What will you spend your yang bucks on?
What will you spend your yang bucks on?
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I'm going to buy your mom a ice cream cone
Me? I'd thru-hike the Appalachian Trail.
eating better, more bill security. 1000 dollars would be pretty huge for me, sorry it is boring
>DRUMPF can't get a few billion for a wall, but let me tell you about how Congress will turn on their corporate overlords who rule them to make them pay trillions for nationwide neetbux
I would buy a vacation home in Mexico.
blackjack and hookers
a nice noose for trump cucks
They'll lose their base if they don't support a lefty idea like ubi. Democrats are on thin ice as is.
I'll save up two months' worth and buy a loaf of bread.
pay down my student loans, start gym membership and buy bag of spicy doritos
start my anime titties sticker business
rare japanese futanari doujins
Crime would go down a bunch i mean there would be a fuck ton of benefits BUT yang is too good to be true this is a clown world after all and we're here to suffer. Can't wait for another 4 years of trump he's done so damn much for me....
Killing jannies
Ally Lyons premium snapchat
3 cheap ar15’s
Every month
Probably paying for the tax increase this goddamned bugman will push to get you fucking worthless eaters free pot money
Banging your mom.
Rent because it's going to go up by $1000/month the day his bullshit is passed.
Aw, who are we kidding. Biden is going to be the dem nominee.
You don't need a thousand dollars to do that.
Rtx 2080ti
You need between two and six thousand depending on how frugal you are willing to be. It costs money to buy gear and takes between 4 and 6 months to complete the trail so that's a lot of food.
Save up your gear over time. Buy shelf stable food that costs next to nothing and have your girlfriend resupply you.
>What are you gonna spend your weekly paycheck on?
Why is this not a question?
on gifts for my gook-loving friends of course!
Like any good MAGApede I am giving mine to Israel
Maybe a ghostwriter to write a book.
That’s pretty solid. You would get your 1k a month for supplies and replacement gear.
On the yang tax lol
>Save up your gear over time. Buy shelf stable food that costs next to nothing and have your girlfriend resupply you.
Girlfriend? Flummoxed...
Ok nigger
amoo for gubs
Fine, your mom then. Whatever.
Gaming pc. Kek.
>reee the tax will take away the UBI
No, it won’t faggot.
i hope you like lice, scabies, hairy. way-too-extroverted girls and hairy, introverted-to-an-uncomfortable-degree dudes
>Fine, your mom then. Whatever.
What a bitch you are to rely on your gf and your mom to resupply you on your little faggot adventure.
also manga
I’d buy a freezer filled with digiorno pizza
Beats trying to carry 3 months of food. Through the mountains.
>way-too-extroverted girls
My favorite.
>introverted-to-an-uncomfortable-degree dudes
That's me. Wow, you made me want to do it even more.
well then all the best to you, weirdo. and god-speed.
A single cup of coffee. Inflation will hit so hard thats all I could buy.
Reminder that Yang is anti-white and doesn’t want your support.
find a passable mtf and ask if they want to double their unemployment insurance for a month
can't be any worse than Zion Don
I will light mine on fire so that yours will be worth more
Its pizza time!
Somebody lobby for legalized assisted suicide please.
I would troll every non-american who doesn't have their 1000 a month. Fucking losers HAHAHA
there will never be another democrat president
>UBI causes inflation
Printing money causes inflation, not giving it to the white working class.
Boomers man.
I’m just gonna shoot myself then you fucking commies can never have enough you have to bleed everyone else dry you can’t just struggle with everyone else it’s all about gibs gibs gibs I hope you commies race traitors and virgins enjoy your neet bucks maybe you can use it to further invest in the genocide of European Christians communist scum
>have to register every firearm
>can not buy a semi-automatic rifle unless you've been licensed to own a pistol for 1 YEAR
>ban suppressors
>Ban high-capacity mags
>Require submission of fingerprints & DNA to FBI
>Anyone with a history of violence, domestic abuse, or violent mental illness would be restricted from gun license
>wants "smart guns" locked to fingerprint (guaranteed to make gun less reliable)
>implement a federal buyback program (for all the guns he will BAN)
Cuck Nuke Authority
>The power to launch a nuclear attack shouldn't rest with a single individual (wants VP & Chief of Staff to have say too. wasting time in a 6 minute response window)
POLICE "Fake News" & "Hate Speech"
>Introduce penalties for speech
>Journalist bailout. Taxpayers forced to prop up dying newspapers and media with $1 billion in initial FCC funding
DIGITAL SOCIAL CREDITS modeled after Chinas system
>a REAL-LIFE Reddit-style karma/social rank that follows you all the way to the grave
>Sexual orientation & gender identity should be protected classes under the law, SAY MY PRONOUN OR JAIL!
>PATHWAY TO CITIZENSHIP for illegals. Anti wall.
>Fast-track Obama's DREAM Act and grant citizenship to millions of illegals
>this faggot actually believes the wage gap exists "fight for equal pay"
UBI (universal basic income)
>UBI of $1k/mo will be wiped out by INFLATION. NEETS will barely afford to live & turn to crime to survive. You'll be unemployed & too poor to do ANYTHING but exist
>Liberal judges to Expand right to kill children. Mandated free birth control (more gibs)
MORE GIBS for single parents
>further incentive the break down the of the nuclear family
PAID parental leave
UBI will sell because it will prevent an armed resurrection
Short SPY
buy a rolex
Will boomerpol ever learn how inflation works?
why a submariner?
What can I buy for zero yang-bucks? Because that's how much he's going to be able to give if he gets elected.
The Democrats are going to rig it so that Jew Biden is the candidate. No choice but four more years of ZOG.
by the gods,,
that list is a suicide on a country level.
>and buying votes
AR-15 and ammo.
Yangerang Peter!
Make believe unicorns and rainbows about as real as my yang bucks will ever be.
>What will you spend your yang bucks on?
Buying crack/meth/heorin and handing it out to niggers in one of the six housing projects in my city. Once they are hooked they will give me their $1,000 bucks every month.
A David Parker Ray style torture dungeon.
a loaf of bread because that's all it would be worth.
Some of my food bill.
pray for yangie boi