My lifelong friend since childhood is an Arab. Ever since I started browsing Jow Forums I have stopped seeing him without ever telling him why. Was this really the right thing to do?
Jow Forums made me lose a friend
Pasta faggot. Kill yourself.
If anything you should gain his trust so when he "blows-up" that isn't directed at you.
>having friends
yeah fuck off normie
Your favorite food
>actually and unironically letting this board have any effect on your real life
If you believe the racist horseshit here you don't deserve friends.
This is true. Everyone knows everything on Jow Forums is just a meme or a parody and not to be taken seriously. t. Schlomo Shekelstein
Friends are overrated. All that really matters is family.
yes . I no longer communicate beyond what's necessary with any non whites. regardless how friendly they try to be.
it's not a meme or parody you're just very retarded if you let this board affect your life
family is overrated, all that matters is *your people and *your civilization
No such thing as racism.
Mate a lot of us are here BECAUSE of real life, not the other way around. The fact that you even suggest this is proof that you're either a shill or deluded.
>it's not a meme or parody you're just very retarded if you let this board affect your life
If you are on this board right now, it is affecting your life. So please fuck off shitskin.
>checks flag
Literally a sandnigger
Jordanians are literal kike shills. They suck and grovel Israeli balls, almost as bad as USA.
>what are averages
>what are individuals
muh #notall
Lebanese non muzzies are honorary whites imo, especially cuz they're not even arab. But if he was Saudi or from UAE etc. you made the right decision.
Does he look like that? He can come be my friend instead.
t. femanon
OP pic is the average Italian not Arab. Arabs are ugly af
Kind of
>absolutely #all
Hope you like muh white liberals.
> Lativan
> doesnt hate everybody
> on Jow Forums
How's it feel to live in a shithole?
Judging someone for their racial background instead of WHO they are.
Stupid fuck.
Quit being so one dimensional. There's nothing wrong with being friends with someone of a different race. So long as you respect their race and they respect yours. It's that simple. Segregate and appreciate.
Okay NPC
Sorry about that. Had to make an edit.
not too bad desu
I do like all whites. policy is fluid. Many Germans were communists turned to national socialism.
there is but it's absolutely necessary for survival
What does it feel like when you fuck a goat?
Who will help you fight ZOG?
Friends, family, your people and civilization are underrated. All of it matters.
Maybe, but like most people, I go by individuals irl, not averages. If there’s an outlier to a group I don’t let the rest hold them back.
Can you post part of his face? You don’t like him anyway.
true but only if they are your people.
stupid whore
call him, apologize that jewish propaganda machine made you hate him because of his ethnicity and shoot up local synagogue and morgan chase bank outpost with him
Oh yeah, ostracize someone who is statistically more likely to commit an act of terror. What, are you fucking retarded?
> Groups supporting the Jewish Council of Racial Equality are all Jewish
This surprises the P*lish subhuman
How can you take seriously what you see at anonymous Bulgarian dog spinning forum?
lol ..look how pathetically he begs op to befriend an arab hoping they can be allies. poles and their fucking allies. inb4 mutt or ameriburger. I'm Austrian born and moving back.
nothing wrong with cutting off someone who gives you negative popularity points
all those laws, lynchings, and genocides must have been coincidence
How the fuck did you know? Witch.