What is the average IQ of gun owner?

What is the average IQ of gun owner?

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60 to 85

"average iq of gun owner" Fucking use some proper English you 75 IQ hippie!

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61 to 84

Probably 105. Just average. Poorer people are less likely to afford a gun, and pooper people tend to be lower IQ, so I didn't say 100, but 105.

It's IQ, it's schools. Schools pump whoredom in to kids soft heads starting in elementary school. Kids learn from their peers, not their parents, and the peers learn from the media and schools. We have my body, my choice in this country, but you have to pay taxes to send your kids to Jewish brainwashing centers. Get people behind school choice. My kids, my choice. They RAPE their minds in public schools.

Nothing is more anti-woman than the Jewish influenced system of institutions in the West. Women are like children, in motivations and agency. They need to lose all political and most legal rights, and we will take good care of them. Nothing is worse for women and better for Jewish capital than requiring women to wageslave. Expecting women to work outside the home increases production and destroys wages, and it wastes female lives in slaving for a company. Not only does it destroy the family, but male productivity also suffers from not having a trustworthy assistant in the home.

The age teens are expected to lose their virginity is the exact age they should be expected to be married. Marrying young means couples grow together. The only reason marrying your high school sweetheart isn't common is that college is hung over high schoolers like a ominous cloud. Nothing can get in the way of a college education or they'll end up bare foot. Instead they sleep around and they trail through multiple relationships of convenience.

Public school and colleges are the problem. They are self promoting, Jewish brainwashing centers. Public schools and colleges have an invested interest in not seeing kids get married off and leave their system.

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They're really stupid. You should come disarm them since they are so retarded.

About 25-30 points hire than the OP.

...who is a faggot, by the way.

I know many people who own guns and are intellectually superior to the vast majority of their criticizers and gun fearing liberals

Reminder before things get out of hand

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Uhh, well mine was 135 last time I took the mensa test while taking a shit just after waking up, soo..

But I don't own any guns. Wish I did. Faggot.

More than you.

The Jews in the U.S are smarter then the jews in Israel.


i tested when i was in sophomore year of college, cost me 10 bucks, it was a proctored test. i got a 138. i own 2 rifles 1 carbine 1 shotgun 3 pistols.

6 million.

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Smart enough to shoot you

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137 and I have over 50 guns.
Busy converting Canadians to become woke.

Higher than yours nigger

>muh gibs cuz looser.
>Guy with multi k$ worth guns must be stupid.
Yeah, that's it, because having that much money goes with a low IQ.

Jow Forumstards insult Jow Forumstards, Jow Forumstards insult Jow Forumstards back.

Smart enough to not disarm myself.

I own close to 30 guns.

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On this note, I would wager that serious collectors probably have higher average IQs than your average gun owner.

The guy who says
>haha yeah man i just grabbed an AR15, it was $400 its fucking sick

Probably has a lower IQ than the guy who
>understands collectivity, history, and rarity
>owns guns for pleasure and enjoyment, not to be tactical bro
>does long range shooting
>collects rare mags and accessories
>has NFA items

With or without Fudds?

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Probably a little higher than the collective IQ of the Taliban.
Which is more than enough to handle muh greatest military in the world.


>What is the answer to my easy to google question
106 dumbass


Probably around 115 to 120. Last time I checked I was 117

Checked. Trips of truth and excellence.

Where did you get that pic of Will Wheaton? Why is he so retarded now?


for leftist gunowners its 130
for right-wing gun owners its 80

sadly among our best, anyone who hates guns likely doesn't know jack shit about their beliefs other than feeling morally superior.

Dont know.
What's the average IQ of the guy who lets television, and blogposts think for him?

retarded arab chiming in.

seething fentanyl-american detected

Whatever it is, the number is surely dragged through the mud by niggers.

If they understand self defense and protecting themself, then likely above average.


Legal or illegal? If so:

Legal gun owners I’d say >90

Nigs included I’d say 45

I don't know. I'd say it's lower than most judging from the stereotypes but owning a gun dosen't necessary make you have a low IQ. It's not something I think about.


It;s gonna be average.

It's either 140+ or -85.
We're either too smart to use them yet or too stupid not to have used them by now

You tell me.

I own several different types of firearms, and certainly wouldn't refer to them as "guns", like some mentally-retarded offspring of a syphilis-ridden morbidly obese whore who didn't realize she was pregnant until her water broke.

I enjoyed boarding school outside the US; prepared me for success at an Ivy here in the States. In the summer, my dad and brothers would hunt big game.

My wife and I met in a corporate meeting, and her life was similar to my own. We married and got along well, since her dad was also an avid "gun owner", though not as successful as my dad in his enterprise.

Our kids enjoy a level of freedom quite rare these days. Safety among an echelon seldom noticed by those outside our circle. The wife was quite happy to become a homemaker, as she realized leading a Corp is almost as challenging as raising kids properly, so she happily accepted the responsibility.

Most importantly, it doesn't matter. Gun laws do not matter to us. Law or no law, we will have firearms because we're (as cliche as it seems) above the law.

But I do enjoy responding to the quaint little thread about "gun owners". Because those who protest it think that they're... "smart", when in fact, liberals are nothing but the suckling pig raised ever-so-carefully in a farm, waiting for slaughter, which they are made aware of eventually (and usually) just before the axe falls.

And they in their terror, they blame republicans. LOL




Gun owner here.

I've had 3 separate I.Q. tests done by my psychologist and scored an average of 134.

>Gun owner
>my psychologist
expect to be red flagged you dumb jew-cucking faggot

I didn't know specifically going to a reputable psychologist to have my I.Q. tested was indicative of having psychological issues.

you said "my psychologist," implying that you regularly see them for (((therapy)))

Not sure, but the majority of gear queers I know are obsessive about the numbers. Caliber, bullet weight, velocities, model numbers, makes and models. There's all kinds of numbers and stats for a nerd to sink their teeth into. It's generally not a hobby for stupid people.

Like everything in life, there's a few different tiers of people who own guns. There's the retards who like to just fire into the sky and look like a badass, the sensible person who likes shooting as a sport and respects the engineering of a rifle, and then theres the Jow Forumsommando ready to bug out when society collapses here soon

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and apparently the lefty who goes to buy the cheapest rifle at big 5

higher than this faggot by a magnitude

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aka "retard"

multiples higher than this dumb cunt

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308 or 556

.500 Nitro Express

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smarter than this eurofag right here.

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