The War on Women is REAL.
The War on Women is REAL
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What cunt in her right mind would keep a rape baby? Fucking feminists. Show me proof any rapist ever demanded and received these rights? Retards.
>keeping a rape baby
>is REAL
q predicted this
need more half black mutts :)
How is a rapist supposed to pay child support from prison?
>prepare your slides
These laws don't specify gender.
bottom half is factually untrue, top half is untrue by omission (31 states have no law restricting a rapist from pursuing custody, likely because they've never had a case of that happening and laws typically arise from need)
So a smart girl who is raped and gets preggers should pretend it was consensual so she can hit the guy up for child support.
Something tells "rapist" is code for something
Probably "mutually consenting partner"
what's this supposed to mean? murder the baby?
We must exterminate the sex offenders.
>not understanding the difference between civil court and criminal
>fuck it lets make an image anyways people are dumb
>fuck it lets post it again
Yes, kill the rape baby dead, you faggot ass tea sipper
When someone is privileged, taking away that privilege to make them equal is then "oppression"
it's possible that they assumed that these strong independent woman will abort the child in the case of rape.
Intolerance of undocumented consent is racist.
If feminists were really opposed to rape they'd be advocating a white ethnostate. In reality they're just fat ugly Marxists.
With respect to the first point, its more like 7 to 20 states that allow rapists to sue their victims for custody and visitation rights. The laws aren't really comparable. The 2nd point is completely wrong. You can sue anyone for child support in any state. Whether the kid was conceived through rape or not is irrelevant. The thing that people are mad about is rape victims needing to make contact with their rapists through the family court system before they can get compensated.
Wtf is this bullshit a woman can get child support from a man when it isnt even his kid yet for some reason if the guy raped her he magically gets out of paying anything? How dumb are these people?
Gas the women, sex war now.
Schools pump whoredom in to kids soft heads starting in elementary school. Kids learn from their peers, not their parents, and the peers learn from the media and schools. We have my body, my choice in this country, but you have to pay taxes to send your kids to Jewish brainwashing centers. Get people behind school choice. My kids, my choice. They RAPE their minds in public schools.
Nothing is more anti-woman than the Jewish influenced system of institutions in the West. Women are like children, in motivations and agency. They need to lose all political and most legal rights, and we will take good care of them. Nothing is worse for women and better for Jewish capital than requiring women to wageslave. Expecting women to work outside the home increases production and destroys wages, and it wastes female lives in slaving for a company. Not only does it destroy the family, but male productivity also suffers from not having a trustworthy assistant in the home.
The age teens are expected to lose their virginity is the exact age they should be expected to be married. Marrying young means couples grow together. The only reason marrying your high school sweetheart isn't common is that college is hung over high schoolers like a ominous cloud. Nothing can get in the way of a college education or they'll end up bare foot. Instead they sleep around and they trail through multiple relationships of convenience.
Public school and colleges are the problem. They are self promoting, Jewish brainwashing centers. Public schools and colleges have an invested interest in not seeing kids get married off and leave their system.
A eugenic idea: Arranged marriages, artificial selection where the father chooses a woman's husband for his intellect and economic potential instead of his penis size and jawline. The sexual selection of human females is dysgenic with respect to qualities that are useful in technology and warfare.
>May sue
>Suing for child support
Just because there's a legal loophole in some states that allows rapists to sue for child custody doesn't mean that it would actually go through. Sex offenders aren't even allowed to be in proximity to children, so a case like that would be dropped in a heartbeat.
And what's the point of suing a rapist for child support? Can't pay child support when you're in jail making jack shit for money.
This post is beyond retarded. Just mor
>Show me proof
>a smart girl
>19 states will automatically tell the biological father to go fuck himself
>31 states will let him think he has a shot of getting his kid before telling him to go fuck himself
>the war on women
rare, but they exist
>Don't have sources
>Just show a bad excuse
I am not OP, I made no claim to sources, newfag.