It took a bit of a turn and other measure were explored. Expect Israel to embark on a large scale military campaign today and announce their "shared commitment and responsibility" alongside Saudi Arabia.
Second Phase Tomorrow
Other urls found in this thread:
Nigger I am scared
give us our nam
Based mossad
Hoping to see more dead amerimutts
What were the other measures user? I have suspected that the Israeli government now feels confident enough to start a war with Iran now that we have a Zionist president in office and the United States citizens divided.
>muh false flags
Faggots predict false flags every day on this board.
Ever hear the story of the boy who cried wolf?
If they're stupid enough to use dirty bombs they deserve what they get
Fuck israel and saudi arabia though
yeah ever notice how when threads calling for violence pop up the next day there is usually a mass shooting. That's not a coincidence, once would be weird, twice MIGHT be a coincidence but the passed three major mass shootings have all had this in common and that my friend is a pattern. Tomorrow i would bet a bitcoin there will be a mass shooting somewhere in the world and that some type gun legislation will be passed because of it if it's not in america.
If you make the same fucking claim everyday than you are going to be correct eventually. Every time someone claims something is a false flag with zero evidence it makes real false flags easier to hide.
Nothing will happen tomorrow you faggot schizo booker. I fucking hate you faggots.
You'll find some tiny event tomorrow and be like ITS HAPPENING and claim you are right. Kys
take care of yourselves, anons
The oil tanker bombing tonight seems to make this LARP frighteningly fuckin legit all of a sudden.
>largest false flag in history about to happen
>user somehow finds out about this
>goes on Jow Forums
>tells random retards this info
fuck off kushner shills
Lurk moar fagflag.
fake and gay
>Geshloppie Job, Mossad
I think the bad actors are going to get called out and that this administration won't follow the narrative and instead use it to arrest those involved.
This wtf
the oil tanker was attacked after the original warning on Jow Forums???
Spanish american war WW1 WW2 Vietnam started by on ship attacks that were set up specifically to get shot or destroyed.
USS liberty was an attempt to do the same
warning was 3 days ago the tankers were attacked today
>patterns aren't evidence
kys shill. Mossad is planning a mass shooting tomorrow to distract from failures in their false flag to throw us into another war with iran as well as cover up crimes to be revealed in spygate. many threads calling for violence tonight
Iran and Russia will go to war with Saudi and Israel
Nothing on Drudge. Anyone got a legit source on that tanker bombing besides some Twitterfag?
I doubt it.
Jesus Christ, that was more work and sloppier than milk in bags.
The Eurovision shit in tel aviv is the only part I still have trouble digesting. Too cartoonish, cinematic. Too big and out in the open. Too many eyes. It’s my last remaining “ya but”
Kys larper
Google multiple sources
There was multiple sketchy things happening
Some one days ago warned of a falseflag, around the same time the carrier group was announced as moving out.
Then yesterday morning at about 2am est, there was news about some bombed out fucking boat.
Then a few hours after that(i stay up all night, i have no fucking life), the town that the bombing was reported to have happened in denied that they happened.
Then after I woke up yesterday at like 4pm, it was accepted that this bombing had happened, no casualties(somehow during the day in arabia, with a busy port and tons of workers), and the details of the bombing have not been realized.
Very weird shit happening, keep a careful watch frens.
>some asshole posts a 'happening' event on 4chinz
>literally every. Fucking. Day.
>he snipped the end off
lmao they just cant help themselves can they?
Sorry what was the first phase again?
user, stop. I'm too hyped already.
damn, I hope this happens OP, we need something that top 9/11.
pretty shittty time to be a goyim zog servant in the US military right now.
I'd AWOL right fucking now if I was a grunt. But not if I was some high ranking officer tho lmfao.
The day before the attack they were setting up the narrtive.
GLA insurgency is a bitch.
wonder if they captured any buildings.
sand gentlemen have confirmed to saudi tankers fragged.
I'd be sending out some sonar boat to seek out possibly israeli submarines in the area? :^)
>publicly available satellite images showed no smoke or fire
>Saudi arabia claims
>2 tankers
the retard who posted said 10
obvious propaganda is obvious
Yeah, but do you remember how the story ended? The wolf eventually did show up and killed the kid.
Guys Allah just flew over my house
>May 9
>next 36 hours
Delayed a bit?