So I live in a very black urban environment. I have been away for several years but moved back recently...

So I live in a very black urban environment. I have been away for several years but moved back recently. I had some very bad experiences in my youth with young black kids being violent. It seems different now. I went to several stores employed with black people and they were very polite. Black guy said "excuse me sir" as he walked by. I greeted everybody with a smile and they smiled back at me. Went to a hardware store and some old white dude went in with a side arm. I went in there and everyone was really polite. I just have to say that the ghetto attitude is far less than it used to be. My cousin married a black guy and he is one of the kindest people I know. I think that progress has been made in my area. Just stop treating blacks like trash, stop scowling at them. They are doing well here and they are working hard like anybody else. There are plenty of shitty white people in the world too. Its time to grow up.

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shut the fuck up nigger

It seems to me that low IQ whites are worse than niggers, nigger

I love how the world is so neatly divided into black and white for internet purposes. The nigger in your pic isn't even black it's a poorto rican. KYS.

low iq whites are the worst fucking stock in the country.. truly need to be gassed

Racial superiority

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No you see he is a progressive white man cuckposting to own the racists

It just upset me to see some old fat white fuck rocking a gun into a hardware store where everybody was cool. What a joke.

Well said.

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Wow, OP, thanks for the gayest thread on this board right now.

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I'm not a white nationalist because of black crime rates dumbass what a shallow reason to have a political ideology. I'm a white nationalist because I'm proud of my heritage everyone should be.that's who I am.

Murder really isn't the way to go.

If you are so proud why the meme flag?

Based. The whole "muh superiority" shit is a red-herring to distract from the fact that it is totally natural and healthy to want to live amongst your own tribe, and that WHITES are the only ones who are told they shouldn't do so.

Attached: rockwell white power.jpg (1920x1080, 1.09M)

>t. jew

And they are told not to so that the rest of the world can LEECH off of them or destroy them so that other powerful tribes do not have to compete with whites.

ahhh, the poor little faggot got upset
know that chad motherfucker revealing his power level is precisely why you have well-behaved niggers in your area user
but you'll deny this obvious reality like the retarded niggerdick sucker you are

the state of Vermont is currently at 94.7% Caucasian, 1.9% two or more races, 1.5% Asian, 1.2% African American, .4% other races, and .3% Natives of North America.

According to the 2010 Census, Maine has the highest percentage of non-Hispanic whites of any state, at 94.4% of the total population. In 2011, 89.0% of all births in the state were to non-Hispanic white parents.[60]

The racial diversity in New Hampshire is currently at 93.7% Caucasians, 2.4% Asians, 1.9% two or more races, and 1.3% African Americans.

> totally natural and healthy to want to live amongst your own tribe, and that WHITES are the only ones who are told they shouldn't do so.

It would seem that you choose not to do so. There are places with very little "diversity" why have you not moved?

>Bro, just move to New Hampshire or Vermont, abandon your state lmao why would you want to keep territory instead of forfeit it
Gee, I dunno, dumbass.

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You are mad about an old dude with a piece. Really? He is allowed to carry, you should be more annoyed with the fact that he is fat if anything and even then that is still being petty. You saying grow is rich you know that guy?

So what would your solution be whining loser? What should be done?

*grow up

>if you talk about the benefits of whites acting in white interests, you must just be a white LOSER
>he thinks this is an argument

>What should be done?
This is a battle that will mostly be fought by way of demographic preservation and cultural awareness. Having white children and redpilling the whites around you is priority number one. Policy will follow. White America has already signaled to the world that they are sick of the (((globalist))) attempts to displace us, so we are actually close to a collective paradigm shift.

Attached: if only people voted.jpg (1200x1032, 254K)

Now go and look the tons and I mean TONS of plans and propaganda to make those states less white.

>if you talk about the benefits of whites acting in white interests, you must just be a white LOSER

Complins about his situation instead of taking steps to change it. That's the definition of loser.

>This is a battle that will mostly be fought by way of demographic preservation and cultural awareness.

Demographic preservation? Exactly who would be the demographic threat?

Enjoy diversity user, living in a multiracial country is the best.

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>Complins about his situation instead of taking steps to change it. That's the definition of loser.
>instead of taking steps to change it
Who says? You? I wasn't aware you had such an intimate knowledge of my life, user. Oh, wait, you don't. You're just kvetching because I'm advocating for whites to act in their own interests.

>Demographic preservation? Exactly who would be the demographic threat?
Yes, through increased white birthrates and a sense of white racial hygiene, which (((they))) are doing everything in their power to eliminate through propaganda. The demographic threat in the US is primarily latin americans, but also some Asians and Africans who come here for economic reasons. But the Jews are the archetypes of this destruction and it is counterproductive to our cause NOT to mention their influence in this matter.

Attached: 1965 immigration act.png (561x558, 175K)

Niggers and spics along with Indians because they are mass immigrating here. Are you brand fucking new here?


OP you dipshit. The average nigger doesn’t wake up until 3pm, you have to wait until about 6pm to see the gibsmedats and sheboons in society.

Not all noggs nig, but all niggs nog

>Who says? You? I wasn't aware you had such an intimate knowledge of my life, user. Oh, wait, you don't. You're just kvetching because I'm advocating for whites to act in their own interests.

I don't actually care about your life. I just presented a basic diagram of a poor me loser. There are places with very little diversity. "You" choose to remain where you are.

>Yes, through increased white birthrates and a sense of white racial hygiene, which (((they))) are doing everything in their power to eliminate through propaganda. The demographic threat in the US is primarily latin americans, but also some Asians and Africans who come here for economic reasons. But the Jews are the archetypes of this destruction and it is counterproductive to our cause NOT to mention their influence in this matter.

The spic population of this country effectively doubles every 10 years. Birthrates and racial hygiene won't help with that. There is no way to combat this. Would not assimilation be a more realistic alternative?

Attached: FT_17.09.18_Hispanics_USHispanicpop.png (310x463, 7K)

There's been a bunch of blacks move into the part of colorado I live in, today on my way home I saw a black man playing catch out in a yard with his sons. It was kinda heartwarming.

It's because they're escaping the ghetto but will inevitably bring it with them.

Maybe, but I've noticed most of em moving out here are whole families with fathers, statistically that makes a difference in criminal behavior of the youth which are the main driver of ghetto "culture"

I'm sorry sir we have to mark this thread.

Attached: Jewthread.webm (640x360, 2.59M)

user my black father is from the rurual deep South and he shared with me his wisdom.
There are four kinds of people where he is from.
Blacks, Whites, niggers, and white trash.
Black and Whites get along, it's the niggers and white trash that ruin everything.

>I just presented a basic diagram of a poor me loser. There are places with very little diversity. "You" choose to remain where you are.
You are either intentionally not engaging with my actual ideas on the matter, which I have presented already, or you have an IQ below your body temperature and you physically cannot comprehend what has been said to you.

>Birthrates and racial hygiene won't help with that.
Yes, it will, actually. I'm not sure how you would even try to argue such a stance.

Attached: decentivizing white births in the us.jpg (728x545, 105K)

Seems that low iq whites tend to breed with niggers... making their off spring niggers. So we’re right back with more worthless niggers and less retarded whites in the gene pool.
KYS nigger lover

But his cousin fucks niggers user... they’re totally based. BASED!

What’s your white trash nigger loving mom have to say about that?

Have sex

Sauce on image, please...


>Yes, it will, actually. I'm not sure how you would even try to argue such a stance.

In 1980 there were 188,371,622 White people in the united states.

In 2000 there were 211,460,626 white People in the united states.

That is a gain of 23,089,004 white people in 20 years.

In 1980 there were 14,608,673 Latinos in the united states.

In 2000 there were 35,305,818 Latinos in the united states.

How many children would the average white guy have to have to keep up with Latinos? What effect would exploding birthrates have on the nation? How would the country be affected if it doubled it's white population every 20 years? What would the economic and social consequence of that be in say 100 years?

Would it not simply be easier to assimilate to Latino culture? Instead of trying to outpace a population that doubles itself every 20 years?

city and state please


Coal burning traitor

Aptly put

>be me
>walking to the liquor store
>car almost runs me over as I'm crossing the street
>I throw my hands up and give them the dirtiest look
>two nigs
>walk into store
>see them come through the entrance
>they point at me and start walking up to me
>"hey bro, sorry about that, I should have been looking out, I gotta be more careful"
>they apologize and I reciprocate in kind

They're not all bad, I think a lot of american nigs are sick of being lazy retards

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