Power level exposed

>talking with sister in law
>mention my disdain for Jews holding dual loyalty to Israel
>this was 4 months ago
>apparently she always brings it up around the family that I "hate jews"
>father in law calls me a neo nazi behind my back
I hate chatty females

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Stop being a faggot and wear your nazism with pride. You're also a goddamn homo for telling a woman anything in confidence or assuming she won't stab you in the back.

Fuck her to establish dominance.

checked. I know family issues are difficult user. Continue to hide your powerlevel. Bide your time. I've seen this happen many times in familes/friends/groups. You could be the one that dropped the right seed into their heads. They may kevetch for a few months, but down the road, maybe a year, they could come to you and say "you were right, plz one moar redpill, where do I seek truth"
Bide your time user. Good job planting a seed. Wait and watch it grow.

>"Yeah so? Why should I like a nation that steals our tax money and has our beautiful kids die for their conquests?"

Can they deny any of it? If not, you clearly won and if they don't like it just cut them off.

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Thinking about not giving a fuck and just going with it desu
She's a lesbian conservative (somehow)

You shouldn't hide your power level user. She'd probably fuck you if you weren't such a timid cuck. Wear it with pride and peepee on her.

if youre actually smart your family will somewhat understand your beliefs but do it in a way that's comfortable for them. If they dont drop them

Took a while but redpilled my boomer parents on jews

What kinda fag waits for consent? Jump her in the shower.

This guy gets it

That's the fucking spirit user.

She's uggo

This dominate her womb

>father in law
literally a wifes son

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how can you show your true power level mine runs too deep to actually properly show

All females gossip user you should know this

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Make fun of them all for being naive cucks. Never back down user especially when you know you are right. Jews write books and brag all over social media about running shit and "we will replace you".

Berate them and break their spirit. No prisoners.

Put to their face that if they think anyone that has loyalty to another country can not be fully loyal to America. Period, end of story.

NPCs are so fucking retarded

So fuck her from behind. Goddamn, it's like I gotta do all the rape planning around here. Show some initiative.

It's dual citizenship. This can be proven by the two passports they have. Dual loyalty is a jew trick to present an arguable issue that is open to interpretation. Dual Citizenship is an indisputable fact that cannot be denied.

Stop saying "dual loyalty"

Thanks user I'm gonna take this warpath

Shut up kike

Based and rapepilled
Rape, the only language women understand.

and her puss of a dad too.

He can join in.

>too cucked to tell your in laws to fuck off
Why would you tell your sister in law anything? Those tits better be worth you exposing yourself like the coward you are.

thanks for the (you), juden

Just keep mentioning gays can't adopt or get married in Israel and they are having huge protests right now. Divide and conquer user.

Also roast liberals for being naive to not realize trump is untouchable with all the jews on his team. Make them alienate themselves.

Less Jew-accusations, more conspiracy to commit sexual assault.

I used to think she was based but she turned out to be a shabbos goy cuckservative

Ignore and disdain them Tell them they are not good enough to think anything they are commanded to, and what they say doesn't matter because is just a repetition of the convention you already know because you are bombarded with it the same. Then tell them to say an impression or opinion they have that goes in conflict with convention. When they cannot produce anything you'll see what they are, and you will genuinelly not care for it. They will not see it. They are blind. But you will.

No problem user, I always do this and it always works. Social media and Internet has given us a gift, people can't just deny the things they say, all you have to do is mention things in the context of "they brag on social media"... And if they deny it they are stupid. Then you just attack them for being stupid. Good luck friend.

Nazis are socialists faggot

naw, bend them both over side by side.

Literally just ask them to google the KalergiPlan in their spare time. Then ask them if they see some parallels with Libya and the migrant crisis of Saharan Africans entering Italy. After that, ask why Libya is the way it is. Also ask them which is the one group that it is literally illegal in some countries to criticize. Now ask them if that same group happens to be in most positions of power in your government.

>upset that someone calls you out on your shit

Oh I just told my family all of it. The whole thing. Everything I know and hate about Jews.
Oh they argued like hell with me for about 2 years.
Then they started agreeing with my out of nowhere suddenly.
And I thought to myself, " Someone has been researching what I said apparently " and that's just the way it is now.
Whole family redpilled as hell.

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>thinks normies follow or care about any of that shit

Stop being a cuck and have confidence in your beliefs.

Tell your faggot family that you're proud to hate the Jews and walk with your head held high.

>father in law calls me a neo nazi behind my back
>behind your back
he's scared of you, so what's the problem?

This. Never just drop your powerlevel load onto people. Plant logical seeds in their heads like "who controls the media?", "Have you noticed how white people, specifically white men, are always portrayed as the bad guy/incompetent in commercials and TV?". Honestly, questioning loyalty with people holding office with dual citizenship isn't even something over the line. Sounds like OPs family are a bunch of low IQ faggots

Pretty much all normies hate or are jealous of the elites. However, normies think they're just old white guys who were just shrewd businessmen.

If only they knew who the elites really are. Also, everyone hates paying more taxes. So ask them why America is giving so much aid to Israel when America seemingly gets nothing in return but some info and docking bays so that Americans can fight wars for Israel

>dating a girl with jewish ancestry
>talking politics
>"im a lolbertarian, what about you user?"
>unironic Nat Soc
>"uhh user, im jewish, i even had family in the camps"
>yeah, I know
>"how did you know user?"
>point to her nose
Best relationship I've been in in a while. I have her trying to prove to me the holocaust happened. Funny thing is as she researches it more she's redpilling herself. She brought up the wood door the other day and we just laughed together about it that people believe that bullshit

Kike detected...

I tell this to all my family. Most ask if I am a nazi too. I don't fucking care anymore. Why should thinking people care about the opinions of NPC's who know nothing and think nothing other than the propaganda they have digested?



You're gonna fuck that kike influence out of her, right? And then tell your father in law he's a faggot now that you've impregnated your sister in law with your "Neo-Nazi" seed, right?

Literally tell them that critisizing jewish people should be equated to "hating jews". That is a slippery slope fallacy, and calling people antisemite "neo-nazis" is audacious and must be backed with evidence, otherwise you will politely have to ask them to stop their difamation of you will have to sue.

He keeps whining about her being gay and ugly. I say rape her from behind, duh.

She's right. Stop hating on Jews. They did nothing to you.

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Why do you hate facts user?

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Good point user. Jew the jew...

>Stop hating on Jews. They did nothing to you.
Yes they have. They most certainly have. We want our society and culture BACK. We want our own. Not theirs. Theirs sucks shit and we don't want to live in it anymore.

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What about bragging about "we will replace you" and writing entire books about the subject, "dancing Israelis" on 9/11 and stealing America's nuclear technology resulting in all of our enemies having nukes?

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kek, it's not about sexual attraction. it's a show of dominance.

> They did nothing to you.
They do seem to be under the impression they CAN however. And yes they have done plenty.

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Yeah I say make the father in law double team his own daughter with OP.

I don't you silly faggot. In the context of what he was describing it doesn't mean the traditional definition of nazi. Even the mildest criticism of jews will cause you to be labeled a nazi thus the term has effectively changed in its meaning.

Put a bag over her head and get to work.

I just passing by to tell every one that i fucking hate every single jew

Paper or plastic?

I openly talk about niggers and even told my father in law that his daughter, my sister in law, is a coal burner. Get on my level.

Paper. Don't want OP to go and kill the woman just yet.

Same here. I was talking with my Leftist sister about her moving to a Jewish majority neighborhood in Brooklyn by herself and asked her if sure she wants this. And she got defensive and gave me a half hour lecture on Jews are great people and Hitler is evil.

Depends on what gets OP off I guess.

Well..Plastic, if used carefully could actually heighten her arousal what with the whole asphyxia kind and things. Fine line though. Easy to die doing that kind of stuff. Paper is probably a better way to ease into things at first.

>giving a shit what some bitch woman thinks
>having a cuck for a father in law
i hope your wife isnt also a cuck and is redpilled

I mean she's gay and we're discussing how best to rape her to establish dominance. I don't think OP is looking to give her a good time.

they sounds like a bunch of two faced cowards confront them and let them know they can say it to your face instead of being filthy kikes and speaking behind your back and ask them why they love jews so much and bring some data to show how kikes really operate
>nazis put them in ghettos
>never again
>do the same to palestinians
>muh 6 gorrilion


sheeit even their own kind deny the holohoax

The Holohoax is the key to the fall of the West


this thread may have some info in it

tell them about Holdomor or the havaara agreement Dresden how Nagasaki and Hiroshima were Christian towns the communist "revolution" talmud works too federal reserve and and the banking cabal shit even Martin Luther the founder of Protestantism says we should burn their synagogues and house down quit being a pussy and confront them

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>lie all the time
>believe a bunch of lies
>hate people who are smarter than them
>want to be around other people who just accept everything someone says with giving it another thought
>only care about pop culture, sports, and other dumb shit
>vote on muh feelings or whatever the news tells them, on name recognition, or party lines.
>don't care about anything but having a " good job "
>don't care about what is really going on in the world
>don't want to spend the time to educate themselves, on world affairs, because it will shatter the delusion they live in.

Anybody whos ever said "I wont tell anyone" insgtantly tells the first person they think "wont tell anything"

everybody knows

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Who knows? Maybe some cock + asphyxia kink would turn her. Unless she's a butch dyke. There's no turning those...Then again, noone would want to rape a butch dyke anyway. So yeah, it depends.

Post sister-in-law pics so we can see what we're working with.

Jews are:
a bunch of people that hold their loyalty to their race above their loyalty to their country

Jow Forums is:
a bunch of people that hold their loyalty to their race above their loyalty to their country

face it, you aren't upset at the Jew for what he does, you're upset at the Jew because he's good at it

I can't do that with mine. My real father is dead. My Latino step-father starts screaming when I try to red pill my mother. He turns red and gets aggressive. My White mother starts to cry and sides with him.

Even for the smallest thing, such as telling them that illegal immigration is against the law. It lead to me and my step-father getting into fights.

I'm assuming he's legal. If not, call ICE on him.

hating us is pretty dumb desu

Fuck him to establish dominance.

Keep going. Get into those fights. And kick his fucking ass. Then say "nobody on this fucking earth tells me what to think". Your mom will be aroused for you.

>confiding in females
not even once

Then fuck her to establish dominance.

never talk to women they will half the world if they could

You should poison him user.

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>Then say "nobody on this fucking earth tells me what to think".
Once I started to behave like this both my mom and sister started to become extremely aroused

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It's the only way user.

Yeah. Cook up a little ricin and put it in his refried spic beans.

They're not capitalist or marxist socialist.

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Use logic to make them feel stupid. "Everyone knows that you can't serve two masters. You can't be loyal to two countries at the same time, so which one are they loyal to? Well, time and time again history shows that their loyalty is to Israel. None of you can deny this and I'd love for any of you to try." Then if they try, show them the many politicians that are dual citizens in US and Israel and what those politicians have done. List what they have done in the interest of America and what they have done in the interest of the Israelis. The results will speak for themselves. When you do this, you will know which of your family members can be reached and which cannot.

>sister in law
>she has power over you
If you aren't fucking or plan on marrying and procreating with a woman, she should have no power over you.
Slide thread, onto the next

Fuck you lookin at

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>Then they started agreeing with my out of nowhere suddenly
>>anons ranting about the jews again honey, just play along so he will leave

I fight him all the time. Last time, i visited them and we fought and my mother told him to calm down and he fucking hit her. I got this rage in me (I have anger issues) and pulled out the gun and told him don't fucking touch my mother. He spent the next day talking about how I am the crazy, violent one. He fucking hit my mother... WTF. And she is still with him now.