Blacks were in Britain before the English

The Telegraph Media Group. - 10 Jan 2019
HEADLINE - New history GCSE course (U.K. - General Certificate of Secondary Education: a public examination in specified subjects for 16-year-old schoolchildren), on migration is branded 'disturbing' and ‘dangerous’ the course suggests that Africans arrived in Britain before the English.

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ahahah yes ..fuck Britain and the allies.

So the BBC was right all along....

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Everyone knows the English didn't arrive in Britain until the late 90s

The BBC is in on the subversion of our history.

That pushback is nice to see. We all know how this plays out though. They will erase us from history eventually.

Jesus christ it's all so tiresome.

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See, Britain has always been diverse and happily multiculti, there has never been systematic racism in this country.

Yet why are young, black Britons still so shit?

What is the theory on black in England first, unless they are mis labeling dark Mediterranean types that may have been in early migration

this isn't wrong, technically.
white people evolved out of africans.

You even have to ask

i looked at the link and it's about Moors with the roman legions so north Africans not niggers

Well duh. They wrote the Magnum Carter.

Being conquered is a good time dont you know. Honk.

IT IS OVER. Goodbye Britain.

Pay very close attention to pic related:
Ethnocide part (e)
>any form of propaganda directed against them
any form of propaganda directed against them
>any form of propaganda directed against them
any form of propaganda directed against them
>any form of propaganda directed against them
any form of propaganda directed against them
>any form of propaganda directed against them
any form of propaganda directed against them

Attached: Ethnocide Definition.png (960x400, 45K)

The Moors were black though. The word Moor literally means black. The demographics of North Africa have changed.

We wuz bongs n sheet.


White people evolved out of Hyperboreans. Muhammadeans evolved out of niggers.

Th Moors were not sub Saharan black they were north African, related to the people of the meditation and the Levant and ancient Egypt. They got blacked a little when the muslin trade routes south brought back workers and slaves north. Also south Europeans, Greeks and Semitics colonized north Africa at least the urban areas from the time of the Greeks to the end of the roman era

By the time of the crusades in Spain they were mostly the original North Africans with Arab leaders and culture but the christens on Crusade wanted to be as insulting as possible

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yeah they are trying to hide that it was originally written in rap by a brottha named Ice Gruel

Variants of the term "Moor" have been used by many Europeans since ancient times as a general description for indigenous Africans. Contrary to popular belief, the term is not synonymous with "Islamic" or any specific Arab or African religion, civilization, or ethnicity.

The origin of the English term, "Moor," is the Greek word, "μαυρο" or "mavro" which literally means "black, blackened or charred" and has long been used to describe black or very dark things such as, "Mavri Thalassa" which refers to the Black Sea or "mavri spilia" which means "black cave." Ancient Greeks used the term to describe the complexion of Africans and (even today, some Greeks use "mavro" to refer to Africans, although in a pejorative manner).

see the word's evolution from the Greek "mavro" to the Latin word, "mavrvs" (actually, "mavro" in the ablative, singular, masculine Latin form). The English transliteration is "Maurus" and the plural form is "Mauri," specifically used by ancient Romans in reference to Black Africans. Writers in both Greek and Latin specifically used the term as a racial identity. In the Epitome de Caesaribus (390s AD), we learn that Aemilianus was "a Moor by race." Procopius of Caesarea (500-565 AD), a Byzantine scholar who wrote in Greek, said in his History of the Wars, "beyond that there are men not black-skinned like the Moors..."

Arabs and Caucasians alsways try to fit themselves into ancient Kemet and Moorish history and try to make someone else’s history a part of their own.

As late as the 5th Century A. D. Procopius, a Roman historian, called the people of Morocco “black.”

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>*breathes in*

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The negro built the henges and the howes.
This will be the next claim.


How can the UK be saved from London?

We wuz cheddarmans and shieeet

Proof that they weren’t? That’s what I thought white boi

"But V.S. Naipaul, the Booker and Nobel prize-winning novelist, told the Mail on Sunday: "Once again political correctness is distorting our history and the education of our children.""

As always, V.S. Naipaul, does not give a single fuck. V.S. Naipaul will always be allowed into the ethnostate.

>There's no such thing as "true" british, goy, so accept mass immigration!

What a bunch of faggot pussies British males turned out to be. How was it even possible for Germany not to take the British Isles during WWII? God damn the British are biggest sissy cuck faggots to ever live.


> t. Gullible divide and conquer fag

Ya and they were too god damn lazy to chop wood in the summer.

Why did you change the year from 2016 to 2019? What's your goal with this?

False. It’s the Mediterranean.

>Africans arrived in Britain before the English.
Africans invented slavery.
Africans kept chattel slavery going from B.C.up to 2012. Millenia of slavery created and carried out by Africans.

The blacks in the USA are into "stolen valour" type situations. It's usually pushed with the "everyone is equal therefore if George Washington was black, he would have accomplished the same things". Then comes the approved diversity history text books used at school.

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BBC is always right wh*Toid

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Can't wait till we find out that hitler was black too

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Be poor white - > go to school -> get told your the cause of all the worlds problems.

Grow up -> become racist - > get targeted by your own government.

The most ridiculous religion in the UK is not the Christians or the muslims or the jews, but the absurd idea that the UK is some sort of world leader of morality and a blueprint for how the whole world should be.

A delusion of grandeur, most often believed by uk government agents.

I'm just focused survival because I'm not insane.

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all hail Britannia

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that explains why brits are white niggers


How else did the brits build britain?

All those poor african slaves...

Just like in the Empire, the slaves built it all.

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We wuz troys

Ultimate special needs.

to rustle white male jimmies

The government is filled with academics who don't have any objective moral values. Morality is subjective, and the idea of being British or being native is a concept to justify evils.

This is what radicals do, they subvert, knock down old structures to build something new. By eradicating British history via the process of applying a modern lense, and asking 'questions', they fundamentally destroy the past. On top of this decay they can build a new world: this is year zero.

This is exactly what happens in 1984

O vey its time to pay up! Learn to love your historic and accurate passion for BBC!

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Moral relativism and a cultural revolution

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>The word Moor literally means black
"dark" as in "tanned".

North Africa =/= Sub Saharan Africa

>any specific Arab or African religion, civilization, or ethnicity.

A maure (moor) is a Berber.

>Out of Africa theory
>make it to England
>See? English where black!
>except England doesn't exist yet
One can almost say "no shit", but what the hell ever.

Niggers don't talk like that. Stop larping.

France is not doing that much better, Jean, I wouldn't laugh

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>How was it even possible for Germany not to take the British Isles during WWII?

You don't think a lot of us wish they did? I wish Germany had won the war, we would have been in a privileged position in the Reich as Hitler loved the English. It's the main reason he gave us two days to get the fuck out of France when we were routed and defenceless and also why the Battle of Britain was delayed, he didn't want to attack us.

Sorry Poles, we should have torn up that obligation to you and stayed the fuck out of the war.

There is only one reason to do this shit and it's to erase white people from this planet.

What a dumb nigger.

That’s literally correct. Roman Ethiopians were in the island BEFORE the people that would become the British migrated from Germany.

Without women.
As foot soldiers.
And didn't stay.


I've long since stopped caring for the british. They've chosen this path themselves, and deserve everything that happens to them.

In addition, so should you, without US help we would have been defeated and occupied, just like France was.

Reminds me of the show Harlots and Three Musketeers
Three Musketeers, which started out okay, went full SJW retard, even having a black guy scream at a spanish princess "you don't have a drop of French blood in your body!"
Harlots has, if I remember right, a black pimp saying he served in the military for the british. Brits hadn't started allowing blacks into its' army at that time.
It might fly over most pop-history idiots head, but it's like seeing an ancient egyptian pharaoh with a rolex for me

>Without foot soldiers

Literally legionnaires stationed at the wall.

You are quoting something I did not write. Even if you side with my argument, that's poor form because it weakens your post.

Black is a relative term though, wouldn't a mexican be "black" compared to a ginger irishman? It could easily be discribing hair/eyes/eyebrows etc

Oh yeah sorry I misread that.
Still, you’re actually incorrect.

Is there any evidence for Ethiopians in Britain other than that 1 (one) anecdote about that 1 (one) nigger spooking the emperor

When that EU flag becomes a Swastika I'll vote remain.

>muh Asians, muh Africans
You do realise people from Lebanon are considered Asia, and people from Carthage are considered African
They do not mean that Ngobo Ugugwe from the Congo and Chen Chang from Beijing were stationed in London
If you want to shill you rainbow nigger history, maybe reddit is more you speed

>You do realise people from Lebanon are considered Asia, and people from Carthage are considered African


>They do not mean that Ngobo Ugugwe from the Congo and Chen Chang from Beijing were stationed in London

Didn’t say it meant either of those things.
Why are you attacking a position that doesn’t exist?

>ctrl - F 'Ethiopian'
>0 (zero) results
Ok thank now fuck off

You do know Britain never had domestic slavery, right?

We were involved in the trade so we weren't innocent by any means but we never brought them here.

Why are you posting revisionist history that didn't exist?
Why is it so difficult for you to back up your bullshit about Ethiopian niggers in Roman Britain?

If you actually read the PDF, they distinguish between Mediterraneans and Africans from further south.

>skeletal morphology
Not west/est african, nor subsaharians.
Just africans.
Not an argument, then since no one can countercheck.
If ti was subsaharians they wouldn't have been able to not say so with glee.

>Why are you posting revisionist history that didn't exist?

Where did I do that? Analysis of remains from Roman Britain have found multiple people with African ancestry. Get over it I guess.

>Why is it so difficult for you to back up your bullshit about Ethiopian niggers in Roman Britain?

Already did so. It was really easy.

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Takes two minutes to find the PDF online.

They explicitly distinguish between Mediterranean’s and Africans.

Not an argument. You lose.

What do they mean?
>the ancestors of all humans were africans
But they are referring to something else no?

Attached: explain.png (526x700, 486K)

Just ignore him
He is baiting for (you)s

The Romans took North African slaves who inevitably came here for a short while, and as we all know, we wuz pharaohs n sheet.

This is what fucking mockery the finnish tv brought out years ago. A 50min film of Mannerheim. State owned television.

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We recognise that this is a subjective approach (amongst others, Brace, 1995) and that
many of the individuals used to generate these methods derive from modern populations
outside of the territories that formed the Roman Empire (e.g., the Terry Collection (Hunt and
Albanese, 2005)). The method development was particularly lacking in north African and
southern Mediterranean populations, whose DNA shows a greater degree of genetic diversity
compared to sub-Saharan and more northern ones (Botigué, et al., 2013, Skorecki and Behar,
2013). Therefore, the results must be understood in their temporal and spatial context, and the
biases introduced by the methods acknowledged (see Konigsberg, et al., 2009, Ubelaker, et
al., 2002). The population affiliation divisions used here may disguise or fail to find many
affiliations because they are subjective, and morphology varies between individuals and over
time. These affiliations also reflect contemporary divisions rather than Roman, and do not
correspond to Roman notions of ethnicity or identity, because these are social rather than
morphological constructs (Gowland and Thompson, 2013).