Why does Jow Forums hate me?

Just because I’m gay doesn’t mean that you should hate me, sexual orientation is not a choice. Besides, I’m nationalist and right wing. I hate trannies and niggers to. What is the logical reason to be against me when we are ideologically identical?

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You can thank the kikes and the commies. There's noting inherently leftist or rightist in who you want to have sex with. You don't have to be a subversive trying to end western civilisation just because you want that sweet bussy.

But you've been used as a cudgel to beat the straight white man over the head with. And so there will be backlash.

So you don’t hate me?

There are very few things which I actively hate, and they are mostly related to Jews doing their jewy shenanigans.

Go fuck whoever you feel like and prepare for the coming downfall.

I didn't hate you until you made this shitty off-topic thread.

I used to tolerate you because I don't really care what a tiny portion of a population does. But after being shoved your trash down my throat my entire life by our elite, you can frankly burn in hell faggot.

Here are several logical reasons:

- A statistically significant quantity of you are pedophiles and groom male children for your perversions.

- For every male or female that is homosexual, it is one less individual that could be producing children and continuing your race / genetic lineage. An exclusively homosexual species would be extinct in a single generation.

- A huge percentage of homosexual males have sexually transmitted diseases and spread them via anal sex. Many of these STD's are life threatening, and contribute to medical problems that are completely avoidable.

- Compounding the previous reason, there is a homosexual subculture called bug-chasers that fetishize the acquisition and spread of Sexually transmitted diseases. Particularly AIDS.

- A large percentage of homosexuals fight for laws that are anti-free speech. Your sexual fetish and your addiction to it contribute to the erosion of our collective rights.

On an individual level, I don't hate homosexuals. On a collective level, I agree with societies that discourage and ban the practice.

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you do realise their sudden fetish to have children is to condition them into their degenerate lifestyle, they’re trying to create a separate social class protected by the state to be the new janissaries because the trannies and fags realise that they’ll leave no legacy behind and this is the way they intend on doing it.

globohomo is cancer

You chose to embrace your degeneracy, that's all the reason I need to hate you.

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> (OP)
>I used to tolerate you because I don't really care what a tiny portion of a population does. But after being shoved your trash down my throat my entire life by our elite, you can frankly burn in hell faggot.

Literally fucken this. Hope you faggots die by fire and burn in hell.

I've got a better question:

Why do you give a flying fuck what you perceive to be what "Jow Forums thinks"?

You're lonely aren't you, it seem everyone is lonely as fuck these days.

Stay in the closet like your gay ancestors have done throughout history.

I am gay too fren, Honestly I know this gets said a lot but the people that really truly HATE gays are probabbly hiding some gay feelings themselves, at least that is my opinion.

Either way being gay doesnt mean that you cant try to be a good man and improve your community and nation, I am sure you know that though, Jow Forums is right most of the time, but dont take too much stock in what people ree at you about on here, ultimately it is your life, would it be best served finding a white woman and having kids with her? yes, but good luck fiding a woman let alone a loyal woman in the current year. like other anons have said, IMO just live your life and prepare for the happenings.

>if you hate spiders you're probably secretly a spider

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dont get me wrong, I understand it, I hate the lgbt faggots probabbly more than most, There is every reason to dislike them, but I think people that look at two dudes or girls that just want to be left alone with hatred and contempt, and condemn them all to hell, and pain, and suffering is probably not right in the head.

I do get it though, There is every reason to dislike the current state of lgbt bullshit, I mean, they litterally buttfuck in the streets.

Shut up Tim Dillon. We know you're here looking for twinks to fuck in the ass.

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I'm with you to that extent, erase the degenerates and keep it in the bedroom and nobody will care how you fuck

Sex is a choice, it's like you're saying you can't pick who you fuck

What a total lie "born this way" is, what a vapid excuse for your choice to lust

that's All I am saying, The way its paraded around now is disgusting and gross, and makes all gays look like massive degenerate faggots ( we are all degenerate) but some of us just want to be left alone, and to leave you alone.

Sodomy is fucking disgusting.

think about how many people didn't care about race before lefties started their crusade

I will probably hate your actions, a lot of the times you don't have to act on your sexual desires. If you're feeling a certain way sexually, don't give in to your desires if it's leading to a life of HIV and ass fucking degenerates.

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go back to your containment board faggot

Homosexuality is naturally disgusting for heterosexuals. The mainstream homosexual culture is also antithetical to our values.

Having said that, homosexuals also comprise 10% of the population. They could be a valuable ally for the future of the ethnostate and should be repurposed to that end. I say this seriously. I propose that every homosexual could be an army officer, art critic or fitness professional and receive far more respect than they do now as attention whores.

>Just because I’m gay doesn’t mean that you should hate me

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Homosexuals were "born this way" as their brain chemistry more closely resembles females than heterosexual males. In some cases it is virtually indistinguishable except for the size of the brain.

It is stupid for the ethnostate to discriminate against a potential asset and white homosexuals should be rolled into society in order to further our goals. There is no single sub group that hates shitskins more than upper middle class and middle class white homosexual males because they instinctively view them as poor breeding partners. This is only advantageous to us, especially if we change their culture from one of degeneracy to that of a pillar of the ethnostate.

Any cute white boys want some of the gaye?

we don't hate gays. what we hate, is picrelated.jpg, and picrelated is pushed from certain elite factions or a single faction posing as many. regardless, it's being pushed for a plethora of reasons, driving down birth rates, degrading white males to non reproduction (though some would say they are weak, so this is a plus), pushing degenerate acts that spread disease and anguish amongst the population, and then when this is normalized, moving on to a new and even more degenerate push such as fucking babies, with the end goal of sacrificing them on an altar to moloch.

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Sexual orientation is a choice.

we don't hate gay, we hate what it leads to.
proselytism of mental illness, normalization of trans and transitioning kids etc...

>tfw fell for the trap meme and am now one.
most right wing guys I know are ok with homos, so long as you recognize your degeneracy and dont mind making fun of fags