Iran aint scared. What do you think? Post those memes, be long winded and specific. Is the jews behind this too? Do you think we can steer this whole thing with meme work? Hmmmmm....

Attached: ZomboMeme 12052019221425.jpg (1042x950, 187K)

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USA is falling apart faster than Iran...

fuck off, rabbi.
I don't want to kill another million people for you satanic assholes

Reminder, that in the 2002 wargames w/ Iran. The U.S. got their ass kicked...

Tell me when iran gets 100's of teleporting boats that can sneak up on the navy.

I pray for you Jow Forums
You guys are alright and make some funny ass memes. I hope we survive this shit.

I'm anti-war and bored. Terrible combo -- lets see some shit (and it better be livestreamed)

This, Iran just needs to wait a few more years until altruistic whites die. Do they really think spics are going to go die for Israel? Thats probably why the orange kike is going to start the war soon.

Attached: homicide-rates-us-mex.png (640x400, 166K)

Can you imagine being that proud of a country you're not willing to live in?

Its more about racial domination than nationalism. They just rubbing it in the faces of white people and using our naive hospitality against us.

Attached: ll2jhJN.png (900x629, 46K)


no one gets out of life alive, senpai.

We have enough nukes to end humanity

Iran poses zero threat to the united states, therefore they are insignificant and should be ignored.

Attached: 1503119854056.jpg (1000x664, 102K)

they have all kinds of wmd

Lol you're a dumb mutt of jews. 90 IQ tier.

They would be pretty stupid to attack us, it would be gulf war 2.0

Attached: US FLEET.jpg (800x532, 94K)

Your own think tank which has been contracted by the US army for literally decades thinks millions of Americans (30M) would die in all out war with Iran.

After which you would be so weakened that the Russians could just bully you into being their bitch. And they fucking hate you people.

Russia isn't capable of projecting power across the pacific or Atlantic, the only people they'd be capable of making there bitch would be western Europeans. Russia is pretty overrated with a population of 145 million they have a smaller GDP than the state of Texas, their military is aging and they cant afford to modernize on a large scale, the only reason they got so big in the 20th century was because the communist state allocated all resources to military production. I've got much love for Russia tho, an American Russian alliance would be glorious.

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Cope harder plebeian, once the US is weakened by Iran the Russians can do whatever they want. War game simulations already put you "losing badly" by Rand even now. Imagine after a prolonged war with iran and an economic crash etc.

You people are cancer, you caused the anti white policy problem and you've been trying to hold down Europe and pretty much anyone who is a threat to jews.

Enjoy dying for kikes.

>You people are cancer, you caused the anti white policy problem and you've been trying to hold down Europe and pretty much anyone who is a threat to jews.
I'm sorry man but i never did that, neither did anyone i know, don't hate the people hate the Government, if i had it my way America would be a peaceful nation who stays out of European and middle eastern affairs, the only thing i would support is control of the pacific.

As Americans we think of war in absolutes. Iran knows it cannot win a war against the US. But it doesn't have to. It will simply missile spam UAE, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Kuwait, basically all oil producers in the region. It will missile spam Israel. It will mine the gulf. It will not try to win. It will make it too costly to the world economy (and the American way of life) to fight. The gulf states will be bombed into oblivion. Israel will use its Samson option and destroy Europe. Of course this means they sacrifice Tehran and other cities. But they'd have to. Its basically a hostage situation.

No one wins here.

Iran sandniggers have to go

Jesus did.

ID:PTu(Z)chkt=Personally tucked
And digits
I am blessed by his presence.

You don't think generals thought that could be a possibility? Israel, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and UAE have missile defense systems, and i'm sure Iranian missile sights are a primary target. In reality Iran would be the one getting bombed into oblivion.

Attached: ziegel-tyler-640x297.jpg (640x455, 139K)

>Doesn't understand the concept of ZOG.

So did they ever fix that dudes face or nah?

I'm willing to bet they have 0 WMD and just bluff because their only meaningful export is saffron

>Is the jews behind this too?
First off it's "are the jews". I know this may have been a typo but there are so many esl fags here that we don't want to confuse them further.
And yes, the jews are behind this, along with the saudis, who they ironically allied with (or maybe not so ironic since the royal saudi family who rules with an iron fist is not actually religious). Iran is competing with saudi arabia for cultural control of the islamic civilization. KSA is richer and is in the process of trying to fuck over Iran. And our politicians are whores who do whatever the most generous donors tell them to do. Elections cannot fix anything.
>The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.
>t. jefferson.

I just noticed how his face looks exactly like a golem

*Buk’s you*