Oh boy

This isn't going to age well at all, is it?

Attached: think_of_the_children.png (960x762, 267K)

this cartoon agrees with our point that the slippery slope is real

Was this made unironically? Holy fuck balls. It describes the downfall of Western Civ so perfectly.

Was thinking the same myself.

Really makes me think

It’s true. All of it. Jow Forums was right. The left really can’t meme.

we could've listen it's not going to stop on faggots holding hands

Attached: 1546939454741.jpg (1772x726, 504K)

Attached: Untitled.png (1200x953, 726K)

Too easy.

Attached: tumblr_o7t8oi8msW1u0r0dgo1_1280.jpg (1229x1286, 528K)

uh oh

Top fucking kek

Fucking based and redpilled, they were all 100% right

the funny thing is that this is what really happened

We have to ban guns, knives and the OK sign, think of the children!

Should have listened in the 40's

Jews, then the blacks, then the lesbos, then the trans? That's why the West is dying and society is trash now? When you see degenerate gay pedos have little boys in drag dancing sexually for them and it's rending and popular on youtube like it's a good thing rather than being arrested, tried, and imprisoned as they should, you can't help but wonder where did it all start. This cartoon seems to suggest the fall of civility and decency began with the jews.

Based Taiwan

“But I am trans”
Kids aren’t trans until they are told they are.

>transgender child
Only leftist parents ever have transgender children, for exactly the same reason that only vegans ever have vegan cats. We know who's really making the decisions here...

A lot of liberal cartoons are like this actually.
They are THAT BLIND to their bullshit they can't see it. It's shocking.

Give up your guns, think of the children.

Good stuff. You misspelled Zimbabwe.

the people in the comic are actually right, in all 4 panels

None of the panels aged well.

Very nice
I like

>Panic about global warming, think of the autistic children!


None of those things were bad things they were just bigots for being right.
Jeez it's 2019 who cares if they had to be lied to and be deceived for a good cause?