Job recommendations?

Hey Jow Forums,

I'm a white early 20's male and I've decided I'm done with college. I didn't feel like it was going anywhere (wasn't a STEM major) and I didn't like the monotony and brainwashing.

What, in your experience, is a good starting career or at least decent paying temporary employment?
>have a highschool diploma
>white and in good shape
>extreme pol tier opinions but I come off like a normie and interview decently well
Not looking to become some rich boomer living off his investments tomorrow but what do you recommend for employment thats above McCucks tier.

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Try walmart.

Garbage man, no joke


you will live on welfare

OP here, forgot to mention, I live in Florida and have a choice between a few cities I'm considering moving to because I don't have any ties here besides my school and my current wagie job.

Trying to avoid something meme tier, whats their minimum qualification for lower management?

I hate trash

Keep your hands out of my pockets you fucking swine

Be a server. It's still McCucks level, but it's pretty decent money depending where you live and your choice of restaurant to work at.

sign a 4-6 year contract with the army or the air force if you can get an intelligence job or something similar. you will be able to pick the job before signing anything
>die for israel goyim
youll be fine with a cushy job, dont go infantry/police/cav/etc

Software Tester/Software Test Engineer/Quality Assurance Engineer/QA Automation Engineer.

Basically all the same thing, but the last one does a little more coding...and by coding, they just make code that checks other code but doesn't actually do anything that affects function.

Pays between $40 to $80/hr depending where you work, what company, what industry, etc. Video games pays worse, and often pays minimum wage or just a few lousy dollars above that.

But you an parlay that experience into other industries, if you have the attention to detail and the passion for the work.

get a job in an office and not in construction because manly jobs are awful jobs according to officeanon

Welder is the best you're going to do. Unless you are willing to suck dick, then you can be an electrician or elevator repair guy.

Get into the trades. Good pay, in high demand, very redpilled people. The interview process is literally just making sure your gonna be a good ol boy.

same boat as you
just started a job in abatement construction, making 27$ an hour, feels good

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If your in shape then how bigs your dick? Male pornstars might not make as much as their female counterparts, but its better then being a fast food or retail employee.

Learn a trade, lift, stop being a faggot, and change the world. In this order.

>27 an hour
how the fuck ?

How did you get your job? Is it hard? Did you find any good paying alternatives along the way?

>muh coding
gag I can't wait for min wage indians to take over the software industry


Absolutely not, almost went in until I saw what a pit it is, destroys your body and barely pays anything.

> While the lefts march through the institutions was long and ultimately successful we must achieve the same, but in a much shorter time period. Due to the threat of ethnic replacement and our own horribly low birth rates, we do not have 150 years or even 50 years to achieve positions of power. We must be intrinsically leveraged into the political, militaristic, judicial, educational and economic institutions, and within 25 years.

What’s wrong with MP?

Please explain how one gets into porn? Im hung like a goddamn elephant

i went through a temp agency and they hooked me up with an interview, guess i was just lucky
its dangerous work if you dont follow protocol, working with asbestos and lead, most people would rather make 10$ an hour bagging groceries i guess

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high chance of putting yourself in harm's way. you should try to minimize that when choosing your job. most MPs i met got mixed up with the infantrymen. if you go military, you need to realize that theyll train you for a specific job but youll likely not do that job. youll get put into a more broad group like "intel" rather than "Geospatial Intelligence Imagery Analyst"

Join the air Force

>i went through a temp agency and they hooked me up with an interview, guess i was just lucky
Did you have any prior work experience? Also what agency and did they charge you anything? Also how long did it take? Thanks

Only viable employment option for you that allows you start working ASAP and not make minimum wage or close to it would be to join military. Everything else either doesn't pay well or will damage your body. You could go into a trade but that would require 1-2 years at a community college. IMO you should consider going back to college and enrol in an engineering, accounting, or nursing program to become a PEng, CPA, or RN. I get that you had a shitty experience at college. However, unlike academic meme programs, professional programs at colleges tend to have good ROI and have minimal brainwashing.

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kabob removal. Is this what you wanted?

yeah he can leave the brainwashing to Jow Forums

Get in with UPS or another good company. Work hard and make your way up the ranks you can become a driver and make great money.

what the fuck temp agencies hire for maybe 15 at most here

Get an electrician apprenticeship

I have a cdl clas A with all the endorsements and drive a bus. Did it for 3 years. Do not like getting cussed out at every day. Is it good?

i had worked as a property manager for a year and a half beforehand, work there included a little bit of everything in terms of home maintenance. the agency will continue to take a small percentage of my wages for the first 500 hours i work. whole process took about 2 weeks until i was signed on
i live in a small but rapidly growing city in montana so wages are good, plus everybody i work with is white which is nice

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Become an electrician! Pay is great, job security is great. The work keeps you physically fit and mentally sharp.


Where can I find this job

Is it really tho?

CNC machinist . seriously theres so many available jobs. Of course youll have to be trained well by a good college

This is your best bet OP. Call the top companies in your area and be honest about having no experience but say you're willing to learn and put in hard work.

>destroys your body
Don't go infantry or combat then, and if you want to avoid mystery meat, go smart guy and get a job that needs high line scores. Military isn't all guns and explosions. There's a large infrastructure behind it.

>barely pays anything
The military covers your three biggest expenses: housing, transport, and food. They issue you other things and benefits packages as well. That pay is more or less discretionary and up to you to save, invest, and/or spend.

Unless you've got a mid-high-five/six figure job lined up for you, the military is probably a better deal for someone who is above average but struggling to move on up. All they want out of you is a high scores on their aptitude test, a clean bill of health, and no more than a slap on the wrist by Mister Meaner on the criminal record. Choose the right job and you'll also get a security clearance.

Study while you're in, go green to gold, get a bunch of certs and maybe even a CDL + passenger/ammo/hazmat if you're feeling like an overachiever, and take everything the government is offering you while you're on their dime.

On the other hand, the military is also the best life mistake you'll ever make. You'll sacrifice your youth to the government machine and you have to choose whether you believe that is worthwhile. Many don't.

this g3t in army. if ur a cuck it will make u man from just experience witg people

apply some construction job. work with mexicans. rise. run compamy.its actually very easy if u have english iq

Your bigger nearby cities will likely pay you to send you to police academy and start you off at 20+ an hour if you want to user

fuck no
go to a construction job site

Warehouse jobs can be boring and uneventful but that is not a bad thing.

1. Construction
2. Rough Neck
3. Janitor
4. Mc Flipper
5. Cashier
6. Warehouse worker
7. Walmart greeter.

Go to a trade school or get a STEM+Law degree and your options will explode.

1. Go get the STEM degree at a based or at least nonfag university. Chicago if your grades are close to 4, George Mason if your grades are closer to 3, Utah State if closer to 2.0.
2. Programming. Start with Python.
3. Sales.
4. Military.
5. ATP flight school.
6. Cop

Go to a trade school user

>not stressing nor boring
It’s like telling a fish how to ride a bicycle then he answers “you are retarded there’s no such thing as water and why would I need legs?”.

trade if you are an honest person. do your work well and get payed for it.


anything corporate.
top level corporate employee would be public servant, decent money for starters and great if you can repeat the sing along. if you get in that one with such mindset even with minimal qualifications/competence not required you will reach the top.

and since you are posting is such manner pservice is best for you, just get like a bachelors or maybe some high end certificate.start 40 end at 200k for you buddy. + pension.

what trades pay well??

i am looking for a better job

Work for the railroad.

>atp flight school
its expensive and time consuming as fuck to get the hours and training to get to that point in the first place
i know because i went a good ways down that route

>indians to take over the software industry
they've been trying for almost 20 years. It's not going to happen. They wipe their asses with their hands thus getting shit on the keyboards which produces shit software. Fact. Companies would love to outsource at pajeet level minimum wage but whatever they produce ends up being buggy garbage that isn't worth the savings.

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pick up a trade

real estate. 1 semester of class, take a test, then you start selling houses and depending how many you sell, profit$$$

My friend works at a UPS warehouse and he says its horrible. Drivers are niggers straight outta prison and they drive 12 hours every day