>My classmates I take a trip to D.C. >A couple of us buy MAGA hats, mostly ironically >Tell the sensitive ones that were not trying to be racist >Three people, two of whom i consider great friends, get pissed of at me and start ranting about how the hat is racist and the usual bullshit >Start posting some shit about me
What should I do? I also used to say nigger, kike and make lots of plantation and death camp jokes until they started ranting. Should I try to explain or just leave them? (Pic is one post.)
Ask them what makes making their own country great racist. J/k they're beyond saving. You're going to need new friends OP.
William Ortiz
Yeah, good thing I have a couple friends in the same situation.
Evan Collins
Ur fault OP. Imagine losing friends for a MIGA hat. Lmafo
Carson Reyes
>You have to be 18 to post
Parker Morales
fucking leave dumbass lmao find better friends that arent cucked
Gavin James
you've gotta be 18 to post here, but you yutes are important I guess, so -learn from the drama who your real friends are -don't just buddy up, FORM A CLIQUE -hit that gym -learn to fight, keep away from meme martial arts and learn a combative like krav (if the jews indulge, you know it's the good stuff, that's a real lesson there) -educate kids -have each others' backs concerning every aspect of your life, agree early on to be thick as thieves -FIGHT BACK