Remember to spin this

>remember to spin this
>white women voted for trump
>white women are the real bad guys

Have to continue to drive the wedge between white women and the rest of the brown horde. Make white women unwanted by the brown people and they will learn their folly and return.

Attached: danny.jpg (753x855, 338K)

Other urls found in this thread:

She’s a streetshitter mutt.

cerces closest comparison is hillary clinton.

Should have voted for baratheon.

>Implying any of us follow this shit
Spit it out. What's this dumb cunt doing to make a thread about it?

I don't watch goyvision so I'm not able to discuss it with other goyim.


They want you to think the evil cunt Cersei is the good girl and feel bad about not making the Hilldebeast President.

I wanted Dany to burn all those faggots and the rest next week.

Here's how the series ends.

Attached: 1111.jpg (750x1334, 95K)

What the fuck caused this? Wasn't she Queen shitskin for the past decade?

Only nu/pol/ consumes kike subversion and spends time posting their mind poison here instead of /tv/

retarded... this can't b reeel

all Indian women are inherently psychotic.

stop watching this shit you absolute retard

source or is this pulled out of someone's ass?

Fuck off. You might as well try to enjoy something before everything goes to shit

And shitposting on Jow Forums makes thing better for us how exactly? Should we just stop doing everything that isn't Jow Forums?

And there us a board for those discussions. This isn't /b/ or /tv/ so you fuckoff, newfag.

No dicklicker, just take you discussion to the proper board.

This show ends with an incel autist becoming king of everything and the woke YASSS KWWEEEEN getting killed by her fuck buddy.

This show is based and redpilled.

Martin should be pissed with what those kikes did to his story, but he probably doesn't give a shit now that he's raked in his shekels

It's literally going to shit because you let kikes play with it. Sort of like your dick.

for love of God no way

Attached: 1533531363618.jpg (208x250, 8K)

This is what life is now. If you make something of influence, the beast system will come in and take it over.

You can be executed or you can be rich. But they are taking it over either way.