
If your eyes don't look like pic related, then you are not white.

Attached: 1531948194341.png (778x233, 191K)

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Dont post the full pick nigger.

Why do I get the feeling that she's deep throating a huge nigger cock

fuck off, only a minority of whites have blue eyes

Attached: kys.jpg (1400x1627, 328K)

>memeflaggot talking about who is white
shoo shoo kikes

Who the fuck is this pig?

The Mediterranean people also have clear eyes

Attached: Giulio-Berruti-età-e-chi-è-il-probabile-fidanzato-di-Maria-Elena-Boschi.jpg (600x400, 29K)

I bet in the full photo she's sucking off a nigger

Attached: 1557022072758.png (396x382, 167K)

guess im a communist now.

is this supposed to be a bad thing?

Well my eyes are blue but I have freckles on my arms...

And my hair is dirty blonde.

Can I be a janitor in the white ethnostate?

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Nobody wants and nobody likes them.....

According to that logic only albinos are white.

Why are her eyebrows brown ? MONGREL DETECTED

Only white people have droopy eyes?

Albinos have red eyes you fuckin nerd

Attached: 9443B42D-3B8A-4C34-9A0F-A0C5CDC63102.jpg (533x751, 75K)

Because being a cuck race makes one sad?

Therefore the droopy eyes?

Ohhh noooo
An American calls me not white noooooo

>meme flag
>purity spiraling

Attached: 12231231234324.gif (452x523, 3K)

What the fuck am I. I had blonde hair until I was about 22 and it's now light brown. I have brown eyes

Looks like contacts to me

for the bongs

Attached: locoojo.png (248x77, 39K)

Actually I have orange eyes. I'm 34 and just looked to see what color my eyes are for the first time. I just assumed they were brown because that's what I was told as a kid....people always have told me I had very interesting eyes...never thought to look until now for some reason

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Reminder: Vargcucks push D&C just as much as kikes.

Am I white?

Freckles are ultra hyperborean whiteness you dumbfrick

what about green eyes, supposedly they are pretty rare.

they have absolutely no understanding of race whatsoever. it would be like saying capoid niggers are the only true niggers.

Why do EXTREME HOTTIES like this always fuck black guys?

Am I white?

Attached: 2457415897.jpg (300x300, 20K)

They worship a LARPer preaching self-sufficiency but living off welfare.

green eyes are white too

You need to go back.

Listen kike...just pic related

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Omg my peepee can't handle the med q3.14. Inb4 some pedo deserving a SWAT raid prefers a mullatto baby

Depends on if you ask OP or not.

Sweet now I can race mix with no guilt

Italians aren't white.

Attached: 1543416393822s.jpg (200x250, 7K)

> Hong Kong, in my experience the only normal ppl from far east

you consume too much bucko. It's not a phenomenon where i live

Still whiter than your average amerimutts

There's plenty of brown Arabs with blue eyes and mullattos too...

Let alone pale lebanese w/ green eyes

Hell I've met

THAT BEING SAID, *memeflag and one post* defo D&C. SAGED

for one i usually don't wear eyeliner

wew, that response was quick. Lombardos are OK, Sicilians are not white though!

I totally forgot about Varg being a literal nigger without the melanin. I bet this she boon works more than him. probably been in prison less too

Attached: naked sheboon escaped.webm (222x400, 1.62M)

Italians are white and based. Dont let retards D&C. Also sage the thread

My eyes are green but im blonde do i have a safe spot in the ethnostate?

Green eyes are the best bro

Reminder: if there’s a meme flag in your ID, your opinion doesn’t count

If you’re circumcised, you’re not white, you’re kike property.

>value family and tradition
Yeah following tradition really is edgy ain’t it?


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My dad has it but my mom has brown. I got brown :( sed

Sorry bruv, I have been here long enough to tell that almost no one is white according to purity spiralers. Also ALL unironic purity spiralers are zionist jewish supremacists, and for some reason this makes all white supremacists and nazi larpers honorary jews. So basically, most Americans are jews, even the ones that are white.

Attached: IntoTheJewverse.png (696x326, 295K)

Italians are literally ashkenazi Jews