How are you holding up Jow Forums?

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stop posting this ugly faggot on my internet web forum imageboard

Nerve-gas strikes again

Pretty decent. Gonna go to Destin, Florida next week on a vacation with my girlfriend, (proposing to her there). I'm kinda fat need to lose weight. Used to get panic attacks but after I stopped drinking caffeine those went away. How you doin'?

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Clean your fucking room. Have some goddamn self-respect.

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2 months drug free. Never been happier.

Hey man that's good stuff. Keep it up.

congrats, user! great job!!

Good productive day of shitposting

I have nothing going for me. I'm just living with the parents working a wagecuck job as my bank account grows bigger paycheck to paycheck. When I get 30k or so I'm going to find an apartment in another city and keep wagecucking until I find a Midwestern QT. Than I get a mortgage and I keep wagecucking until I have retirement money or maybe even wagecuck through retirement. Then I die. Well I guess that's where the story ends huh?

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Proud of you user. Coming up on 3 years myself. Everything adults told me about drugs as a kid was right.

Now do nofap


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Almost about to fall back into near-sucide levels of depression. Currently focusing on losing weight and attempting to become an example rather than a shame to my family.

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Thanks anons. :) Have a good night.

>wake up early
>lift weights
>go to class
>come home
>eat lunch
>do shit
>go to work
>come home
>high all day
>drink all day

Man, you don't know how good you got it. You're on a level field, you can do whatever you want.

I'm right on the edge. I don't know what comes next.

The cycle of failure. Checked.

Just organized and cleaned my room.

Or bad user. Started new job two weeks ago, and it’s challenging as fuck. New crew, but same boss I had from ‘10 to ‘16, and he’s a good cunt. One step down the ladder, but 16k more per annum. This year and next are gunna be great.

Wanting to relapse real bad. Just want to binge. Trying to pray or something.