I am here for hours everyday
Pol is my only friend
>tfw no autistic memelord gf
Why even live lads
it is officially time to kill yourself user. But ill miss not know you
Don't worry. I think you're a champ.
Hey there, friend. I'm worried about you, and I want you to feel better, and to be in a healthier psychological space.
I need you to think about a few things. It makes sense that you sympathize with the people around you, and feel a lot of the ways they do, right? I think that if you're spending all your hours here, instead of visiting rarely, you might be exposing yourself to an awful lot of negative thinking that might make you experience a lot of negative thinking yourself. Do you often find yourself feeling stressed and sad after a long session of using Jow Forums, user?
Love u bro same here this entire site is my social life.
Anytime I go off it elsewhere on the net or irl it always ends in disaster
>tfw you think she's finally going to suck your dick, but then she just memes on your balls for 6 hours
Is that Brittany Venti?
i will be the gf
hi friend
do you want to add me on steam or kik or something?
na nigga
how exactly do you meme on someones balls? what does that look like?
why hang out with fake friends who only want to steal your money when you can be here?
don't worry, /po/ will accept you!
The world is ending and this is the only place you can really talk about it.
Go figure.
>newfag has never heard of meme balls
probably cbt
There are IRL groups all over the western world that share Jow Forums opinions on immigration and our semitic friends.
The problem is they are isolated and they don't really have a realistic strategy to bring positive change.
Also please keep them from getting too blackpilled and doing lone wolf mass shootings.
get a job you enjoy doing day in and day out, something where you know to yourself "no matter the company(folk around you), doing the thing well and a little better each day is my jam/ absolutly fullfilling". I used to jump between shit until i found my jam, keep swinging the bat until you hit it for six and get out of the isolation, even if you hate everybody around you its that what keeps you sane, the contrast
iktf desu
how do you guys make friends online? i'm so lonely
Cheers dude
don't play coy with us
How does one even find an autistfu? Would it even be worth it?
you'll be hard pressed to get an autistfu to like you. They're by definition bad at social skills so it's hard to even get to know them. trust me there was a qt3.14 autist girl that i tried to get to know and it was impossible
Fuck no