News on paper

I have 2000 available newspapers that I can print (in runs of at least 100 each) at 8 page tabloid size.

I’m located in a small Australian town.

I want to start a small red pill paper for the local community. Thoughts?

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Redpills are stupid, you're a fucking idiot, and the only reason anyone can find an audience for this kind of shit is because you're ass-deep in an echo chamber and think it's the world.

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Make it a satire paper. I’ll write for you.

Got any reports about Osama? Or older ones about Hitler or the USSR?

Don't let jews contribute. You're gonna need someone to look into people. I'll do that.

Pretty based, following the founders and such. Only problems I see is that you're a crowncuck and no one reads newspapers anymore.

Just hire abo columnists and fill the pages with their retarded writings. Don't even copyedit. People will give you accolades for being a humanist when you're really just demonstrating how retarded they are

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>You're gonna need someone to look into people.
t. datamining glownigger
OP vet the articles not require self doxxing

He means that he is volunteering to vet the racial credentials of contributors.

Id say considering the size of Jow Forums this is the least echo chamber like place to discuss politics

Yes and I mean that he is obviously a glownigger just trying to datamine and doxx anyone that would contribute and used the natsoc flag to obscure that fact. If you want decent minds writing for you then dont expect to be able to slap a requirement of self doxxing, at the end of the day you can just read the article and see if its based or not. The reason Jow Forums works so well is because people are able to speak their mind without the threat of their ID being tied to the words despite IP. Having to self doxx means its basically just another glownigger datamine.

>lefty leaves their echo chamber and hears other views for the first time and thinks it's an echo chamber

sloppy job mossad
if you are goying to attempt mememaking at least get some guys who can into ps because this paint shit always looks pathetic

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You could just print the Daily Stormer, curated a bit for Australian audiences and supplemented with whatever you find. Anglin won't mind, he calls it samisdadt (?) OZ won't let you print anything cool at a legitimate publisher so you might as well go full subversion

cry more

Starting a newspaper in 2019 is perhaps not such a great idea, user.

calling you out on your bullshit isn't crying you dumb kike

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start publishing local gossip but with fiction stories about murders and monsters seen around the local businesses etc. after your first run if u make enough interest buy a website and run ads

user don't lose your job over shitposting IRL

Print Jow Forums threads

kek, literally this

These people quite literally do not understand the meanings of some of the words they use.

Realistically it might be the only form of information distribution for rationally thinking human beings since all other media platforms are banning them. Outside of your Wall Street junkie typically conservatives read the paper Still.

How curiously specific

wew the JIDF really can't meme.