it back to the original

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I dont =/

>If you put a coat of white paint on a Rhode Island Red egg you'll hatch a Leghorn.
>A wolf is just a poodle with straight hair

I'll bet my life's savings that whoever makes up this bullshit has never seen more than 1 nigger in real life.

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could you then pls stay there?


Ok nigger

Do they taste the same though?

Black yolks are bigger

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Bones/skull and of course the DNA.
I mean, what gives? Human or chicken, we all breath air and walk on two legs, amirite?

>food analogy

What happened in your life to turn you into such a worthless shitstain?

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