Big business bands together to protect its interests all the time and the GOP loves it, but the very idea of the working man unionizing or demanding better pay makes these greedy fatcats start screeching and pretending the world is going to end.
Conservatives always stand up for these rich assholes who don't give a fuck about the country, they don't care about culture, or nationalism, or your rights or any of it, they care about money and MUH GDP. They'll have you all working a dollar a day to 'compete with China' soon and the fucking GOP will say it's BASED.
Unions are outdated, crooked, and a waste of your money. T. Former Teamster
Carter Miller
The problem arises when the STATE gets involved with unions. If a company is REGULATED by the STATE in such a way that they can't fire union members then that's a problem for the economy.
You identified the problem yourself. You can’t unionize when you have global trade and other countries pay their workers less. Trump is at least fighting for you even though the greedy fatcats oppose him on it.
Levi Wood
> a meme flag
Ian Morgan
>You can’t unionize when you have global trade and other countries pay their workers less
By the sounds of it no one can do anything except accept slave wages that get worse every year then.
You know the Koch Bros lobby for open borders, they have immense power in the GOP.
>Demanding the Government protects his right to pay people shit wages >Demanding the Government bans unions >Calls people communists for not wanting big nanny state protecting his business
Oliver Ross
If unions were so great why do they fear membership being voluntary?
Michael Anderson
yes you can. All you need to do is to change the trade deals to benefit workers and not multinational companies. Thats what bernie wants to do as well as reduce immigration.
Jack Perry
>Big business bands together to protect its interests all the time and the GOP loves it
Progressives made that illegal a century ago
But ironically employees doing the same is not. Hmm really makes you think.
Unions used to be important. now they're overpowered and destroy productivity
Nolan Rivera
Lol I read that "Mediocre for All" It sounds so much more like the truth this way man
Carson Brown
>unionize your workplace. >demand a raise. >and don't stop until you get one. Yes, beg your master for more table scraps that'll solve everything, how about instead you unite with your fellow workers and demand the company be turned over to you all equally, you know "Seize the means of production." That would actually make a difference.
Zachary Morris
Unions are outdated as has been said and... demand a raise. Sure, then what? Demand another? And another? This doesnt sound thought through further than gibs me dat. Of course id like to earn more money but that doesnt mean im always worth more than im currently earning
Julian Wood
Probably because of all of the freeloaders who would benefit from the union without paying their fair share.
>Union negotiates for higher wages/better work conditions. >You benefit regardless of whether or not you're paying any dues.
In an ideal world unions wouldn't be necessary, but since human greed is a thing for some reason, they're a necessary evil.
Yeah, now they just pay off politicians from both parties to get their way instead of banding together.
The US would be a much different place if members of Congress would actually listen to their constituents instead of their donors.
This. They are just another fucking company gaining off of your money. If being in a union is so great, why the fuck are do so many have necessary membership?
Sebastian Murphy
>Government creates minimum wage law >Government decides people on government wage are in poverty >Government creates livable wage law to raise people out of the poverty of government minimum wage laws.
>>You benefit regardless of whether or not you're paying any dues.
That is why you enforce payment of dues.
It is like burning the coal and paying the toll. It's only natural.
William Parker
>what are lobbys >Employees doing the same is not
Oh yeah, big business is super oppressed in the United States of Advertising. Koch Bros and Silicon Valley are under attack from the unions, it's tragic, we need to give them even more subsidies as a way of saying sorry I think :^)
Josiah Perez
>Govt creates minimum wage law >Money devalues with inflation >Wages don't raise in line with inflation >Now minimum wage is poverty tier >Conservacucks don't want to raise it ever >Act like we're in Stalinist Russia whenever it gets raised >Big Business shills for open borders for cheap workers >Big Business outsources all its jobs to China / India >Bring in cheap labor from Mexico to put the blue collar Americans out of work >Conservacucks still defend this >Conservacucks don't understand why immigration is out of control
>Govt creates minimum wage law >Government creates trade laws >Government controls the borders >Government controls immigration >Don't blame the government
Because you're stupid and don't understand anything about how the economy works.
Also, you're too stupid to make the connection that medical care is a good and a service provided to you by a third party and as such you do not have a "right" to it in the same way you don't have a "right" to hold up the local bakery or steal someone's wallet to attain bread.
Maybe if you had half a brain you'd understand this. But you don't. You think that a world where people don't work to earn their shit is sustainable.