The Germans and the British - pieces of smelly shit. I despise you, I would even pay for it to kill you, your children and your women personally, with my own hands. I have almost sexual pleasure looking at modern Europe, miserable, weak, out of touch with reality, full of Negroes and Arabs, they will destroy you, your degenerative culture. And if they fail to bring the matter to the end, we will take up the matter, turn you into nuclear ash.
I used google translator to bring this to you. Fucking bastards.
Yeah I actually agree with this. Not before ww2 though all the good people got killed off.
Kayden Green
Aaron Nguyen
You too big guy
William Butler
Bump you faggots.
Jeremiah White
Yeah, fuck the Brits
Julian Parker
thank you jew.
Michael Allen
I agree.
Isaiah Reed
fucking british faggots, i fucking hate britain, you can't even own a steak knife or a water pistol without a license from the fucking local sharia government, british fuckers are so pathetic, their cops don't even carry guns for fucks sake, i saw a video of a british cop running from a dude with a knife cause all he had to defend himself was a faggy 12 inch wooden bat like those little souvenir bats you get at minor league baseball games. the state of britain. 22 of them get fragged at a concert and they just take it cause they're too pussy to do a damn thing about it, what a worthelss fucking country, their time has passed, they lost their empire and it is finally realized what a bunch of fucking pussy pieces of shit they are. Fuck britain. fuck everyone there. I am ashamed of my british ancestry. Every time I think about how I share even a small amount of genetic material with these fucking subhuman toothpicks, I feel such deep shame that there are not words for it. All their good people died in World War 2. All that's left are the fucking dregs of society, a bunch of faggots, their women are all whores, ugly slags who get drunk and shit themselves in public, fucking inbred cocksuckers, fuck britain.
Camden Morales
>full of Negroes and Arabs Russia has biggest mudslime pop in europe u dumb fuck
Angel Bennett
>, they lost their empire And USA Empire is going to go down next. >, their women are all whores, ugly slags who get drunk and shit themselves in public, Look at yourself you shithead, (pic related) LOL
Fuck you brown latino-nigger. There are Muslims in Russia. The peoples of the Caucasus and the Tatars, who are mostly white, have been living in peace and harmony for centuries, especially not more than 10-15% of the population. In your stinking Europe, around the Negroes and Arabians, where you don’t look, I hope you will soon all die, and we, the Russians, can help you with this, drop the bomb on you.
Samuel Davis
I am still upset for your country's purge of a great deal of your past during and after ww2 especially of the people because of the jew run communism shit. Russia would have been better off by the leadership from anyone in the white army or even the green and black army. Just anything aside from the jews that took over. For if that didn't happen I feel like a great deal could have been avoided.
I don’t care how hard you are Ivan I’ll drive a bayonet down your pee hole on my way to königsburg Slav nigger let’s see how your conscripts with nuclear mortars deal with my kike card in trap mode *nuclear icbms in isreal* I’ll see you in the radiation rusfag
Nicholas Anderson
Please speak your mind about the Americans so the ameritards in this thread know what you think about them.
Brayden Richardson
I met a muzzie Russian girl I laughed in her face when she told me you commie fucks denied them their dog religion you can all go worship that mummy of Lenin Russia thinks it’s so Fucking op man mutually assured mass destruction glass the earth start a new hopefully there won’t be more of you
> live a shit slavnigger life > decide to escape slavnigger country > children grow up in first world > children decide to shitpost for their slavnigger country
friendly reminder every shill for slavniggers is an expat
Logan Evans
>Boohoo we cant into decadence because we are poor alcoholics >Boohoo Western people are decadent and I am jealous, lets get this GDR und Ukraine thing back or somethin like that, why not Lissabon?
Russian butthurt.
Jackson Richardson
Russbro is right, fuck Yurop and when it's dead, fuck it's rotting corpse too.
Michael Morales
I'll do it myself. We are in full degradation mode. The majority of the population is trash. We still have a few good things that are eroding. We pay a great deal of taxes for shit that doesn't help us at all. Look at the the state of our infrastructure.
We are gaining a great deal of the negatives of the communism and socialist garbage systems with little to no benefits. All the trash in this country outnumbers the good people who are mostly too afraid/busy to do anything about it. We are following european trends especially in the larger cities and some states like california. This is the final bastion but even that is going away...
Kek I'm German and in Russia now. What happened butthurt Russki? Did I took your woman? You can have her back after I pumped her up with my semen - now everything good?
Jason Smith
Well if you get out that glass dome you're staying one in a while you'll going to notice that Switzerland looks as awful as Germany. There is really only a handful places in Europe where you can still feel that old European vibe. Also mountain jew, fuck off, live in your own cesspit
Cameron Collins
> old europe yep, and its not in eastern europe . you guys are fucking retarded thats why you come here , because you even mentally want to flee the trashcan that is eastern europeans
Jose Murphy
>Kek I'm German and in Russia now. What happened butthurt Russki? Did I took your woman?
"the numbers of German women raped by Soviet soldiers have ranged up to 2 million.[7][8][9][10] According to historian William Hitchcock, in many cases women were the victims of repeated rapes, some as many as 60 to 70 times.[11] "
60 to 70 times...fucking whores LoL ! Many germans dont know they are the basterds sons and they have slavic blood in them.