BenCohen andJerryGreenfieldice cream has a message for all you white racists

All you (((white people))) profiting off of legal weed should be ashamed.

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As opposed to two hippie kikes that did the same with the ice cream industry?

>Ever notice how most people
>making $$$
>by exploiting POC
>are Jewish?

Ice Cream?

If we organized a boycott of all anti-white businesses and it just so happened to include every Israeli company, would it be legal under American law?

ever notice how most black people are criminals?

Ill never eat their ice cream again

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Ever notice how most people making $$$ /.../ are white

There, fixed it

Yep this is where i get off

Ever notice how the people making $$$ off of white guilt are jews?

remember that when whites are a true minority but still more successful per capita due to genetic advantages, America will go full South Africa-tier when it comes to abusing, stealing from, and murdering whites for their success
that's democracy

why are they so pozz'd? who wants to think about niggers while eating ice cream?

Ever noticed how 50% of the billionaires in America are Jewish despite making up only 2% of the population? That's some real privilge for ya.

So youd rather it be illegal and have niggers make the money dealing it instead?

Thankfully Publix is selling their ice cream in quarts and it's just as good and way cheaper and also not a giant faggoty virtue signalling company.

Funny. Unilever, the company that owns Ben and Jerry's uses palm oil and chocolate in their ice cream that is harvested by slaves.
I will not be lectured on morality and law by actual slave holders.

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The Mexican cartels are white Hispanics

>Be white entrepeneurs
>Sell fucking frozen sugar
Literal cucks

You ever notice how premium ice cream brands are all owned by whites?

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I stopped buying Ben and Jerry's years ago over their gun control shit.
Don't give your money to people who hate you.

what are they implying?
that most illegal drug dealers were black and now that pot is legal and blacks can't hold down a steady job, ol' whitey moved in on their turf?

Minorities cant grow really good weed.

>OP defines the 2010s in one jpg

Anyone who buys their weed from niggers deserves to get ripped off

Uhh where I go it's owned by some sort of Chinese guy. Mexicans at another place.

Why is Ben and Jerry so racist against white people for? Why do they have so much hatred for white people?

Anyone who purchases ben and jerry's is either really ignorant or an enemy.

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>(((ben and jerry's)))

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Pick one

I vape weed in front of cops all the time at music festivals and they don't do shit about it because I'm a well mannered, well dressed caucasian who they assume wouldn't vape weed in front of them. Last time, at least a dozen niggers around me got arrested for having joints. I love being white.

Dedicated to making strains that niggers go ape over


>white privilege
if they can't smell that you're vaping weed, there is no probable cause

timestamped nose pic or GTFO

Someone hit Ben and Jerry’s with another “DESPITE” meme

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I grow illegal for profit and some personal use. My shit is top notch like craft grade and it's hard to turn a profit too much undercutting and people adon't care about quality just hype strains and fake numbers.

I've done this to before I quit smoking and drinking. You should really quit the weed and rise above brain numbing drugs. It's just dumbing you down to nigger thier thought.

Weed was better before states legalizing it. Now everything is pretend dank and there is no profit incentive for getting 10/10 quality when 7/10 in bulk makes more money.

They do it because they are Jews.

I watched as a year before recreational use was voted in California... investors were buying up Industrial lots in every small town across the state .They all had inside information that the proposition for recreational use would pass. And the need for properly zoned store properties would be big.....

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Really makes you think

>see little black kid happily riding his scooter in the street while playing with his white friend
>realize that in 10-15 years there's at least a 50% chance he'll have been arrested already


Remember that millennials like you are huge pussies and if you let yourself be stolen from you deserve it

>60%~ white majority
>get fucked over the same way an 8% white minority does

Unironically go full Yugoslavia and seize the day. South Africa is fucked because whites are influential enough that if they caused a civil war tens of millions of nogs would starve to death while hacking the whites to death, the US has enough whites to easily win a military confrontation between white and non-white. But still the white man flees, buys a new house 20 minutes away from the old one when his neighborhood gets Section 8'ed. And then he does the same 20 years later when it happens again. Just a merry-go-round of avoiding violent shitskins and hoping things turn out okay.

I never buy their crappy ice cream. Its over priced and has stupid overwhelming flavor combinations

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Oh look. Jews blaming white people for the shit they're doing again.
It's well known and documented that Jews are flocking into the legal weed industry because it's ultra popular, even almost monopolizing it at this point.

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>Ever notice how most people making $$$ off illegal cannabis are black?

holy shit these fucking KIKES

i live in MA , literally EVERY SINGLE DISPENSARY is owned by (((THEM)))

((THEY))) are literally the only ones allowed to profit from it nationwide

i have so much data on this

did you know that almost every single state that has "legal" cannabis has a "pot czar or who is one of (((THEM))) or head the cannabis control board is one of (((THEM)))

here are just a fee (((examples)))
look who the "pot czar" of Colorado is (((Andrew Friedman)))

look (((who))) the "pot czar" of RI is (((Norman Birnbaum)))

look (((who))) the "pot czar" or Washington state is, (((Rick Garza)))

look (((who))) the "pot czar" of MA is (((Steve Hoffman)))

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Buycott app.

part 2

look (((who))) was just granted a licence to open the "largest pot farm in north america"
((((Dr. Jeffrey GOLDSTEIN))) ((CEO))) of (((Valley Green Grow))) and Vice Chairman of Cannabis Research Center in Sheba Israel" owner of the farm is (((Nathan Benjamin)))

have a look at the names from the local government (((Spiewak))) (((Singer))) pretty obvious who is running this town?

have a look at all the executives from mass cann and (((NORML)))
i can assure 90% of the (((echo)))

i went to meetings for the legalization in my state, they were held in the wealthiest and exclusively jewish areas of ((( Newton))) and (((brookline))) and about 98 % of the people speaking and attendance were (((()))))

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Burgers ?

just watch this

it's like the kill whitey summit instead of the legalize cannabis summit and it is being ring lead by a KIKE names (((nadleman)))

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>White people doing it legally
>Nog gonna nog and sell it illegally

This is white peoples fault in some way.

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>should be ashamed
that's not the message...
why aren't latinos and blacks into growing? Oh right, stupid restriction, high licensing fees, and restrictive red tape systematically suppressing lower class people.

Oh yes, the (((whites)))!
These people are so delusional that they think prisoners should be release from jail just because they have children.

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>did you know that almost every single state that has "legal" cannabis has a "pot czar" who is one of (((THEM))) or the head of the cannabis control board is one of (((THEM)))

(((Freidman))) CO
(((BirnBaum))) RI
(((Garza))) (Sephardic) WA
(((Hoffman))) MA

look (((who))) was just granted a licence to open the "largest pot farm in north america"
((((Dr. Jeffrey GOLDSTEIN))) ((CEO))) of (((Valley Green Grow))) and Vice Chairman of Cannabis Research Center in *SHEBA ISRAEL* "

(have a look at the names from the local government of Charlton MA
(((Spiewak))) (((Singer))) it's pretty obvious who is running this town.

owner of the orchard is (((Nathan Benjamin))) who is selling it to (((GOLDSTEIN)))

Look at all the executives from mass cann and (((NORML)))
i can assure 90% of their names (((echo)))

I went to meetings for the legalization of cannabis in my state, they were held in the wealthiest areas of Boston which are exclusively jewish areas ,(((Newton))) and (((Brookline))) and about 98 % of the people speaking and in attendance were (((())))

(((chuck Schumer ))) at the (((national cannabis policy summit))))

(((jacky rosen))) at the (((national cannabis policy summit))))

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It's another Jews are not white thred.

>ever eating their slop before this point.

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Yeah, you could.
That law is only in a few states anyway. You could try to petition it to be unconstitutional due to it violating the first admendment.

Yay! I really want a fucking ice cream lecturing me about what's moral

for more ben's take on the subject

>so many people of color being arrested
This triggers me, reminding me why I turned right in the first place.
Why is it not
>so many people people arrested
Fucking racist scumbags, I swear to god.

Any info on dispensaries in Oregon?

((Michael Lynton)))

leaked E-mail
Chemical marker

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no i have not looked into those yet but you can be assured it is the (((usual suspects)))

Um, most people who make money are white.

Oh yeah ben and jerry. All smiles over there. Its all good fucking vibes over at the ice cream factory. For fucks sake this is some lefty shit.

Nothing bad ever happens in their world except that people like you and I exist and are not only stronger but have more conviction in our beliefs. Our struggle is one thats more real and tough than anything they have ever known.

Big ideas are tossed around here. Ive learned a lot in this place. To all those worldwide who fight against degeneracy and the lefts insanity, take care and i wish you the best.

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Haagen Daz best brand.

There are multiple pot shop owners of jewish origin in Seattle

Are they just trying to make money or are they using weed as a means of dumbing down the population?

Just read their wikipedia page, nevermind. Make your own or something lmao

Their ice cream tastes like shit, has faggy messaging, and is overpriced as fuck. I’d rather just get a cheap pint from UDF or something, but I rarely eat ice cream anyway.

haagen daz is either too plain or too salty.

More like Uncle Kikes

Most people who live in a state with legallized cannabis are white
so yeah
makes sense

Fat, old, lonely, white, liberal women. They have spent millions on market research, they know who buys their products.

what a coincident...

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oh i would like to add that the disgusting homosexual pedophile kike in pic related (((Stan Rosenberg))) was the communist wealth of marxistjewshitts senate president before he was forced out for his kikery

and he was trying to overturn the referendum voted on by the people and remove ALL homegrown provisions
forcing the goyim to buy from his fellow tribe members
and to pay (((taxes)))
he was also conspiring to do so with the state treasures (((Deb Goldberg)))

(((Deb Goldberg)))
((((Stan Rosenberg)))

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make money

what is preventing blacks from organizing into corporations that can leverage the latest technology to efficiently produce and distribute this good?

Most of their customers are high on weed. I their icecream once sober and never bought it again.

besides total lack of agency , the kikes won't give them any capital

they are giving them plenty of lip service though
as usual they are placating the blacks , pretending to be on their side and pretending they will let them share in the wealthy, but (((they))) will do not such thing ,t hey just want to do what (((they))) always do , rile them up against whitey , just like they did with the NAACP

the kill whitey uh i mean cannabis legalization policy summit here
no really watch this it is unbelievable , and being lead the (((Nadleman)))

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meme it

Legalize it once and for all!
And not that medicinal use only bullshit either!

this cannot be real
how are ben and jerrys so blatantly jewish

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where are the "ever notice... JEWS" edits?

Did you ever notice the majority of criminals in the US are Black? Maybe there is a correlation with legality and race,.

Fuck it, I can make my own potato chip, caramel and vanilla ice cream.

I agree Hitler, they aren't white.

>potato chip, caramel, and vanilla ice cream
Please tell me those are three separate things and you don’t put all that shit in your ice cream

Never ate it to begin with. Meme flavors aren't appealing and they're as expensive as other ice creams despite being half the size

They make this flavor called Late night snack and it's got these little clusters of potato chip bits in vanilla ice cream with a caramel swirl. It's really good and about the only flavor from them that I can't get anywhere else. But now they've forced my hand with this PR bullshit. I've never had to try and make it myself, but it shouldn't be too difficult unless I want to be stringent about the potato chip clusters being just right, which I won't. You shouldn't knock it till you try it. It's got a similar salty and savory profile to it as a maple donut with bacon on top.
I doubt you're gonna believe me because of where we are and the fat neckbeard reputation it gets, but I'm not fat at all.

oy vey shut it down

This doesn't even make fucking sense. Drug dealing is a crime in some places and people choose to ignore than do crime how is that ypypo's fault? Blacks are so fucking cringey, an entire race of edgy teenagers and Jews are like their helicopter parents

because it's over priced and tastes worse than the discount supermarket brand? Yeah.