'have sex' seems to be the last Jow Forums insult.
Why people who make sex thinks they are better than others?
Sticking your dick in a vagina don't makes you special!
>inb4 virgin
Yes, I'm a virgin waiting for someone special.
'have sex' seems to be the last Jow Forums insult.
Why people who make sex thinks they are better than others?
Sticking your dick in a vagina don't makes you special!
>inb4 virgin
Yes, I'm a virgin waiting for someone special.
Lurk more, it's not new just repackaged
That ID
It looks like you need some sex though
lol incel
Who hurt you sweaty?
Evil people do Jow Forums
>Yes, I'm a virgin waiting for someone special.
#MeToo, hi.
Stop being an incel and turn to god, be a volcel
Fake pic, js.
someone give me a qrd as to why (((they))) call reasonable people incels then go on a sex strike
Photoshopped, but still feels bad
Better to link the quran
have sex incel
There is nothing special, girls reach their sexual peak at around 22. By that time, they already on average slept with 15 - 20 guys while guys here slept with much less or are virgins so basically, the only thing guys that wait for the "perfect" are just waiting their turn t gain access to the parking garage many have parked before..
Not having sex as a modern male is pretty pathetic irl though.
If you are a virgin in 2019, you have nobody to blame but yourself. It has never EVER been esier to get laid.
it’s because leftists bring everything down to sex, they’re degenerates.
Just remember to reply with 'Get pregnant'.
You can't have sex? Well they can't have kids.
Not photoshopped.
The thing is dead.
I don't like little girls
i blame my parents. They came up with my genes; told my mom that they should have used condoms or abortion.
its some shit from the blue boards that came over here, I saw that fucking retarded insult mostly over at /v/
Reply to this post if you're not a virgin.
To the slut, sex is the most important thing in life. It has to be the most important thing, because it is all she is good at.
To the homosexual, sex is their entire identity. It is what they take pride in.
Thank you, based english man!
Hoes would get mad and tell "incels" to "have sex" which, if you didn't notice, doesn't make any sense. Jow Forums is just mocking bitches.
>15 - 20 guys
Far more than that.
sex is overrated
We ironically stole it from the Nasty normal fag tumblrtwitterniggers who use it unironically
Pay it no mind
And Jow Forums too
There is absolutely nothing wrong with being a virgin.
In fact, that makes you pure, compared to all fornicators (me included).
I had many experiences and I don't think there's anything remotely special or good about it. In fact, I regret it.
You have to understand that people are becoming even more braindead retarded that they were already, and especially here, on Jow Forums (many posters are actual jews, homosexuals and roasties).
Honestly, if you want to have it and have the opportunity to, sure, do it. But never give in to this ridiculous social pressure they are trying to create. They hate you to your last bits, and giving in to their ridiculous standards of being as degenerate as them will not change a single thing.
Don't look for acceptance from kikes roasties and other soul-less NPCs. I dare to think you are much better than that
Based Israel with the high IQ post
Reminder that the best way to deal with promiscuity is to set an upper limit on potential partners and only allow yourself enough fucks to not be embarrassing with a girl you care about.
It is on a site full of virgins
Purity is desirable.
This man is correct. Women think a man being a virgin is pathetic, but it's as good as a woman being a virgin.
You're based as fuck and lucky if you find a hot young wheat field virgin Christian horse girl stereotype, but accepting a based girl or potentially convince-able girl who's made mistakes to fix our birthrate is the most based thing you can do.
OP, why are you putting so much thought into this? There's been a huge push by (((them))) in recent decades to make people as slutty as possible. Sex and marriage don't mean anything any more.
"Have sex" is the dumbest "insult" so far this year. You should be telling people to get married and have white babies.
Anyone who has sex with more than one person in life should be sterilized. Don't be a niggery bag of trash. Get married, have sex, make babies in tat order. No excuses.
Wow he looks just like me wtf
>Getting with used goods that slutted around
Or maybe he just doesn't want to waste his virginity
>Thinks sex is "special"
>Thinks his "virginity" means something
I don't think I can respect someone who can't hit a low goal like putting your penis in a vagina, or someone who thinks sky fairies can tell them when they can.
I just don't think someone like that could ever be a man.
Thank you, based francês! I feel better now
It is the fucking lamest insult.. I don't get offended by it, instead a great sense of pity falls over me for the person who said it. Like the way you feel sorry for someone who is so shit at defending themselves that they don't even raise their hands when in being hit by someone. Jow Forums is starting to sound like a feminism rally.. This is the most pathetic state of Jow Forums I have ever witnessed.
Das rite
Do prostitutes count? It's a regrettable experience that doesn't change a damn thing. If anything, it cemented the fact that I'm too mentally damaged to have a fulfilling relationship with anybody who isn't a robot.
>never marry them. It's outdated and only cucks do it. Well... if she wanted to marry, she would have done it with one of those 20+ guys before u.
>Thinks his "virginity" means something
It does.
>I just don't think someone like that could ever be a man.
Having sex with an easy woman, dumping her like a little faggot, not to mention being promiscuous like a faggot, never producing a child with her, adding to the degeneracy of the modern world, turning a woman who could have been a loving mother into a worthless thot, actually getting turned on by these worthless slutty women instead of choosing a beautiful woman to marry, wasting your sex life that you could have given to your wife, being disloyal to your future wife, forcing your wife to cope with you - her own husband - having fucked other girls, pushing the age you will probably get married and start making a family back later (sex before marriage pushes that age back and lowers the white population), having no discipline, having no control, giving in to peer pressure....
There's nothing more un-masculine than fucking any other woman besides your wife. Don't be a nitwit.
The athiest has no idea what being a man is, it's about living for a higher purpose and not being a hedonist
That wouldn't leave much of the females alive in western civilization tho. It would be almost genocide..
Not exactly. Marriage and a happy family is still the ideal for the vast majority of people. Everyone can still remember some, or at least a few happy family moments from their childhood.
For me, if it's under 3 or 4 partners, and the previous people were quality, I'll put a ring on it.
>I'm a virgin waiting for someone special.
Good for you, some day your Prince will come.
>I'm waiting for someone special
You have to be 18 to use this site kiddo.
>Yes, I'm a virgin waiting for someone special.
if you are a guy you better be working out, no 10/10 will come to you if you are some obese or lanklet fuck, but if your a girl tits or gtfo
No it does not! Those 'perfect' girls he safes if for don't exist. They either lie or they are still to young to fuck.
I thought there was a sex strike though
its fuckboiSUCC you nigger
We'll have a rule that says start now. We'll teach young people how to be traditional. Anyone who is such an undisciplined whore that they can't wait a little bit for sex for the sake of their civilization needs to be sterilized.
Waiting for marriage gives you better sex and more frequent sex. There are studies showing at which age children are able to look into the future for a better reward. Tell kids they can have one marshmallow now, or two marshmallows a minute from now, at a certain age the can't understand having something better in the future so they take the marshmallow now. But once they reach a certain age they are able to control themselves for a better reward in the future. And that's not even a MORAL question, that's just marshmallows. Anyone who would act immorally so they can put their dick in some thot now instead of acting morally so they can have a great sex life with their wife later is a useless person and we need to get rid of these people.
Some of them yes but there are plenty of good girls out there.
Male virginity is worthless and not worth saving. It is pathetic.
>I want a virgine husband.
said no femmale ever.
>there are plenty of good girls out there
I wish I was still this naive
Waiting for someone special = no one will fuck me.
>Waiting for marriage gives you better sex and more frequent sex.
This is bullshit, where did you read that a church abstinence program? I'm married and haven't had sex in months, and the sex does not get better, it's orders of magnitude worse.
Marriage is not some virtue... If you need a paper to show you that you love someone, that's sad. I never needed a paper to make friends either do i?
Also that 3 to 4 partnes? Are you waiting for 14y olds to be legal for marriage? Because after that, the average women unless she is VERY unattractive, will have around 20+ partners (but she will say she slept with 2 tho).
U're either naive or a boomer... sorry nothing personal against u tho. You are looking at the past while those times have passed. We live in the 'do as thei will while pretenting to be virtious- times'...
That ID is too much for my sides
Yes, good girls that went slutty but still marriage material... They only fucked around like 15 guys and some guys you know... But hey, even if you go full degenerate, you can still be a good girl ;)
am i right?
So you and your wife were both virgins? You also don't seem to be in love with your wife very much. Sex with someone you really love is amazing no matter what happens because you're just so happy to be with them and touch them.
Stop using "muh church" as an insult against traditional morals.
No this is just common knowledge, people who wait for marriage to have sex statistically have sex more frequently. And they also report much higher satisfaction in sex than couples who did not wait. They also have significantly lower divorce risk. It's also common sense, sex is more special and your brain likes the person more if they're the only one you had sex with.
>For me, if it's under 3 or 4 partners, and the previous people were quality, I'll put a ring on it.
It's not naive it's a fact
Dont be worried macaco, the people who use the world incel looks like a total virgin tho.
I used to have sex, but my lib discover my little secret and left me, now im a Volcel.
A good girl is someone who has sex with 1 guy. No exceptions.
The opinions of other people are overvalued, you should just care about yours.
Why us c u c k changing to kek damn
>It has never EVER been esier to get laid.
Ya but how can you if you cant talk for shit?
Hey there fuck boy. I heard you suck dick
Sex havers are the cause of global warming and carry out the majority of crimes and murders.
We need to control these sex havers before they destroy us all.
Literally every girl I've ever met in real life or on the internet who was waiting for marriage flat out refuses to marry a non-virgin man. This is a really ignorant meme pushed by incels (I'm not calling you an incel, I'm just saying you picked it up from them) that girls only want guys who fuck around. It's so untrue it's ridiculous.
There is absolutely nothing inherently good about just having sex. There is no reason to. It does not benefit you. It is extremely risky, and serves no purpose other than locker room bloviating.
OP. Find a decent girl, wife her, and knock her up on your wedding night the way God intended. The rest of the fagets are just hot air spewing roastie worshipping degenerates. Godspeed.
roastie cope
Long story but we took each other's virginity, broke up because some stuff happened, got back together, got married, had a kid all that good shit. As to the point made at the end of your post of course the sex will seem better if you've nothing to compare it to.
"I want the guy I like to have put his dick inside other girls!"
Do you have any idea how stupid this sounds. Girls are crazy jealous and if a girl could get a hot guy that she likes who only fucked her she would do it in a heartbeat. The problem is there aren't enough virgin guys.
Women ain't gonna listen
Women listen to media and what television tells them
You better off just marrying kids desu... like muslims do or some shit. It's less crazy then what u propose. At least, the young ones still have virtue and listen to male auhority. Thinking you can change the morals of a woman just by telling her is like believing prostitutes really love you...
They seek pleasure and enablers like those who believe in 'the perfect girls' make it justified in women's mind that they always wll be forgiven and married even when they used to go full slut. Because they will just lie and these men suck it up because they are naive..
Roastie? That makes no sense. I'm arguing in favor of virginity.
>It is extremely risky
> I'm married and haven't had sex in months
user, i think your wife may be cheating on you.
That ID.
>me too
>unwanted pregnancy
>damaging relationships delending on who it is with
>could hurt your social status depending on who it is with
>waking up next to a girl whose name you don't remember is fucking weird
Yeah I'd say it's pretty risky for little to no reward, Hans. Wow, you got to nut. So what? What is inherently virtuous about pounding a random floozy?
The median partners in a lifetime for men and women is 3. The mean is much different overall due to 5% of the population which are slutty. >"Five percent of women have had 16 or more partners; five percent of men have had 50 or more. One percent of American women have had over 35 partners; the comparable figure for men is 150."
In all actuality you are normal just like the rest of 90% of society.
There you go with the feminist meme that people who haven't had sex are like 5 year olds when it comes to sex. Virgins can masturbate, fantasize, watch porn. (Not recommending porn by the way.) They know what sex is like. They know what it's like. If the sex doesn't feel as good as their hand/fingers do they will certainly notice. Comparing your husband/wife to other sex you've had is disgusting. Why would anyone ever want to do that? The sex is better between couples who wait because they pair bond and have better love and feelings and passion for each other. They never had any bad experiences with sex. They never got bored or tired of sex. They never felt that sex was overrated or "whatever it's just sex" like whores often say. Even IF "you had nothing to compare it to so it's good" that's literally infinitely better than having something to compare it to and then being unhappy during the rest of your life during marriage. What the hell are you even arguing for?
So you didn't wait for marriage, you broke up, and you think you're the example of a traditional couple who waits for marriage. Jeez.
No girl over the age of 18 has only 1 partner unless she is very ugly or kept in the house for all those years.. #realityoftoday
So all girls have to do is tell they have one partner and dress modest?? They will do so and fake it and guys like u will believe it and put a ring on that...
I suspected so too, but I checked her phone and the bill, all clean, she barely leaves the house, and I haven't seen any unexpected male visitors on the driveway or door cams.