Fucking read it.
Basically, there are mothers being forced to make baby formula using water coolers and children staring off into the abyss. In my fucking country.
This isn't right.
You people are insane
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stay the fuck in your shitholes. Actually I hate America so please come and destroy this whore of Babylon. I'll be in Europe by next year
don't come here
World's smallest violin
They should have stayed in their own country and tried to make it better instead of trying to leech off US taxpayers.
So we're giving them free lodging, free water, free baby formula and they still complain? We don't even owe them that much.
Fuck them and you, I hope they die
the horror, they aren’t making enchiladas and playing in a mariachi band
Excuse me who the fuck are you talking about exactly? because i would give every penny of my wages to immigrants if i could but guess what shithead? I can't even do that. Probably because of you fatcat corporate cocksucker conservatards
>veterans become homeless because of GOP funding cuts
Nobody is being forced to do anything, faggot. Don’t come if you don’t want to be mistreated, you aren’t welcome here.
ok. shoot them.
fucking based. shouldn't have even wasted the money on portashitters tho. A concrete floor and a water hose is MORE than those subhumans deserve.
Lookin a gift horse in the mouth there pal.
I hate the entitlement they have
They're lucky we dont make them chop rocks in some Arizona GULAG. The amount of freebies and humanity we show people who flagrantly disregard the law is astounding
Go ahead user
Invite them into your house, drive to the border and give them cash straight out of your bank account
What’s stopping you?
You're right we should put them out of their misery.
>His patches are all wrong
>That rucksack is all loose
>that under shirt
absolute state of stolen valor meth heads trying to get free shit
Water filtration system is like $140, wtf is wrong with them?
Get a job ffs, if don't want to work then get a hobby that pays $$$.
It's the usury that does it though. They get credit and use it. Then when they're broke is when the debt collector comes and makes it worse.
Do the Christian think and don't practice usury as much as humanly possible, you'll never really be broke. Usury not only makes people broke, it makes them broke forever.
first 6 posts best posts
cause it's so much better there right
i've noticed quite a handful of americans backpedalling since 2016 now that they know donald trump isn't gonna do shit and your second amendment affords you nothing, how about you stay in the country you've spent your entire Jow Forums posting life proclaiming to be superior to every other one on the planet and defend it pussy?
what kind of a shitcunt of a mother would bring an infant on an extraordinarily dangerous and illegal migration? you want to blame us for that retarded whore?
I just read your image.
Honestly they have it better than most homeless in America.
(I assumed it was about homeless people).
And its still better situtation then where they came from
You mean people broke into our country and we gave them water and baby formula? Why don't we just shoot them?
All of them.
All 30 million of them.
On national television.
You might want to read the veterans magazine and websites if you actually believe that.
go do it then faggot. No one on here gives a shit so why even bother crying about it here?
Are you running for President in 2020? You've got my vote if so on that platform.
They could have stayed in their country. Instead, they break into ours and are detained. Why is this surprising?
>Making formula
Is she trying to make her trafficked kid retarded for more gibs?
>Kids staring
What? Do you want to just let them go free on their own? Maybe give them vidya and movies?
In all reality, these people should be dying of dehydration while they cry at the border wall. They will stop coming if they get nothing out of it.
Damn based af, bring public execution back while we're at it.
Or some shit head POG who got chaptered out shortly after BCT/AIT, if that's a legit VA card
Nice troll retard, you'd give it if you wanted to but you're a LARPing faggot
I don’t see mention of gas chambers and crematoria. What the fuck, Trump?
>And this
No one wants you here. We have enough poor and stupid people.
Go be poor and stupid some where else.
Um, because that is horribly racist?
Why does this have to be done this way in the first place though? Because shitheads take advantage of the empathy and bring a kid with them that they either kidnap or trick a mother using lies to obtain, so they can get better treatment and attended to before others without kids. Then once the kid's usefulness is done with they abandon the kid or worse. It may not be the most huggy feely environment for them to be in, but it's still supplying basic needs.
So they just put baby formula in a dispenser? What's the big deal? Wtf are you talking about?
Textbook fallacy. Appeal to pity. Your argument is not cogent. Before you go fuck yourself try reading the sticky, faggot.
>onions baby formula
the fuck out of here.
Imagine being emotionally manipulated this easily
>In my fucking country.
That's right, not their country.
Breastfeeding is the number 1 indicator of those moms being biologically mothers to those babies. If the kids aren't attached to the breast they are being trafficked.
Im a veteran. I was homeless for an entire northeast winter. Did not take a single handout.
Spics arent human.
I know you're a larping faggot, but you're right. End it. Turn them over at the mexican border and start shooting at their feet.
>ablobloo bloo
>the poor illegal aliens
If they had not come here illegally they would not be in these circumstances. Fuck off, kike
>Thinks GoP policies are responsible for the homelessness of veterans
You don't know shit, raghead. Go fuck your cousin wife and stfu
Charge people money to visit the exhibits and use all proceeds to finish building the wall. This is what Trump prophesied.
>tfw i know exactly what jail youre talking about
I miss joe
Go there, take out some money, fucking buy them some baby formula yourself then you fucking do nothing faggot piece of shit virtue signalling here
Why is it racist? This has nothing to do with race. Nobody that is sane thinks they are supposed to be here. They're foreign nationals who invaded our country because they are rewarded by elected politicians. It's such a preposterous situation.
United states sucks see why would anyone want to come here
This desu
It should involve race.
my god staring?
someone get those children obama phones!
Maybe they shouldn't have tried to come here illegally. I hope they are treated so poorly they go back to their home countries and warn everybody else not to come here.
Learn to control your emotions you fuck -- you don't have to give a shit about them, they CHOSE this. They aren't all "asylum seekers fleeing violence" you brainwashed faggot, some just want to live here because there country is shit.
Turn off MSNBC and CNN you libslut.
Who care about a bunch of shit colored bastard children? If you're so concerned how come you aren't going down there to help out?
I'll be running for Senate in the next few years. I've got some books half written on the state of various things, arguments for gun rights, etc... I just need to be financially stable enough to pull off publicly advocating the death penalty for illegals. I am not sure it's even possible to win with that as one of my primary campaign promises, but if I can make enough noise that the media can't ignore me or they take the bait and give me attention to call me an asshole then I can introduce the idea into the public consciousness.
these people marched 1000 miles to have this experience, and it's America's fault? ha
>Basically, there are mothers being forced to make baby formula using water coolers
Did I read that right? At the water cooler? OMG! Clean, safe, bottled drinking water! Someone call the cops!
when i was a kid you all used to send your dead pets to me and i'd have to cremate them and turn them into dust, i used to fucking hate people like you.. full grown adults that put all their disgusting burdens onto children and then when they get older completely exile them for doing what you can't.
i hope you die soon so i can cremate you.
i want to put your skeleton into my refabricated crockpot with the dull blade propeller on the bottom of it.
and breathe in the sweet salty.
Lmao. We should just shoot them and turn them into fertilizer desu.
the jews wouldn't want the spics to out schoah them
Yeah. I bet you were top of your sniper class too.
Find me 31 million jews then
Not our problem. I'd napalm them but I don't run the show.
Like 3 billion of people live in poverty and have lots of boohoo stories. Like yeah, like fucking sucks man, but the US isn't some magical land of riches. It took a certain kind of people to build up that civilization, and if we let everyone in, how can we possibly maintain that civilization?
Why the fuck can't libs see repercussions?
kind of like you have totally seriously had sex
Oh nooooooo white people being white is so scaryyyyy
Europhobic virgin
Fucking ungrateful immigrants. They should be thankful that they're not being deported or genocided. It's a hell of a lot better than their shithole countries
send them back
build the wall
Fucking right, man.
Send them back.
Shut up and bin it ya bong