My friends, the thought police

>My classmates I take a trip to D.C.
>A couple of us buy MAGA hats, mostly ironically
>Tell the sensitive ones that were not trying to be racist
>Three people, two of whom i consider great friends, get pissed of at me and start ranting about how the hat is racist and the usual bullshit
>Start posting some shit about me

What should I do? I also used to say nigger, kike and make lots of plantation and death camp jokes until they started ranting. Should I try to explain or just leave them? (Pic is one post.)

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Ask them what makes making their own country great racist. J/k they're beyond saving. You're going to need new friends OP.

Yeah, good thing I have a couple friends in the same situation.

Ur fault OP. Imagine losing friends for a MIGA hat. Lmafo

>You have to be 18 to post

fucking leave dumbass lmao
find better friends that arent cucked

you've gotta be 18 to post here, but you yutes are important I guess, so
-learn from the drama who your real friends are
-don't just buddy up, FORM A CLIQUE
-hit that gym
-learn to fight, keep away from meme martial arts and learn a combative like krav (if the jews indulge, you know it's the good stuff, that's a real lesson there)
-educate kids
-have each others' backs concerning every aspect of your life, agree early on to be thick as thieves

>"frick u guys"

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Wear that shit with pride

#212947010 Thanks for some actually useful advice, will probably stick with my other friends from now. (and learn krav?)