Medical doctor says you have 48 hours left to live...

Medical doctor says you have 48 hours left to live. After swiftly taking of your estate and exchanging tearful goodbyes to your loved ones, you now have 24 hours left to live.

What do you do?

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snuggle with my wife

kill as many people as i can and take enough of you fuckers with me that shouldnt be alive


i would unironically do a shit ton of drugs and hookers and die of heartattack within 5-6 hrs


Go outside, smell some roses, and then shitpost on pol for 23hours, 45 minutes.

>loved ones
>24 hour goodbye

>you now have 24 hours left to live
>what do you do?
niggers and kikes better hope i never get terminal cancer

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Because why not?

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Empty my bank account and fly to some shithole country where I will fuck till I need a makeshift dick brace made out of popsicle sticks. That and blow

why did you have me waste half my 48 hours?

I would donate it to AIPAC and say goodbye to my wifes son.

Shoot jews til I run out of ammo.

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That’s adorable.

But she's busy blowing me..

I'll also snuggle with his wife

suck dick

My wife only frens, sorry. I don't share. That'd be cucky.

Torch some Jews.

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Ask Allah for forgiveness, and that I enter paradise.

2 chicks at the same time

Get some speed and try to make it to Valhalla


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