On which side was Pol / stayed in this battle?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Morpheus exposed Jews infiltrated the pro white movement.

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>two D&C shills divide and conquer even further
big woop

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also think that renegade is controlled opposition. it is not productive to mix the revisionism of holohoax with crazy theories like earth olana, aliens, chemistrails etc.

morpheus is based

morpheus does a great job exposing the shills.

various altkikes exposed

Best looking e-celeb.

Sinead should show her feet more.

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this is some gay ass soap opera tier shit.
just like the circus that is sweden.
morpheus , samus aran, nigl33t337 etc. etc. you are all fags I wuz the only kang
i did it for the lulz, yall niggas salty

Sinéad looks so Jewish here, almost like Ayn Rand

>retard vs retard
Here's one of the retards spambot. create a "morpheus/moarpheus" thread and see for yourself.

Altright is part of the Jewish shills that hijack the pró white advocacy. Altright moviment has all the symptoms that are characteristic of Jewish subversion in the pro white cause:

_ Islamohesteria: Make the goy hate those whom the Jews have as an enemy, ie: islamic;

Blame everyone for the problems created by the Jews: Jews created and promoted poisonous ideologies that alienated women (feminism), whites (progressism), blacks (victimism) and who are destroying white nations. But according to altright, you do not should blame the Jews, but rather those that the Jews alienated.

_Promove fake Zionist controlled false messiah / opposition: trump, ukip, FN, Pegida, Putin etc.

Trump HAS NOT FULFILLED THE PROMISE: The wars for Israel continue; Intrusion in foreign countries continues; he did not drain the swamp; Hillary was not arrested; has not deported and will not deport the 50,000,000 illegal; the wall will not be built; the false refugees continue to enter (trump has already received more Syrian refugees who abama); anti-white laws (positive discrimination) continue to be promoted and funded by government / or government-related entities.

_Promove and collaborate with other movements and sites controlled by Jews: "dailystormer", "Aryan Radio", Millenawoes, altrigth ", counter-jihadism etc.

_Promove the distortion of the concept of white race so that Jews, who pretend to be goys, are considered white and can infiltrate movement. Promotes the Jewish phenotype as white.

_Promove hollywood Nazism: Prevent the debate about Jewish supremacism from becoming mainstream by associating it with the (FALSE) primary racist type of skinheads and dailystormer


Why is Moarpheus so butthurt about TRS existing?

Morpheus expoe Jews infiltrated in the pro white movement..
realmoarpheus.Why does this bother you?.com

Why does this bother you?

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Why do mutts insist so much on HAVING to follow ecelebs like their life depend on it ? I don't get it.
Why do you NEED to worship someone like that ?
What the fuck mutts ?

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>goyim, please stop listening to these white nationalists, they're actually Jews and Zionists, trust me goyim

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Mutts vs eurocucks.
Don't you have a gangbang of your girlfriend to go watch?

because it's a Jewish site!O

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>implying i will ever have a girlfriend

Because any major movement needs voices. Not all people have time/skill to make podcasts and videos.

Leftists and neocons have the fucking major news media on their side. We need to compete by funneling support to key individuals on social media. The alternative is just have a huge patchwork of anymous posters with frog/anime avatars making shitposts. It's fine on its own, but you can't present coherent narratives to normies that way.

They dont realize how pathetic it looks. I just hope they dont export that shit culture everywhere else.

Fair enough. Good point

Kinda like the (((ADL))) and (((SPLC))) sites that give you your shekels?

alt right is 1000% Jewish.
_ sventh son : jew
_Mike enoch: jew
_andy warsky :jew
_weev: jew
_Emily youcis: jewish
_richard spencer mentor, Paul Gottfried: Jew
_richad spencer: jew (
_nina kouprianova (supporter of the USSR): Jewish
_Daniel Friberg: Jew
_Jason Kessler: Jew
_Augustus Sol Invictus: jew
_Baked Alaska: Jewish.
_Matt Heimbach: Jew
_Pax Dickinson: Jew
_ dailystormer writer, sven longshanks: Jew

_Joshua Ryne Goldberg (dailystomer writer): Jew.
Azzmador: Jew
_Beardson: jew
_colonel gunter brum :jew
Neocons are ardent Zionists ,the Christian Right due to religious links are generally pro jewish the libertarians are jew neutral What was needed was a coopting of the white nationalists Thats what the alt right movement is trying to do

Coopt white nationalists and turn them into pro Jew zombies and destroy anti jewish ideas in white nationalists by ” making Jews white””
they describes itself as red-pilled and jew-wise but has latched onto every e-celeb and trend in the alt-kike movement, yet promotes nothing of substance other than standing by the sidelines cheering on jewish controlled agents and steering attention toward the muslims rather than anything practical or damaging against the jews
Seems to fit in with most of the derailed FAKE nationalist movements of late, following the TRS/Dailystormer protocol:

They're allowed to make jokes about jews but offer only Pam Geller tier solutions to the threat of "globalist muslim bankers, politicians and industry corps and islamic jihadist media masters."

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Fake and gay pasta. Sloppy job, Mossad.

Sven is white and has produced kids, which is something your landwhale ass will never do.

We wish he got paid. That way he'd havd money to do something else on his free time. But the guy is here 24/7.

What started it originally? Did he get turned down for a podcast spot at TRS or something?

TRS mentions him occasionally as a sperg who is mostly likely working with Jews/Antifa now.

>blog hasn't been updated since November 2018
>God-awful page design

Top schizophrenia.

I only recognize only 2 of the names you've mentioned. I'm guessing I'm not alt right enough.
I like red ice, know more news, JF, Stephan, Patrick little, Murdoch Murdoch, the gas station and them. Soph and Owen Benjamin for fun.

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Sinead and her boy toy of Renegade, that she probably pegs, are total shills and no one takes them serious.

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>sven longshanks

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I don’t know of either.

Goddammit that spacing.

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Sinead is a retard but she made some great pro white parody song so I'm on her side against this doxing anti white jew shill morpheus

TRS and a Jewish site, you jerk
MiKIKE enoch is a Jew!

mike enoch , TheRightStuff jumps to defend Anglin and the (((Daily Stormer))) when they are criticized. They call themselves “sister sites” and do fundraisers together. (((Daily Stormer))) is for the young kids and the lower IQ, while TRS is for 20s/30s and people who went to college.

But they are part of the same team: fake “Nazis,” trolls that attack anyone who won’t pretend to be “hardcore” – and of course, both are run by Jews (like Andrew “weev” Aureinheimer and Enoch himself) or people who are awfully close to Jews.

This ID be like after every post:

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lol Mike Enoch developed the Coincidence Detector and ((( ))) targeting and yet you're using it. However you are correct that Weev who banned all TRS podcasts from (((Daily Stormer))) is in fact a Jew

100% nordic phenotype , goy .

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they are not pro -white you motherfucker. they are controlled opposition .

Well, let’s see. We know for a fact that Anglin used to publish Joshua Goldberg, and we now know that not only is Goldberg Jewish, but he’s anti-white (and anti-Muslim) and his fake personas were being publicized by Rita Katz of SITE Intel as both an “anti-semite neo-nazi” as well as a “radical anti-semite ISIS terrorist.”
There’s the fact that Anglin was a full on philo-semite and anti-white and within 2 months decided to go “full fascist.” [Open]
there mike enoch , TheRightStuff jumps to defend Anglin and the (((Daily Stormer))) when they are criticized. They call themselves “sister sites” and do fundraisers together. (((Daily Stormer))) is for the young kids and the lower IQ, while TRS is for 20s/30s and people who went to college.

But they are part of the same team: fake “Nazis,” trolls that attack anyone who won’t pretend to be “hardcore” – and of course, both are run by Jews (like Andrew “weev” Aureinheimer and Enoch himself) or people who are awfully close to Jews.

Will metokur expose these faggots? His "fence sitting" is just a ploy, but I can't figure out his true end game, there's more to it than just "laughing at retards on the internet", especially once he starts slamming cocktails. Listen to his Asange arrested stream and tell me that man isn't redpilled

There’s “weev” – whatever exactly that is to be

weev is Anglin's main man. He moves, talks, looks and acts jewish. Auernheim is a jewish name. Hewrote this before going to prison (from which he managed to get out veeery early...): "Any attempt to brand me an anti-Semite is idiotic. I have no problem with any person solely because of their Semitic descent. Take a look at my last name, “Auernheimer”. Think about the likely origins of this name for a second. Even a quick Google reveals its origins. The most famous Auernheimer of history, journalist and author Raoul Auernheimer, had his way boughtfrom the fires of Dachau by his uncle, Theodore Herzl himself. Come on, I have curly hair and brown eyes here. The claim many“journalists” are making that I am some sort of Nazi is preposterous, but I suppose you have to resort to ad hominem when the public overwhelmingly supported me on the basis of the facts of the case."

There Scott rhodes (real name :Scott platek) .
Platek was busted leaving flyers promoting the DailyStormer at high schools and parking lots.

"Platek" is a jew surname.
Scott platek also paid for the (((Patrick Little))) robocall in an attempt to spread Little’s brand.
there Eric Striker...

>picking sides
Nobody does this. Mass destruction is the only desire.

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Metokur is libertarian as far as I can tell.

Thanks for the advice Rabbi

now show your face, kike!

sinead is prophet Elijah reincarnated. lost his
dick cause he ran away from jezebel now is a

just another jew controlled opposition.

expong the octoroon (((Weev))), the master web-technician of TRS and the Daily Stormer.

>Here’s a link to archived copy of Weev’s OKCupid profile where he states that he’s an “ethnic Jew of Bavarian origins”. You have to scroll down pretty far. The profile is a pre-prison snapshot (as noted by the “Last Online” date). (

>Weev looks like a jews,sounds like a jew, and behaves like a jew,also he mentioned on a podcast that he has many jewish friends.Another (((Frank Collin))) type clown nazi,designed to make whites look bad.I remember those fliers this jewboy printed a while ago, ”global white supremacy”wtf, i don’t wanna rule over the other races,i don’t wanna have anything to do with them.It’s good that the daily shill got shut down it was controlled opposition from the get go.The negro-mongoloid Anglin jailbait may not be a jew but his actions prove he’s a jew puppet by having as his website manager a jew,weev,also by defending the jew mike peinovich proves again that he’s just into white nationalism for shekels.

>"Recently, someone who is known as the ultimate sleaze persona of “the Internets”, a Jew by the name of Andrew Alan Escher Auernheimer, aka Weev, has been been making the rounds as advocate for White ethnicity. Much of this is simply a fraud: Weev was one of the most notorious “anti-Semite hunters” of the early to middle 2000’s.

Based. I unironically love Israel. All my anti jew posts on this site are purely to rile up you small fry Nazi losers.
Based Israel makes anime legal again.