Is Is based? I like what I’ve read about the LCMS and was thinking of going to a Sunday service. Are any of of you Lutheran? I’ve also been researching Anglican as well but they seem to be too welcoming of homos and other degeneracy.
What does Jow Forums think of Lutheranism?
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An autistic who destroyed Western Civilization by accident.
Faith alone is satanic.
It doesn’t matter if you’re a Protestant or Catholic, it’s all bullshit. Islam is the only acceptable religion. Read the Quran.
Legitimately this, at least the autist named the Jew. The stuff he was screaching about was probably a legitimate meltdown at the time but he probably would have just shut his autistic mouth if he knew what his schism would do to the world, divide the German people, create two world wars and allow the infiltration of degeneracy into Christianity.
I'm a Lutheran. I'd recommend you join but not one of the ECLA faggy organizations.
That'd be Marx or some Rothschild handler and that was meaningful
Thanks user. My plan was to avoid those. I read that the Missouri Synod was the one that didn’t accept the homo bullshit.
I'm a member of the Church of Norway. It's nice, obviously, but if you're near one of our churches, check it out. English is usually available semi-regularly.