I honestly think that we should just exterminate all nonwhites for the good of mankind...

I honestly think that we should just exterminate all nonwhites for the good of mankind. All the worlds problems are caused by them

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Other urls found in this thread:


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you may take my life, but you'll never take my autographed Police Academy VHS cassette.

I too like to glow,

Attached: glorious-glow-pepe-22027629.png (500x552, 95K)

You're not wrong

Who autographed it?

Jow Forums is a board of peace.

hi r*ddit

mossad false flag incoming as predicted in an earlier thread

take your meds



Jesus Christ that game sucked almost as bad as State of Emergency

kill all les kikes

Attached: IMG-20190512-WA0021.jpg (2640x1488, 973K)

>that image
are you 13 years old

OP is a jew confirmed. Jow Forums is a board of peace they can call us schizo they can say take your meds but ultimately these types of threads only pop up just before a mass shooting.

You realize most of Jow Forums will disappear, right?

Indonesian basketweaving forum
But I hear there’s an discord full of extreamist transwomen who want to kill all non trans

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With sunglasses on you don't look half bad OP. No homo

Ok but start with the Jews

Hello federal agent/journalist this is a board of peace. Fuck off.

cute! please be my boyfriend
your a virgin r-right?
and thats a good thing
no because im a cute autistic boy

So what kind of benefits do you get with the FBI?

Mossad is planning a mass shooting tomorrow to distract from failures in their false flag to throw us into another war with iran as well as cover up crimes to be revealed in spygate. many threads calling for violence tonight

My name is not important. What is important is what I'm going to do... I just fuckin' hate this world. And the human worms feasting on its carcass. My whole life is just cold, bitter hatred. And I always wanted to die violently. This is the time of vengeance and no life is worth saving. And I will put in the grave as many as I can. It's time for me to kill. And it's time for me to die. My genocide crusade begins here.

hey glownigger, this is a mutiracial/multicultural board where we discuss plans to spread love and kindness around the globe. go be a fag somewhere else

the meme is strong in this one.

h-hitler, is that you?

I am going to murder you


check those dubbs

"non whites" created "whites" out of genetic mutation. Whites are in denial of this because they are hypocritical projecting cowards who don't have the stomach for the truth. They are Matrix Apes, suffering from simian delusion from mk ultra monkey mind control.


schizo please.

2 million muslims in ottoman empire ruled 10 million wh*Te subhumans and was defeated by alliance of 300 million wh*Toids
back then there were less than 100 million muslims

now its 300 million wh*Tes vs 1.5 billion MUSLIMs
its over wh*Te boy you are done

dont even bring up muh nukes because muslims also have nukes its over wh*Toids


No, everybody here wants to reverse roles between whites and jews, so that jews get all the shit food, propaganda to hate themselves and racemix, Israel to be the only country to use 5G cancer, mass immigration to Israel and other Jew enclaves.

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not an argument. You live in collective denial ancestor cuck.

whites are the only humans




Okay then. Hey nonwhites, just go create your own white countries.


Fuck you, we are doing just fine over here.

We did. As long as white occupy the land of the maoris, aboriginals, hawaiians, and other indiginous lands in america and canada. No one is leaving. Europe for europeans.

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Attached: glowing.png (347x217, 7K)

Not wrong


Attached: the frog.jpg (480x360, 16K)

Just the jews, niggers would be manageable without kikes provoking them 24/7.

we need you alive so you can vote for trump

the japanese are honorary aryans.

Where is the lie?

Yet another call for violence on a Mongolian board of peace

he never said simon says

I believe we should love everyone and all get along. Screencap my post for whatever Vox article you're writing OP. Can't screencap your own post and write articles about it. That's cheating even for clickbait websites.

Turkey is a shit hole

>Hello fellow young 4channers don't you want to incriminate yourself in a conspiracy to commit a hate crime?
How boring.

he wants us to vote for trump

It couldn't be war or the dogshit allocation of resources under capitalism. Yup must be the brown people.

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not gonna happen bub

people dipshit

>homo erectus is a modern human

You're at least one model behind

Thx FBI guy
Sage this kike pls

Do a DNA test. If you have any other heritage than germanic or Scandinavian, you should kill yourself.
Or you know, just get off XBox for a while and go outside, you 9 year old