The United States has Fallen

I took a trip to Asia recently and I saw what it was like to live in a homogenous society. Every one was the same race and it was beautiful. There’s no crime, cheap rent, tons of opportunity to meet a wholesome girl and no one gives a fuck about politics. It was great. I’m at the point in my late 20s where I’ve had enough of the USA. I love white people but I’m not going to spend my life caring when whites don’t care about their own nations. I’ve met an Asian girl and We’re getting married and I’m getting citizenship in Asia. She practically is begging for me to knock her up and spend my life with her in a 3 bedroom house all paid for no mortgage or rent or anything, only utilities. I am turning my back on the west, I hope you guys make it. I can’t live in this shithole of a society anymore with all these other races annoying the fuck out of me. I can tolerate Asians because they leave you alone if you leave them alone and my girl is skinny, fit, smart, wants kids, wants to please me and wants to spend time with me. Fuck this gay earth and fuck the United States are forefathers are laughing at how we let a measly 2% control us, it’s disgusting. Like I said I hope you fuckers make it. C you in the next life kid

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>likes homogenous societies
>decides to become a member of such a society despite being of a different race and mutts up the genepool

whats the point of stories like this if you provide no proof
step it up OP

Yeah but I’ll assimilate and learn the language and appreciate the culture unlike poo Indians in my country and niggers in my country so your argument is shit
I have proof

South Korea is full of satanism and cultism where they abuse and do horrible things to their own people.
Just the picture you posted shows the signs.

>assimilation is a myth! culture stems from genes! white countries must be kept 100% white!
>lol me migrating to asia is okay ill learn the language
neckbeard sexpats like you are the most obnoxious human beings on earth

Proof or gtfo

I dont blame you honestly.

Not posting my girl faggit have fun with your roastie
You know nothing nigger boi

You don’t know shit nigger


>Yeah but I’ll assimilate and learn the language and appreciate the culture unlike poo Indians in my country and niggers in my country so your argument is shit
ignore all the haters in this thread OP
you're better than the whole lot

I've been saying this and I'm going to keep saying it.

The Jewnited State belongs to Israel. If you're white and looking for a future with other white people, this is not the place for you.

You're going to stay in America and reap what you sow you fat clown.

You will die alone, unremembered and surrounded by strangers in a strange land, your forefathers will not welcome you for you are the most disgusting form of human life, a coward. Too afraid to fight, to kill, for the lands of your forefathers.

So go hard, be subsumed in the stinking morass of Asia, with your soon-to-be crone of a hag Asian wife surrounded by mentally deficient HAPAS.

When we win, and we will, there will be no country for you to return for we will remember who fought and who ran.

Not him but the day kikes start telling me where I can and can't go is the last day they breath.

Exactly this is what it’s all about
I agree until those fuckers are gone I will not return unless it’s to fight civil war
No I’m not but you’ll stay in the caliphate and get raped by a pack of niggers I bet

Sure you will bud enjoy your roastie while I’m with my 5’5 105lbs Asian sweet heart

damn, powerful counterargument.
look it's okay to move to asia but please don't try to pull this hypocritical bullshit where you pretend you're somehow different to the people migrating to western countries.

>The Jewnited State belongs to Israel. If you're white and looking for a future with other white people, this is not the place for you.

No one cares, nowhere on the planet wants you. Can you imagine? Europe already struggling with hordes of barely literate, inbred Muslims and Sub-Saharan Africans and on top of that we're going to have to deal with a bunch of fucking lardmarts trying to strongarm their way in here because they couldn't protect what their forebears left them back home? One continent-wide spanning wave of sandniggers is too much, now we're taking in another? Do fuck off, you bottom feeding turd.

You won't win anytime soon. Maybe in another hundred years things might change. The kikes have a grip on this country's balls and Caucasians are becoming a minority with every year that passes.

To be fair, a 3/4 chink 1/4 white person is almost indistinguishable from a 100% chink, so OP's grandkids won't be mutting up too much. The problem is millions of spics and nigs. Especially when you can still tell when a person is only ~15% black. It takes generations to bleach that out.

I’m not even a sex tourist I have a girl I’m marrying we’ve been dating 2 years now you make dumb assumptions it’s like your projecting

mfw the Amerimutt meme is real

You’re a Jew if you don’t think white Americans could assimilate into euro culture you fuckking kike

If you can't see the difference, then you're lost son. There would be too much to explain and you aren't worth it user. Argue with yourself until you're blue in the face. I think OP is doing good, if he isn't larping.

Your a faggot leaf you are more of a mutt and a fake ass French faggit

Why are you even in this thread. Nobody cares about the UK. You're more irrelevant than Australia.

>things you imagine but will never have
>lies and more lies from a coward trying to deny the reality of his cowardice

That bodypillow is not a real woman, degenerate. And I have killed the enemies of the United States of America all my adult life, probably even before you were born You are why the country is the way it is, weak, spineless, selfish and entitled. It would have been better had you never lived, had your mother aborted you or your Dad decided to jerk one out instead. I can't wait for you to grow old in a foreign land and find out what it is really like to grow up old in a"homogenous society" of which you are never going to ever be a part of. After they have extracted every last shekel from you, you will die a beggar on their streets, treated less than they would treat cattle.

If that were true then we would be living during Her Turn, we would be in another brother war with the slavs while a hundred k of us deployed to Syria.

>larping, the post
Shut the FUCK up BOOMER

>I have killed the enemies of the United States of America all my adult life

You killed a bunch of innocent Muslims on Israel's behalf. Good job.

But it is different. Brown people leech off welfare gibs here and are overrepresented in violent crimes.

If true, pretty based and attractive scenario. Ignore the jealous faggots who've got nothing good to say. Go for it and enjoy your life, OP.


You realize a homogenous society won't accept you right?..

I am skeptical of this story. What city did you immigrate to in Asia?

That’s not true they accept you if you marry native and also if you make a certain amount of money and also if you know the language. And I do all those things so you are wrong

I do not want to say that because I don’t want people coming and I don’t want to make that private info public because I want u stay in West lmao


Lol okay then I really don’t care what you believe it doesn’t change reality. Why do you think Americans can’t move to Asia? You can if you can get a girl to marry you otherwise you will have to deal with immigration office constantly like a dirty Mexican

>learning a language = becoming genetically Asian

you sound like an alright guy, but don't fool yourself into thinking you'll ever be anything but a White person. you're no better than the niggers, spics and asians shitting up the west thinking that they're magically Westerners now.

That's not how a homogeneous society works.

It's filled with nationalists. The minute the country turns south, you're dead.

That’s not true Asians are far more accepting if they respect you. Also I’ll be married so it won’t matter and I’ll have little Asian kids which will be nice for me. I won’t have to deal with some nagging white woman who always thinks the grass is greener somewhere else. I’ll be with a girl who wants to die with me. Asia is far superior to the west especially now maybe not back then but now by far

Fair point I’ll take my chances

And then everybody does as you do and you involuntarily become part of what you hate, destroying that "homogeneous society". Well done.

Not in my lifetime and none of you fatasses can even get an Asian girl so I’m not worried at all

have fun in cambodia

Wrong country lmao

Mutt Americans travels to most beautiful countries.
You don't know about other countries do you? Or your mutt brain can't handle other countries maybe offend you?

The Southwest US will secede from the US after the Mexican majority successfully agitate for secession all faciltated by the (((media))).
The Northwest US will be colonised by China so as to completely undermine US hegemony in the Pacific Ocean, Vancouver is already 43% Chinese and San Francisco is being used as their base in the US.
Australia and New Zealand will be vassals of China after it successfully colonises its major coastal cities via the unregulated student visa program in both countries.
Canada will be sold to the highest bidder, however Vancouver will be secured by China as part of its strategy to undermine US hegemony in the Pacific Ocean. The demographic push will then head south into Seattle and Portland linking up with the Chinese colonists pushing north from San Francisco.
The complete loss of the West coast by the US will turn it into a banana republic and global US hegemony will be over. This will be the signal for the Sunni muslims to implement their own colonisation program, specifically, Western Europe, where the population has been demoralised by the (((media))) and the massive casualties and destruction of the European wars of the 20th century.
Eastern Europe will unite to oppose the Sunni muslim takeover of Europe, leading to nuclear strikes on Istanbul, Riyadh, Islamabad and Cairo by Russian nuclear forces.

I'm English. The Frenchfags are in Quebec.


I’m not sure what shithole you’re typing from but if you ever insult me again you wish differently

Oh ok you’re all gay the same

You failed to succeed in a 1st world country with 1st world opportunities. You got rejected by your peers. You couldn't even own a home by 30 there. You couldn't even attract a positive catholic women and extend your lineage.

You are nature's way of discarding the trash. Good luck. You'll be forgotten.

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I work in stock market and I’ll still work stock maket in Asia you projecting faggot. Except I’ll live like a king now instead of needing millions in America

>stock market in current year
Yeah you're full of shit.

Lmao wtf??? Are you this much of a nigger you think the stock market isn’t still a business???? JFC LOL

>the stock market isn’t still a business????
Pretty much. The fact that you're larping this hard shows how little you know.

There really are so many benefits to living in a homogeneous society. Everyone knows it, that's why when possible most people even at the micro level cluster into neighborhoods/cities where their ethnicity is a majority.

living in an extremely mixed multiculti area is pretty much life on nightmare mode..

india's a prime example of the perils of multiculti

too many different races/ethnicities/cultures clustered up into one giant shitpit.. indian subcontinent would be europe status if it was balkanized along ethnic lines

>it's different because muh you don't understand cuz it's different
>this level off blasted
>caused by Jordan

>There’s no crime
this white nigger has never left his basement

>I know nothing but I have an opinion on a subject
Lol is Jow Forums really this dumb??

Ok bye! Have fun!

Completely agree I feel claustrophobic I can’t take it. I will do my best not to appear as a migrant nigger in Asia I will hide behind my girls arms around me HAHAHA

I smashed his argument in 1 sentence you filthy bean I hope your country gets nuked I’m sick of you rape babies everywhere

You should visit central Europe, it's even more beautiful

Harley any crime in Asia you stupid nigger

Thanks babe

>I'm leaving the west because it is not homogeneous
>It's okay if I live in Asia, I'll learn the language despite not being same race.

If you want to do your host country a favor, move there, work yourself to death, but don't have children there, as you are ruining the monocultural harmony with half children... The only way you are a boon is if you are a "financial mercenary" that pays their taxes/social securities that you won't collect in future, and consumes consumer product. Otherwise, you are no different from problem you are running from.

I agree. I work stock market and crypto so I will end up paying tons into economy. Although I will have kids and I do feel bad about this but my girl wants this so I cannot refuse. I see what you are saying no worries I will be good boy

I'm actually doing the same thing OP because I believe the same things you do pretty much. Good to see i'm not alone on it. Whites have fucked themselves into this, we can't really fix it. East Asia is our best hope.

Nah you're just like any shitskin economic migrant, and considering your flag that's probably exactly what you are

>I will have kids

Then gtfo and take her to the west. I repeat, you are not helping the society with race mixing. If you want homogeneous society, at least move to Central Europe... Or continue what you are doing, then wake up 20 years later , go outside in your "Asian paradise" and see middle easterners, blacks ,and half children who claim to be "Korean" or "Japanese"

I’m czech you mangled teeth nigger go to the dentist once in a while
Won’t happen in my lifetime Asians tend to have a nice grip on immigration I trust them

You're suppose to come back to the US and fight for all those ideals here.

Who am I kidding, I'm right behind ya!

>Asia has tight grip on immigration

Apparently no because they are letting people like you in. What stops the blacks and Arabs from doing same thing you do, as well as other migrants?

Fuck off no one's asking for these degenerates to come to Europe either. At least no one of worth

Ameriorcs btfo, lmao

>30 posts by this ID
Well now it's obvious.
You obviously don't live in the real world that's quite plain.

Pressing a hard X on this one. You will never be a part of their society, even if that wasn't a cool story

I had to get a girl to like me and agree to marry me to get citizenship. Blacks and Arabs can’t get Asian girls lmao they will stay out and if they come in I will kill them with the Asians gladly

You’re so stupid you don’t even think the stock market is an actual job lol are you 12 faggit

>pressing a hard X
You zoomer faghots get gayer everyday

>Yeah but I’ll assimilate and learn the language and appreciate the culture unlike poo Indians in my country and niggers in my country so your argument is shit
lmao. You are not Asian, retard.









>Every one was the same race and it was beautiful.

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Yeah this one is going in my cringe collection, *click*

don't care, see you retard it's time to move to asia for you

bye don't come back

Holy shit, dude... dude

>the Year of our Lord two thousand and nineteen
>being joined in holy matrimony

You aren't really doing this stupid shit are you

I married an Asian girl from a VERY rich family. We’re expecting our third child.

At this point, America is lost. In 50 years, it will be like Brazil, where everyone is a mutt, and the lightness of your skin indicates how much/how little nigger blood you have, and therefore how much you’re worth as a human.

I just want to make sure my descendants are on the good side of the line.

Good thing you are not coming here. And way, what’s happening In The west now will happen in the east In 30 or less years.

My penis is Asian you mad fuckboi

Yeah but I get citizenship I’ll still keep a few mistress on the side

t. mad Canadian Chink

Same here exactly I want my kids in a safe environment too

Asians hate (sand) niggers with passions and it's socially acceptable