Jehovah witnesses

Jehovah witnesses

>Expose the lies and indoctinration of the everyday church daily
>Completely against any forms of degeneracy, ex: homosexuality, bestiality, adultery, drunkenness
>Fully support the traditional styled marriage, even recommend children
>Exposed numerous jewish lies and teachings found in the church's version of the bible

Sometimes in these chapels you can see Jehovah's name, "Jah" carved in the interior walls.

Not to mention these guys have reddit fags scrambling because they won't succumb to progressive cultures

Not one myself, but god they are based. what about you?

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I like when they visit


At first, I was like "oh it's those people again, quick, hide and be quiet." But now it's like "oh cool, it's s those guys. What they have to say now I wonder."

you better be ironically cringeposting

>free vaccine exemptions because muh ruhlihjun

I always talk to them and listen to what they have to say. Their intentions are true, which is more than I can say for most of the people encountered in everyday life.

They believe Jesus was really posessed by Michael the arch-angel.
That is an anti-christ figure.
They believe in works based salvation. Which is non-biblical.
They update their "Bible" regularly to edit out mistakes they get called out on.
I will say they're pretty good people and are right about a lot of things, but the 2% that they're wrong about, they're VERY wrong about.
T. guywhoactuallytalkedtoajehovaswitnessforayear

Naw man, I don't follow their teachings, but it's nice to know what they have to say. I'm just a simple Christian, reading from the Bible and thanking God, praying to Jesus, and learning more about the Holy Spirit. So it's nice to know more of what I already knew.

Also forgot to mention they operate exactly like a cult and police their members daily lives.

They are not correct about everything, but the fact that they reject the “trinity” places them far above most Christians. I can’t believe there are anons on this board right now who believe in the Satanic lie that is the “trinity.”

I talked to one for about a year, maybe more. Good guy, I wanted to understand them. They're really brainwashed and need to be saved. My intention was to try and convert the guy but I admit I never got my shit together. I regret that. Maybe i'll get my shit together and invite guy over again. Try to redpill these people, I feel bad for them really. It's pretty hard to do though when they believe everyone but them are demon possessed and think your KJV bible is somehow evil. They even think the image of the cross is somehow evil.

Do explain whatever you're on about

God is One. Most Christians claim He is made up of three equal parts, hence the “trinity.” An obvious lie that makes no sense.

It's a cult no different than mormons. They will burn in hell just the same.

JW language is unironically a good app

They don't even celebrate birthdays.

Brother there are 3 parts to an apple and it is still an apple.

JWs have good intentions but are nonetheless extreme in their own rights.

It is three persons with one hypostasis. It is complicated but at least we are not Muslims who believe God is just a physical being.

It's just another cancer religion invented in the USA. They are using MLM techniques to recruit more and more stupid person. This sect should be banned like in Russia.

one of the absolute hottest women I know is a jw. holy shit that ass doesn't stop. i don't think that's a jw trait however.

Isn’t the point that we’re all “possessed” though, none of us are free from sin


Because we all sin does not mean an actual demonic possession. They pretty much go around thinking everyone who isn't them is demon possessed.

If you believe that Jesus Christ was a real person in history that established a group of followers that spread the news and expanded this group of followers after Christ's death and resurrection, then you have to believe Christ when He said that the Gates of Hell would not prevail against the Church.

Therefore, you cannot believe that the real doctrine was defeated by Satan and resurfaced 1800 years after Christ. That would mean Christ was a liar and the Church died for 1800 years. So to establish the truth of a denomination's teachings, those teachings have to be historically contiguous with the early Church.

The Johannine Prologue, the first few verses of John's Gospel, are in agreement in both Catholic and Protestant translations that the Word was God and not "a god", as is in the New World Translation of the JW's. The reason why they're in agreement is because that is the translated represented in all manuscripts that we have from the early Church. Not even the gnostic """gospels""" use such language to describe the Logos. Trinitarian theology was evident in early Church writings leading up to the Council of Nicaea (see Irenaeus) and the Trinitarian dogma defined by the council was a statement of what was already known to be true, so as to specifically anathematize the heretic Arius and his followers.

The Son of God is not a created being. He is God, a sharer in the Divine Nature with the Father and the Holy Spirit. There is three who's to God, but only one what (a bit simplistic language, bordering on heresy). The who's are the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit - the what is God, the Divine Essence, infinite goodness truth and beauty.

you left out the part where theyre a synpathy for jews cult. nice try, but some of us are educated you satanic cocksucker.

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This guy knows things
Quality post my guy

They are universalist race mixing niggertouchers

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