Jow Forums always has threads about how far architecture has fallen...

Jow Forums always has threads about how far architecture has fallen, but I've never seen anyone talk about how bad car design has gotten.

Pic related, a 1965 Buick Riviera and a 1995 Buick Riviera. How did it ever get this bad?

Attached: 65 vs 95.jpg (1440x1460, 812K)

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cars after 1991 look so pathetic

Computer modeled aerodynamics became a thing, and gas prices started getting high enough that people would take a car's MPG into account when shopping around.

This, not everything is a conspiracy you dumb nigger. Besides some newer cars are trying to implement that older body style while maintaining aerodynamics.

You can still create a car that's aerodynamic and doesn't look like dog shit.

They don’t make them like they used to

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Here's the truth OP. The slant eyes paid off our corrupt policy makers to bog down our automotive manufacturing industry with dumb ass regulations and criteria that are more easily met by Asian auto manufacturing. Thus we get these shit versions of domestic cars that are made of cheap plastic and poor quality performance.

Government regulation.

the top looks best of those 2, but i unironically like the bottom too.

Sure, if you want to spend a bunch on complex tooling and assembly. All the aero tricks on super cars and such cost money, making an ugly teardrop shaped car is easy to manufacture.

Comparing same for same model doesn't work except for maybe Mustangs, Camaro and Trucks. Models like this age with their initial owners. Meaning it became such a gross machine to meet the needs of 80 year old boomers.
>There's no cool cars anymore
Most of BMW, most AMG, Supra, Focus 4wd turbo, Alfa Romeo etc etc

Now there is not a glut of American V8s but this is for myriad reason, but mostly because American has to compete on fuel economy and stagnant American wages. The purchasing power of the working class American was incredible in the 60s.

anyone else like pic related?

thinking of getting a nice used one soon.

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Hard to believe but boomers ate this shit up in the 90s. Bubble cars where all the rage.

That old-school body is making a comeback though, the newer muscle cars look pretty good.

Used miata+LS swap

90's buicks look great faggot

what's worth more in the condition as shown in the picture?
hint: i know the answer

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This is the peak of car design right here.

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>new supra is cool
fuck off zoomer lol

modern cars are made to look like bars of soap for apparent safety reasons
>nobody talks about this
/o/ cant fucking stand this cancer
also this is one of the main reasons i don't own a car, fucking zero sex appeal

would literally drive like shit. garbage. 370 a way better platform for actually driving and not just a meme.

that would be stolen and swapped back into someones holden within hours.
also i need it for a relatively comfy daily driver.

safety ruins everything

There are a few 95 Rivieras for sale near me for around $2000. The cheapest 65 I've seen for sale was $11,000 and that was in pieces.

The problem is no one cares what the car looks like or if it's reliable, they care about muh features like Bluetooth, in dash navigation, and a bunch of other shitty electronics that make a $10000 car cost $35000 with 0 dependability. Fuck the boomers and trust fund kids that keep buying this shit, they're the only ones with money to piss away on nucars.

Someone should post the crash test GM did with an old Malibu and a new Malibu. The goofy, plastic New Malibu destroyed the old Malibu and the crash test dummy survived in the new one. That's why cars are less aesthetic. They are safer.

>cars after 1991 look so pathetic
Maybe in America but Japan's bubble era cars are some of the best out there.

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Just get a golf gti, it’s the least worse of all the shit excuses we get for cars nowadays.

>Used miata+LS swap
>used E36 +LS swap
>used E46 +LS swap
>used WRX +LS swap
>used Q35 +LS swap

Well, it's gotten better since the 1990s. 1995 was basically the nadir of car design. Everything looked like an egg on wheels.

7/10: "Hey user. I'm kind of drunk and don't want to drive. Would you want to pick me up from the bar and take me back first thing in the morning? I can sleep on the couch if there's no room in your bed"

>tfw we can't have nice cars because they have to be glorified crash bubbles for all the niggers, old fucks, and retarded women that drive them
Why don't we just take away licenses from retards? There are way too many people driving that can't even be trusted to button their pants let alone operate a vehicle.

will it sell for 11k or will that boomer who owns it die before anyone else buys it?

Underated post. Those Camry's and their Lexus counterparts are aesthetic reliable tanks.

the top one is dogshit. right now is the golden age of the automobile.

> slow and shit milage

Well it's not there anymore so I guess someone bought it. The only other one near me went for $20,000 and it was gone in a few days.

Easier to just make the car safer, newfriend. You want an unreliable 200 hp big block tank from 1965, go buy one and daily it. I will stick with my new Silverado.

The issue has been that US CAFE laws are progressive, requiring higher and higher fuel economy levels.

This means going with lighter/cheaper components, and going as aerodynamic as possible.

Add this to the list of things the left has taken from us

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The 90s weren a bad time for American cars.
Japan however...

The last decent car was made in 2002.

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Speaking of old good, new bad. 4-door pickup trucks are fucking disgusting looking.

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The irony is the Silverado is an unreliable hunk of shit, my old boss ran a fleet of them and he wasted thousands fixing the fucking things on a daily basis. He swore by them anyway. One of the reasons I left that job is I got sick of losing money because his shitty crew cabs kept dying on the road from shit like bogus water pumps and fuel sending units.

Are you tall, user? They're a little uncomfortable for bigger goyim.

American autos are built to last the life of the financing.

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Have you had to repair that car? I had a 98, it was the biggest nightmare car I've ever owned. Will never buy another American car because of that car. A disgrace to our country it was

that is a late 60s caddy....
that photo was probably taken only 20 years before i was born.

WTF happened?

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turk mobile.

Every aspect of life has been demoralized and reduced in quality. They hate beauty, they hate quality. Everything is China shit quality now, I'm surrounded by new fast food chains and shit strip malls being put up all around me with ugly ass china concrete. Aesthetics are dead.

Drove a convertible 350 for years. 175k miles before I traded

What's wrong with the model 3. Looks sexy in my opinion.

Attached: model3.jpg (278x181, 10K)

You seem to be a faithful grammaton cleric

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all these jealous faggots and nobody else owns a 5.0 s550

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Nice anecdote, so heres mine. Finally stopped relying on my 2009 Silverado after 450,000 reliable miles. It's just a grocery getter now. I now daily my 2018 Crew Cab.

I had to put as many quarts of oil in than gallons of gas to keep it on the road but goddammit, it was manly.

This should have been the next generation but the world went insect and ugly.

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>WTF happened?
US automakers got into the financing end of the business in the early 90's. Nafta and unions drove US manufacturing away as well. No autos are just another consumable as opposed to a utility asset.

Mercedes from the 90’s were the best cars ever made.

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ford is reverting the mustang back to ugly bubbly bullshit
give it 5-10 years of no one buying them anymore and they'll revert back to the iconic fastback look like they did in 2005

t. proud owner of a 64 chevy stepside

Nothing this good can last.

Because they are ugly as fuck dude

What do you do that puts 50K miles on a vehicle per year? That's four times more than most.
first car in vid is SWAG prove me wrong 22 seconds in

model 3 looks like a fag clown car, like the honda insight 1st grn

Because it's one of the most overdone LS swaps out there?

Boomers grew up OP.

who cares? the average person doesnt have the money to afford well designed cars because of union busting and free trade. eat up, faggots.

Yeah and it's completely fucking retarded

Still here, but gone.

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boomers had their fun
now we are the ones who will be paying

Is there any site which evaluates cars money compared to what you get?

I want to buy best car for the money

It's true, cars today have no soul.

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American companies stopped caring about quality as their founders passed away, and their children sold them off to Jews who solely care about profit. Cars used to be built 100% here, and now it’s a miracle if the bastards are even assembled here.

>not even built on a rolling chasis
Poorfags gonna poor.

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I know, modern cars look like dog shit. To curvey. I want to drive my car, not fuck it.

I won't rest until every 1st and 2nd gen miata has a matching LS

Fuck off with your "it was all better back than"

They didn't take the aero far enough.

Attached: FordProbeVConcept.jpg (720x432, 45K)

There's a reason I still daily this thing. Nevermind the fact that its pretty much carjack proof - no one can drive stick anymore.

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Go outside.

Just an FYI, add an engine preoiler and it will last five times longer. 80% of your wear is at start up.

i was't even alive when most of these cars hit the streets and i still want them over what we are getting

Baby Boomers took over politics and thought they had to "correct" all this stuff

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I used to have an rx7, I sold it but I miss it everyday

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Looks like a shitty knock off Citroen Karin.

You drive it because it's an absolute pussy magnet.

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Good post I agree

Great car

Minority detected, white people no longer drive cars like pic related

Fucking retard, Model 3 is one of the most beautiful if not most beautiful car on the road these days. Complete head turner. OK yes it's CAD but so is everything, compared to any car produced in the last 3 years, Model 3 looks better

An Uber can do that and if you want to pull women, get an SUV. Fast Street cars are for gay men and hairdressers. If they are looking for bad boy go fast it'll be a motorcycle.

beautiful design has caved to efficient engineering. it's happened everywhere. we'll realize later efficiency isn't everything

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1987 Hyundai Excel
Best car

Attached: 1987 Hyundai Excel.jpg (260x194, 9K)

Wait for the boomer die off. A LOT of classics will hit the market all at once and prices will collapse.

How in the fuck do you rack up so many miles?

They also took away neon

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One of the lowest drag coefficients for a car/concept car, I believe. Outside of those single seat solar car things, anyway.

>kept dying on the road from shit like bogus water pumps
What in the fuck is up with 90's era Chevy Trucks and their Water Pumps being complete shit!!!?????

single cab pickups from the 70's and 80's are kino