What's going to happen when whites are not a majority anymore? We're barely holding it together as it is. Other races (excluding asians) don't respect the rule of law like we do. Are we going to have a problem on our hands?
This is America
Other urls found in this thread:
>rule of law
Laws aren't made for whites user, they're to keep the rabble in line.
the purge
Then, per the (((plan))), America goes down the shit hole.
You have examples, Zimbabwe and South Africa. You'll be lucky if they don't eat the whites.
Alpha male with the mace. "I'm not going to break a sweat fighting you punks. I'm going to cause you temporary blindness instead"
If whites=cops and cop lovers I hope that what will happen is whites will get burned on slow fire for a month or two.
That girl got taken down for assaulting an officer. Mate do you even know what the charge for that is?
>pull out pepper spray
>niggers run so fast they break the sound barrier
But I thought them darkies liked spice :^)
>Whites respecting the law!
It's a felony. Class D. 5 years.
OC should've came out alot sooner. Hesitation kills.
>90 days house arrest
>probation for 6 months
>time served starts at moment of arrest
>trial takes months
>does no time, just go meet with a parole officer for the remaining time
thats the outcome with a shitty public defender
Niggers make me sick
I need this with sound
Going to? I detect a bit of the ol' sarcasm. I hope...
>when whites are not a majority anymore?
we accuse the Democrats and blacks of genocide
we send them to the International Criminal Court in The Hague, Netherlands on genocide charges
cut all programs for niggers. let them chimp out arrest and shoot those who do, the rest will starve off. niggers have an entire continent.. and its absolute garbage.
that's the outcome with no priors
Could be a good thing in the long run. As a minority group, Whites will finally develop a racial consciousness.
It is an easy way to break up a crowd. People frown on shooting into crowds generally.
Filthy Russian troll detected. Mem flag fuckers who are supporting Trump here also. They will try anything to divide the U.S.
>Badge niggers getting mauled by nigger niggers
Who cares. They deserve it. They wouldn't hesitate to lock up a White person who dares defend the interests of themselves and their people. These cops chose their side. It just happens to be the wrong one.
if only it was legal to shoot nigger
if only
Despite all predictions, the Afrikaners are doing pretty well right now and are actually growing and living in their own self-sufficient communities. Losing power in South Africa could end up being a good thing in the long run. As the country goes to hell around them, they'll keep surviving and THRIVING.
are you implying all of those high school students have priors?
might have to BREED then. 2nd gen immigrants are weak sauce, every time.
have you seen their skin color?
Polarization, and the intel agencies and jewish billionaires will likely be hunted down for causing this mess afterwards.
National Socialism is all but guaranteed in the end. There is no point fighting the inevitability of the demise of the jewish race.
I hope cops and cop lovers in russia get burned alive for a month too. Did I just break your little brain bred for shilling?
Yeah dude, that's why we're all here. It's why Jow Forums exists. Did you even take a look at the other threads before posting this? It's literally the only thing we discuss
what do you think america is? one big city? i dont care how many mexicans move to the southwest my part of the country is staying majority white for a LONG time. Fuck the rest of this country. I hope you all get mugged killed and your mothers raped. got a problem with nonwhites? move, faggot.
The other race cops are twice as brutal especially to their own respective colors. Nothing will change, honestly things are fine. The only way to control these people is with force.
We were always outnumbered throughout history, what will happen is that we'll use technology and strategy lowering the enemy population
Let the pigs and the niggers duke it out. Any halfway intelligent white man knows to steer clear of and minimize interactions with both groups.
I'm a law abiding and safe white guy. I've literally never had a positive experience with either pigs or nig nogs. I haven't any idea why whites feel the need to constantly kiss cop ass.
they all looked white enough to me
You are pretty naive if you think they're only moving to the southwest. And if you think they're only coming from Mexico.
You could get culturally enriched not to be such sheeple.
>got a problem with nonwhites? move, faggot.
This is all fine until they start shipping them to your neck of the woods. They are even sending them to Maine these days. You live in Montana or Idaho or something? It's only a matter of time until it happens to you, user.
>la la la, I'm just going to bury my head in the sand because they're coming for me last. Haha, suckers!
>lowering the enemy population
by turning enemies into friends
(as a class full of niggers answered, after teacher asked them what will happen if all the whites are gone, "we're fucked")
Agreed. No record, never had what I would call a good cop interaction, at best it is over with relatively quickly but they tend to be fucking pricks. Nigs are shit.
holy fuck just kill yourself
im not naive. maybe YOU should look up where mexicans are moving and what formerly non white parts of the country will be nonwhite in 30-40 years. there are plenty regions and states even that will remain white for a long time. and that's all that matters. if you think this countrys demographics at large is a problem for you maybe you should elect someone who isnt a neocon/lib that wants cheap labor?
>niggers acting up
Should've pulled their guns out immediately and started shooting.
Then nigger, you're blind.
lets say your pol fantasy is true and EVERY REGION OF EVERY STATE IN THE US will become mexico in what? a generation? what are you to do about that now? post about it online? whatever
>What's going to happen when whites are not a majority anymore?
You are going to collapse like South Africa and Rhodesia.
>What's going to happen when whites are not a majority anymore?
Basically this on a national scale.
Didn't they use to be a legit first world nation with one of the strongest economies in the world? Now they are concerned with actual white genocide and maintaining their control of their farmland for crops. How is this a good thing?
>Muh bloo bloo lives matter
Chad American cops holding off a crowd of unruly shitskins. Imagine this in Yurp.
This is the most insane thing I've read today. Whites are literally in concentration camps, and nigger politicians are literally calling for violently taking white land and murdering whites.
What homo taught you to give a shit about what race is a majority? Like it fucking matters.
Lemme guess, you still believe in God and Jesus and that bullshit too?
>literally in concentration camps
god, niggers are so fun.
t. wigger
>brandish mace
>scatter like its holy water
I literally go to school with these orangutans. They’re are planning a walk out tomorrow because of “muh police brutality” should be interesting. Please tell me America had always been this fucked and I’m just seeing it more cause of cellphones and because I’m stuck in school with these people
>implies I listen to rap
fuck off shithead
>thinks that when the country starts starving they won't immediately begin killing all the white farmers and eating their crops.
lmao. You know Musk gtfo of SA because it was such a shithole that he knew was fucked, right?
Most cops are psychopaths anyway. Why would a normal person ever desire to be a cop nowadays? Because they are fucking psychos and want to hurt people and shoot a gun.
Good old trial by combat.
I actually would like to see a majority white developed country become majority black.
Although I would feel bad for the whites, it would be great to study the decline.
>The other race cops are twice as brutal especially to their own respective colors.
That's because they know their own kind.
I wish.
Alternative post: spot the nigger.
I see two heroes fighting off a hoard of nogs.
Those zombie movies from the early 2000s were preparing us for something.
But there is no undead to fear, only an uprising of niggers.
>They have no political power, and could be crushed at any moment but that's fine, they have these awesome self-sufficient Mad Max hippie communes.
That is pretty much what you just said.
fuck you nigger
The enemy pushes closer to the trenches. We will soon need to retreat if this continues. We must stand proud! Show the enemy how many of us there are.
Simply state that "I Am White" on any social media platform. A simple but moving statement that would make even Ivan Drago shed a tear. Society will be taken aback at such a statement, but the message is clear. "I Am White". The Tik Tok, Tumblr, and Facebook audiences will see it as some scheme. How wrong they will be. How wrong..
You sound a lot like a spic now. The only thing that matters is making the whole country white again. There are only a handful of states where spics don't make up at least 25% and those are just the legal ones that we know about. You are also naive if you think my vote has any meaning when the media buries any candidates who don't conform to the two party system. Americans at large are NPCs and by controlling information you control the voting booths.
South park predicted this
kill cops, their masters, bootlickers, and betas. Kill civilization. Simple as.
The wonders of modern policing.
"Alright. Show's over. Meet my buddy from DuPont... "
>electoral college votes don't matter
Jesus you're fucking dumb. Even if there are pockets of white areas, Congress gets filled with hundreds of AOCs when they take over voting majority.
The reality is voting options as a vehicle for change have passed.
I don't think spics are that bad in general. The idea of a white ethnostate makes sense in Europe but here we have to make some friends, it's too far gone. Spics and Asians can live within the Western Civ framework. Niggers and Muslims cannot.
> the only thing that matters is making the whole country white again
yeah good luck with that one
dude pol is going to turn america white again xD
We already have a problem Black and Hispanic crime is tearing the country apart.
The police are not your allies.
They do not work for you.
They protect the very people that are systematically exterminating you.
It's not illegal unless you get caught.
>this is gonna be america and europe in 50 years, EVERYWHERE
Imagine 105iq homogenous asia against OP's webm lol.
More and more cities will look like Baltimore and Chicago with increased crime rates to boot. More strain on taxpayers. More expensive to find a safe (white) suburb. Killings as "revenge" for colonialism. A permanent democrat majority voter base. The worst part is no one will admit it's a problem.
we got a smart goy ovah here.
And in fact, most will encourage it! One would hope for complete societal collapse at one point, when the system no longer has enough support to function properly. But given how Brazil/SA are still operating, its going to be a slow and painful decline.
>white cops keeping order in a ocean of nigs
that's what it takes to keep this society running
any audio version?
that was based and professional pilled
I wish they would have just shot them.
Here’s hoping
You are celebrating Reservations for white people. You realize this right?
Chad cops: fights a gang of monkeys from a kneeling position with one hand.
Our laws are for us, by us, for our benefit.
You all have to go back.
asians respect the rule of law? Are you kidding me. Look at all the IP theft in China. it's off the hook.
>What's going to happen when whites are not a majority anymore?
>What's going to happen when whites are not a majority anymore
>What's going to happen when whites are not a majority anymore? We're barely holding it together as it is.
You need to update this picture.
We will become south America, other races are not smart enough to run a country this big.
Most likely they will do something retarded like debase our currency by printing money for everyone. Or by appointing incompetents to labor and water boards leading to a break down of labor relations and poisoned water or major water reservoirs that run dry. There are a ton of ways you can fuck up a modern country, just by lowering the general IQ 5 points