America is in trouble. There is a massive economic collapse coming but it can occur in one of two ways. I want all of you to stop and think about government spending, what do we spend it on, why do we spend it on those things and how we pay for all of this. If you're an astute user, you said debt. You've probably heard the trope that's said a lot these days that the debt doesn't matter and to a certain extent that can be true. If you have GDP growth to support the payment and the debt is funding a nations needs such as infrastructure or other long term projects. We are not spending the money on that, we are financing consumption to the tune of another trillion every year.
The deficit, which is the amount we spend over what we take in every year is around 1 trillion dollars. We have been able to spend this way because of record low interest rates since the Great Financial Crisis. Our ability to spend like this WILL end and probably much sooner than most people would think. What happens after this can go one of two ways. One, austerity where our government and the federal reserve try to save the currency by massively cutting spending or two, printing money leading to massive inflation. Now I'm not some boomerfag that's gonna tell you to buy gold or some zoomerfag telling you to buy crypto because whether you can hold on to wealth or not is going to be the least of your concerns when this happens.
You need an AR15 and 1000 rounds of ammunition
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Think of every government transfer payment program we have. Social security, social security disability, veterans disability, SSI, food stamps, section 8, medicare, medicaid, student aid and on and on and on. Imagine that all of that gets cut off or is absolutely worthless when they do receive their payments. The shockwave will be felt through the entire economy and not just for people who receive those payments. Stores will close, massive layoffs at hospitals, universities, construction companies, pharmaceuticals, defense contractors, agricultural companies and on and on. The average american is completely unaware how much government money fuels our "capitalist" system. I don't think I need to explain what happens after all of this, all hell is going to break loose and we will see the structural weakness of multiculturalism.
Which brings me to my main point, every user who has not already needs to purchase an ar15 and 1000 rounds of ammunition. If you have that, great, if you don't, you need to find a way ASAP. I do not say this in a gas the kikes race war now manner, I want you to be able to protect yourselves and your families when this all happens. This applies if you are rural or suburban, if you live in a major city and you are white I would advise finding a way out ASAP, you are heavily outnumbered and the police will very quickly be overrun. They already have gangs and loose organization prepared to commit violence, you most likely do not. The real problem is when they run out of shit to loot and whites to shoot in the cities. With all of the racial divison and tension that has been planted, this is a near certainty. Think 1960s riots plus the great depression and go from there.
I cannot tell you when this is going to happen but I can tell you that it is an INEVITABILITY that it will happen. Americans live a lifestyle that we cannot afford and a time is coming where we can no longer finance the consumption that keeps the economy rolling and peace existing. Get prepared, anons.
if you're an american that doesn't own an ar15 there's something wrong with you
Won’t the Army/National Guard be called in at that point? Rich enclaves will be protected immediately. Even middle class white suburbs will probably be cordoned off somewhat quickly. With the freeways shut down the suburbs should be relatively safe.
Ar 15 and 1000 rounds. And then what? Theres nowhere good to go.
Now OP I want YOU to think about this. Our best defense against the collapse is to spread UNITY. If the collapse came in your great grandparents time (well it kind of did with the great depression) it wouldn't have been a mass fuckfest like it will be for us. Those people weren't divided. Those people band together and help each other. Turn the lights off now and everyone will be eating each other in the streets. We need to reverse the division. We need to encourage self sustainability. Then it wouldn't be so bad when the lights go out.
My position is that every US citizen should have several decent firearms and as much ammo as they can store and keep in spread across several properties. Not that you will use it but so that you have it if you need it.
I want the people to be armed.
Why is Trump spending like an insane person? I get that he's a zionist shill, but I think even the jews understand that they can't kill their host nation like this. The US dollar collapsing would be disastrous for them.
They are running up the national credit card before they declare bankruptcy. Lots of people do it.
You're dreaming if you think anywhere will be safe. You're nieve if you think the national guard and most all other military won't go back home to protect their families. Everyone who protects you now, will only be worried about their own families. Coos sure as fuck aren't going to stick around to be executed left and right. They're getting executed RIGHT NOW what do you think happens when the lights go out?
The rich will always be taken care of but I wouldn't want to bet on my suburb being upscale enough to warrant protection. You've gotta remember that those soldiers pay is now non existent or worthless in this scenario.
I figure if I ever "need" an ar-15 that they will be littering the streets.
Even if they dont do it to us. The bible says Russia takes the USA out with an EMP. at least that's my best guess of what is described as "the weapon of indignation"
Jews are jumping ship to China dude
I completely agree but I'm nowhere near optimistic that it's even possible now. My grandma grew up in the depression and always talked about how everyone tried to help each other out but we were way more homogeneous then and much more rural.
Cops not coos
You also need food and water, shelter, and most importantly a shtf plan.
>America is in trouble. There is a massive economic collapse coming but it can occur in one of two ways. I want all of you to stop and think about government spending, what do we spend it on, why do we spend it on those things and how we pay for all of this. If you're an astute user, you said debt. You've probably heard the trope that's said a lot these days that the debt doesn't matter and to a certain extent that can be true. If you have GDP growth to support the payment and the debt is funding a nations needs such as infrastructure or other long term projects. We are not spending the money on that, we are financing consumption to the tune of another trillion every year.
>The deficit, which is the amount we spend over what we take in every year is around 1 trillion dollars. We have been able to spend this way because of record low interest rates since the Great Financial Crisis. Our ability to spend like this WILL end and probably much sooner than most people would think. What happens after this can go one of two ways. One, austerity where our government and the federal reserve try to save the currency by massively cutting spending or two, printing money leading to massive inflation. Now I'm not some boomerfag that's gonna tell you to buy gold or some zoomerfag telling you to buy crypto because whether you can hold on to wealth or not is going to be the least of your concerns when this happens.
wrong you need an ar10
I don't think you can place the blame on a single administration, we have normalized huge deficits over the last several administrations. Obama was the 1st to cross the trillion mark but that probably would have happened regardless of who had won.
Everybody should be stockpiling weapons and ammunition. Money, "ownership" of financial securities, and even gold, will mean jack shit when shit hits the fan. Weapons will be the only currency in the upcoming human demolition derby.
Or a scar 17
I wish I had one. :(
I might move back to South Africa just to buy an AR15.
I work for $wmt. I'm well up higher than a door greater. they are committing sears. buy put options way out. i'm talking buy leaps. they actually have stores that are now not able to get ready for inventory. let that sink in. ride it down, buy ammo and guns with it.
Most likely outcome.
Trump probably wants to crash everything in 2021, then restructure our debt. He's an absolute mad man and I honestly think this plan is suicidal. but OP is right, prepare for the worst. Trump doesn't seem to understand that the US government isn't exactly a company. it's an empire.
Agreed, buying a few preps at a time and rotating them out is just good common sense and can be done pretty inexpensively. Even better if you have the land to own some egg laying chickens and a garden.
that clip is gay as fuck.. not 30 rounds? why even live.
trump is king of debt. I think we are in good hands.
7.62 real fucking nato my dude also I'm gonna pick up a magpul d50
>mixing different grain and casing ammunition together
This is how you shoot inconsistently and with stoppages when the bean war commences.
At my last ammunition census, I had:
5.56 - 810
9mm - 850
22lr - 2650
12ga - 320
7.62x54R - 400
All kept together with similar loads, in sealed cases, with desiccant and O2 absorbers. That’s a free one glowniggers.
Based and patmospilled
>not trusting the plan
Lmao faggots QAnon got this shit
I've seriously thought my walmart was going to close soon because of some things I see. One register open, no longer 24 hours, everything is locked up now(4 dollar ethernet cable wtf), parking lot is destroyed and they're not even patching the holes and this is in a rural white area.
22 is probally the most understated prepper round.
>insane amount around the country, will never run out
>can kill small game that won't ruin the meat like blasting a rabbit with an AR
>doesn't alert the entire region to your presence
well instead of going after a campus.. you should probably be useful and go after ((those)) in charge of banking families you glow in the dark nigger.
By all means, if you can afford better go for it but ARs can be picked up for 400 bucks on sale these days.
wmt was sold to some Australian venture capital group.. the family is shorting the stock and watching it burn to the ground. i'm absolutely convinced.
Nice try Mossad Jew.
Yikes on that mystery grab-bag bullshit.
You need more than 1000. Especially if youre a noguns. At least try to shoot a couple hundred a month.
literally glowing...
Back during the sandy panic fudds were buying that shit up by the pallet
There's gotta be boomers still sitting on hundreds of thousands of rounds of 22lr
frankly if anons can afford it, they need to be looking at a setup like yours. Get used to moving around in a plate carrier too.
Might be something to that
Over the next 4 years we need to roll over 9 trillion worth of debt
The 22lr is highly underrated as you said. A well placed shot can do a deer in with a round like the cci stinger, but it best suited to smaller stuff. It is deadly out to 400+ yards as well. 22lr will be currency if such a situation ever arises.
The streamlight is relatively inexpensive weapon light, and it's very rugged. The MRO is shit, I replaced it with an Aimpoint T1, but a budget minded user could reasonably do a Primary Arms or Holosun dot. I've put a PA dot through some serious shit and it handled it just fine. For a real, practical rifle, a 16" mid length with an A2 front sight post is honestly what I would prefer over something free floated. I did mine this way in order to build a very light rifle, pic related
Good plate carriers go on sale every now and then. I have a cheapo Condor mag pouch strapped to the front, but I would only cheap out on some pouches, not the carrier itself. Mine is a Shellback Banshee I got on clearance several years back for $100. Steel plates DO work, and are cheap, but I doubt the skeletons and fat asses that make up 75% of Jow Forums would be able to manage any plates, let alone 20lbs of steel, for any distance.
Every red blooded American should own a .45 GAP.
45gap is the retarded little brother of 45AARP. 9x25 Dillon is the patrician choice for handgun.
that brings up a good point
do not outfit yourself in airshit gear
the optics will break or not hold zero
shit lights won't stand up to recoil
You don't have to go gucci but don't buy cheap chinkshit off amazon and expect it to work
I got my AR coming in tomorrow, sorry eurofags but it might be a while till we save you again
If you're an American who isn't a felon and you don't have an arsenal there's something wrong with you. You need to be outfitted as an infantry soldier. Gun laws are incoming be ready
Welcome to the neoreactionary future, the goy will be forced to live under tutelage of corporations after they pick up assets for pennies during the collapse.
>Nice rifle
>Nice based setup
>Steel plates
They are good if you are a poorfag, but you should try and get some Ceramic Plate Armor. Weight starts to matter when you are talking 20 or 10 pounds. Ceramic armor does not take as many hits and is not as durable as steel armor, but it’s not the fragile porcelain some make it out to be.
What optic you got on that?
1000 rounds is not enough.
>1000 rounds
For a Go-Bag, its fine but more is always better
For a SHTF prepper set up, definitely need more
user is right that things will fall apart and there will be a lot of blood shed. Be ready anons for you families sake.
>you need a shitty garbage rifle for normalfags now buy my guns goy BUY
If you have a rifle and a pistol you're covered on all fronts. Get an FN49 or an SKS.
i fucking knew that was gonna happen years ago, and its scary as fuck to see it actually happening and being completely helpless to stop it
I would recommend the SKS over the FN just for the fact of more spare parts available. See Thousands of SKS types but few FN49s, both great SHTF rifles tho
What if I have an M1 and 2000 rounds with 800 of it in clips?
Thoughts on reloading benches?
I don't. Not because I have anything against them, exactly, but because I keep buying other shit instead.
FN49s are extremely easy to repair, that's really only a big problem with German, French, and American guns due to more complicated moving parts and the frequency of special parts, more so in Germany's case.
yeah, i just don't give a fuck enough to spend that kinda money. I don't really plan on walking for miles wearing my plates. Just a grab and go type situation.
Aimpoint T1
>FN49s extremely easy to repair
Yes and so are SKS. Im talking more for extra Barrels or gas systems the hardest parts you would have to repair/replace eventually. I have both and love them both.
>Dont plan on walking for miles. Grab and go
Thats really the main asset to them. I feel like most people will be mobile so light weight plates is put on the way side. I has the anti spalling coating right?
You could probably replace most of those parts on the FN49 with SKS parts. Regardless none of it's going to be any use to you if you don't know proper weapon maintenance and repair which like 99% of Americans don't give a fuck about. Society will quickly become ruled by the people who have the means and knowledge to maintain it, if shadow organizations don't just decide to release some kind of airborne flesh-eating bacteria on all of us for shits and giggles.
They were WHITE, tho, u moron, not subhumans
>Entire thing
Damn....fuckin based. Lets just hope we are the winning side
>no ballistic helmet
Weak men create hard times