All I see while lurking now adays is how "the white race is doomed"
>Get out and be productive everyday >Live and die by stoic ideals and ethics >Have a massive family, my grandfather and father were 1 of 15 respectively, I will do the same (white) >Understand your rights, own and know how to operate a rifle >teach your children and fellow whites of their european histroy and instill pride in their hearts >teach your children and fellow whites to practice undying prejudice against non-whites >work a trade or earn a degree that goes beyond that which the average man can achieve, be better than that,
History can be changed in mere decades, but only if you will it.
thanks to the jews, young people can't barely pay their bills, let alone raising a family.
Jackson Jones
Connor Jackson
Learn something new every day, it can be as simple as working out and building a strong body and self imagine. Compliance and laziness are poison.
Mason Gomez
fucking retard roastie-tier shit why didnt you just greentext >live >love >laugh in the OP instead of wasting my time with all that drivel
Josiah Price
The jew is a con man that can only control what he scares. Do everything in your power to resist him.
Cameron Cook
No one has time for you. You are faced with the reality of damming your children to live as a hated minority in their ancestral lands by being complicate.
Lucas Barnes
The honk pill will only lessen the rate of decline, accept the mantle laid down upon you by thousands of years of heritage and ensure your children a better life than your own.
Kevin Kelly
my dick fell off when i was 8, asshole
John Diaz
Matthew Thomas
>have a massive family Sorry, can't do this as long as women have the rights they do. Women are the gate keepers to sex and children. When women run the show, they'll just take your money leaving you with nothing while raising your kid to be a criminal, or just out right killing them.
If you aren't imposing your will onto your partner then that's your first mistake. You allowed women to run the show by being complicate. All the women i've dated have bent the knee in mere months when confronted with a strong confident man who will willingly lose her before his pride and ideals. If marriage concerns you, make her sign a prenuptial etc.
Charles Nguyen
prenups can be thrown out the window, also did you break up with all the girls who bent at the knee for you or did they break up with you?
Eli Walker
When it became obvious I wouldn't revel in her degeneracy, I dumped her. Other times some women aren't ready to give up being a drug ridden whore and break up with me. (Keep your own copy of the unps, leave no loop hole, saved my father because he was prepared).
Leo Ward
To expand upon my previous post I have been in a loving relationship with a women I met in uni, we have been together for 4 years and I plan to propose soon. It takes some searching but we are not alone, there are still like minded white women out there, and more than you'd think. Her friends all value and same ideals as myself (see OP).
Connor Reyes
>allow women to run the show Get a load of this faggot. I guess you've never heard of the Duluth model, the family courts, or how government forces men to be literal slaves to women once they get married. Prenuptial agreements are toilet paper as far as the courts are concerned. They mean absolutely nothing and are entirely circumvented by 4 short words, "I was under duress." Thats literally all a women has to say to get out of them, and every divorce lawyer knows this. You're a fool.