One of the best episodes

hes good, real good. Rabbit Hole

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Would non-autists understand this?

Fuck that is absolute kino. Thinking about sending it to a normie but legit can't tell if they would uwotm8 at me or understand

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ive had the same thoughts, but its so damn good. its almost worth a shot.

except sometimes I feel like they need to be in the rabbit hole first to perhaps understand what is being shown to them

they would have no fucking clue what they're watching and think you're retarded

Started Metaphysics of War because of this episode.

kek probably true. might try anyways

i think you'd have to have at least a baby's notion of race realism and what 'rabbit holes' and 'digging' means and shit like that

damn that ep was pretty kino though, will it ever happen bros? will we ever get the war we want, or is the white race too far gone?

Man that vid was great. Wasnt sure what this Murdoch Murdoch shit was, figured it was some meme I missed like the honk stuff. But the OP pic lured me in because its a nice picture that is now my phone wallpaper (higher res anyone?) Saw the video by chance since it was on its own site. it was short so went for it. Great video, glad I took the chance. Kino music. Funny enough I was planning on purchasing most of the books mentioned in the video.

Whats the music that starts playing around 2:20?

you''ve never seen any on of them? user you're in for a treat. does MM believe in God of any form? any MM know it alls? - this is still his most kino vid

Fucking based!

I feel like it's a perfect episode to redpill normies who are in the phase of disillusionment with our society.

If I had seen this when I went through a bout of depression due to thinking about the state of affairs in the U.S I would've been whitepilled as fuck.

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The white race is a race of heros. It won't be gone until it's gone

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So its several songs actually. The last one is form Akira but its a remix. Not sure about the chair chanting at the start or the tribal chanting stuff after.

Would appreciate the sauces for the songs from 2:20 onwards

watch this shit niggers and tell me you cried

I still remember the first time I watched it, I did cry..

the Border Runner episodes are pretty funny too anons

sending them funny songs is probably the first step for normies.

It's pretty good. What is the song at the end? (Latin??)

I wish I knew the song but I dont

>read Metaphysics of War -Julius Evola

Audible even has it if you are so fuckin lazy

I agree. MM if you're shadowing this thread plz make more Border Runners episodes, also I love you all.

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>14 without the 88

I'll pass.

This is part of the song at the end

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pleb pseudo filmmakers attempt kino, create disgusting cringe

many such cases!

>Man yeah I've been out of the poke for a good 2 years now, yeah got into the AB back there, yeah man my budddy showed me this whole Jow Forums shit and I thought it was all bullshit but hey man, you guys are some cool dudes, especially this really deep cartoon, love it man, keep it up brothers, just got my Jow Forums gold pass today! 1488!
>*picks dingleberry*

you should actually kys

go away kike

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Are you a fucking retard? Have you ever watched MM?

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Yes, and ever since Murdoch went into the black-pilled stage and the whole storyline shit, they began to drop the whole 88 feel and more about black suns and "Anything that helps whites" mode, which they discussed in their AMA. They all used to be more NatSoc, and now it's just Murdoch Chan being like that, and used as a joke.

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I think you missed the jokes. The show is called MM88 afterall. The character interplay, with MC being the most radical, makes it more interesting. Not sure what youre expecting from it but the show is basically Jow Forums itself

Was feeling really blackpilled recently. Even gave into the bottle for the first time in months yesterday. Goddamn though they know how to refill a cold Jow Forumslacks heart with warmth and love and passion.

Metamorphosis is still my all time favorite.

hu, somehow the version in the video is much better. More smooth.

Thank you

I ripped the song from the video as an MP3 if anyone wants it but idk where to upload it without being accused of LOL TROJAN NICE TRY MOSSAD

Right here glownigger

gee thanks pal..

Put it on bro

And post a link here after

It wont let me. Keeps saying network error right when its done.

The most based episode period it’s the journey we all go through some of us were born on the loosing side some of us found out the truth but Murdoch gives me hope like our own little Rudolf Hess

Oh fuck anyone know what song he used in the fight scene I almost had a stroke cause I swear I hear that before

I ripped the audio song part as an mp3 but idk where to upload for anons. Other than that the end song bit is thisbut its this specific remix

Based it is Akira good looks user