I know my opinion is unpopular, but i'm not obligated to give a fuck.
Hate threads are nothing more than pic related and only serve to further divide. I know the threads are good for taking a break and blowing off steam but division makes the countries weaker. Who are you helping by doing this? There are plenty of people on other sides struggling just the same whom you could be recruiting. Do something useful and recruit.
Hate threads
no it's the opposite you retard. In the book the point is that they hate the guy without even knowing why it is that they are hated. It's pretty obvious why mexicans, niggers, muslims and other subhuman groups are hated. Look through any thread about them to see how they behave.
fuck kill yourself OP
>shining the light on a problem is the problem, because it wouldn't be a problem if we don't see it
Absolute merchant
Now that I think about it, I guess your right.
The effect is the same is it not?
We already know what the problems are. Okay I'll spend some time with you. When we hate on blacks what are we really hating on? It's not just because of color. It's what? What is it really? It's Crime. It's the thug lifestyle. It's the low IQ retardedness from them. So is that all going to go away or get better even in the smallest amount by posting these threads? No. What is ACTUALLY going to improve the situation? Promoting fathers in the home, discouraging single motherhood. Discouraging criminal mentality. You see a black making fun of another black for "acting white" ask them why they don't want their people to be smart or successful. They haven't always been this way. Look at blacks in the 50's, they dressed nice, had jobs, didnt sell crack, werent killing each other in droves. What changed that? Fathers leaving the homes, single mothers, thug mentality ect.
There are feminists right now actually siding with conservatives over the "equality act". Use it. There are so many women being redpilled from that act being proposed alone. The time is ripe for recruitment. Find ways to unify, an etho-nationalist state is a dream boys. The best we can do is rally the people into nationalism. You do that by instilling pride in your nation and in your people not beating them down. Stormweiners haven't done jack shit for anyone and only serve to make us look bad when the media wants us to look bad. If I could have a white nationalist state of course I would, but whats the best and most realistic thing we can do to unify the people into nationalism? You've seen blacks wear MAGA hats, you've seen that even nazi germany employed brown people. Stop doing the jews work of dividing your own people.
they are typical jew D&C threads. Mossad false flag mass shooting tomorrow to distract from recent happenings in Iran as well as help cover up the shit coming out about spygate.
My opinion is like a speck of dust in the wind here, I know it. Think about it though. Shit is absolutely fucking terrible right now and we need to do something real to change it. Nazis aren't going to fly out of Antarctica and save us, regular people aren't ever going to go along with white nationalism. So (for now) focus on Nationalism.
Fuck Islam, fuck jews, try to salvage the rest.
You wrote a bunch of retarded shit. Blacks aren't us. Hating them isn't division, it's reality. Showing their nature may red pill a young white man to the reality of the world.
Palestinians will rape and murder your family.
>You've seen blacks wear MAGA hats
Civnats are fucking braindead
>Showing their nature may red pill a young white man to the reality of the world.
I'm pretty sure we all already know. Now what's the plan to improve it? You don't have one. You sit there with your us vs them mentality meanwhile there are blacks in maga hats destroying the liberals asshole just by existing. Create more of them.
I thought it was obvious those MAGA blacks were the minority. We already know the majority of them vote for handouts. Some of them don't. Create more that don't.
To think its better to sit on a computer and post like ""hurr look at niggers nig guys" while your country collapses in on it's self
Is somehow better than fighting to unify and strengthen your nation is pathetic and weak.
Blacks in maga hats are retards. Why would I support them? Why do you?
Palestinians will rape and murder your family
>we can fix blacks
you're just fuckin dumb guy
Why do I support them? I've already said it.
They destroy the liberal asshole just by existing. They make other blacks question the status quo. What did they get asked the most? "why are you voting against your own self interests" And then how did they reply? By telling other blacks that Democrats did not have their best interests in mind and kept them as dogs receiving treats. They made other blacks think twice. That's useful.
We can at least turn the tide a bit. I don't have pipe dreams.
>le based nigger
lmao, go back to plebbit you useless cunt
People who unironically think there’s a chance of an ethnostate in the current year and beyond is fucking brain dead.
The only chance we have to get our freedom back and to keep our remaining culture intact is to work together and stop the culture wars.
>The (((rich))) love pitting the middle class (men, white, straight) against the poor (women, poc, lgbt).
Lol, imagine optic Fucking to this degree, that a rando neocon black will change the narative. Chicago would all be sporting maga hats if trump promised more gibs. Oh, and they're 13% of the population.
This isn't a unite to fight, it's blacks vs. Whites.
Palestinians will rape and murder your family
Then make a thread regarding the problem. A hate thread is just that; a hate thread. I'm not going to bother wasting my life hating someone. Do you want to have an actual discussion on how jews wreck nations and what should be done about them? Sure, fine. Do you want to title it a hate thread and only attract people posting edgy webms of niggers blowing up and whining about encounters they've had with them? No, this isn't /b/.
Hate brings awareness. It's an instinctive protective measure we have that protects us from harm, it's completely natural and is actually unnatural to suppress and deny it. I'd even go as far as to call suppression of hate and fear damaging to the brain.
Like how lying to oneself damages the brains of those who do it.
You're Aus so opinion discarded
Hey if you want to act like a jew and weaken your country with more and more division I can't stop you. Enjoy.
Ah, of course I am now obligated to post to your criteria. Hate threads are funny, they aren't scientific. But I guess I personally need to make a thread about differences in race and social structure for you to be satisfied. And I would, but unlike you I'm not paid to post here
>your country
Check your flag, faggot
Canada still stands a chance of that dream. Leave the cities and see for yourself.
You don't need to satisfy me, you're a free man to do as you will. I'm just asking you to think about it. Think outside of the computer screen for a second.
Which state do you live in OP
I have, and that's why I know you're a disingenuous faggot. Race relations are worsening, not improving. There will come a time when this is sorted out.
A sinking ship called Illinois
>Race relations are worsening, not improving.
That's the point. We're all divided not only on race but every damn thing and it's terrible for the country and makes us weak. You know that's true.
Then why is the US not your country? Earlier you posted that 'jews would weaken your country', odd phrasing if you're American.
I know you're a shill, and everything you propose is Jewry
You're not obligated to post to my criteria. You're obligated not to make low quality threads. If you do that you're going to attract low quality posters. It's up to you what you do, but if you want to get anything going that isn't an endless loop of "fuck you," then I'd advise you to make threads on specific issues and how to deal with them, how to advance an idea etc.
I suppose because there is more than one country that posts on the chans? I'm speaking to everyone here, not a single country.
If I shill it's for myself and my own ideas and I do it for free. Everybody here shills for something my guy.
>Hey if you want to act like a jew and weaken your country with more and more division I can't stop you. Enjoy.
You sure?
Just a good ole boy from Indiana, huh?
Low quality or high quality posters, I care less. Endless loops of "fuck you OP"? HAHA I've been here almost 10 years, that means I've been called a faggot and all kinds of shit 10,000 times over. That shits just expected. This whole thread is about an issue and how to deal with it. UNIFY and strengthen your country instead of helping jews divide it.
I'm positive
How does it feel to believe your God's chosen people, but rely on goyim to defend your home? Man that must be a trip. Can't even defend yourselves, like a woman.
Yeah because jews always come here and tell you to strengthen your country and promote nationalism to fight jewish division right?
Lol, are you still trying?
If that means that you don't get paid and more people see this post, then sure.
How do you feel about Jesus?
I still hate women get fucked estrogen person