Why do white people waste resources and pollute the earth?

Why do white people waste resources and pollute the earth?

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Because we are all that matters.

>the third worlder says while they dump another truckload of microplastic into their own river

>pollute the earth?
Funny coming from a poo. India is so polluted, half the people are born deformed.

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Do you really think that those third worlders produced that microplastic? They get paid to put it in their own rivers by the white corporations, who don't care where it ends up.

How selfish. I hope your kids enjoy living in water, eating insects and breathing smoke

>I hope your kids enjoy living in water, eating insects and breathing smoke

Why? Are your kids enjoying it right now?

And with that attitude, you know why you don't matter.

What's the main contributor's of electrical production in those countries?

Who's fault is that then? Maybe they should pass some environmental regulation in their shithole like we did.

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The very instant Americans are even slightly affected by pollution we will nuke you to end it.

Canada ain't white

Electricity=crypto $$

My guess is Air Conditioning. Unless it include manufacturing.

low iq and a high time preference.

No stupid they are bathing in the shit infused water of the ganges

>drag third world out of poverty
>they immediately hate you for it

HVAC and metal smelting

>Electricity consumption directly correlated with economic activity
>India: 806kW/h per capita
Lol third world.

We have actual weather here, we need heat and air conditioning. Although I will admit we have too many skyscrapers.

95% of trash in the ocean comes from rivers not in north america or europe, and a massive percentage of it comes from the ganges, you fucking street shitter.

I didn't know these things produce electricity, crazy.

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An Indian complaining about pollution lmao

>I will leave this subhuman site
>Literally this just two days later
What did urd*ni mean by this?

I'm from the US, most of the electricity I use is from nuclear plants. There is literally more electricity being produced than we can use in the country so I hard thing it's a "waste".

It's just a vulgar display of white power. You poo wouldn't understand

Running arc furnaces is the most power-hungry activity humans do.

You have to have electricity first to waste it poo

im not *rd*ni

Because we need to power our toilets

So what does this have to do with my original question?

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>Monkey flag blaming anyone for any pollution

We white devils need 300 amp home service to run our military grade masturbation machines, backyard electric gatling gun security systems and to recharge our massive mojos.

An average family of 4 people uses 4450 kWh here in Denmark. 1 kWh costs around 0,36 $ so a family will pay around 1600 $ a year.
I would hate to use more than 15.000 kWh like the Canadians :O

Because they are using that energy for useful things that matter that will eventually lead to a Type I civilization. We should be using more energy like this every decade that passes. Anyone who says we need to use less energy and switch to 100% anemic power sources like solar or wind for everything need to kill themselves. You refuse to evolve and will die on this rock.

Because it's fucking cold out there.

>Canada top of list
What the fuck are they even doing up there, plugging in all the trees?

Also the price pr kWh is 0,07 $ without any taxes and other kinds of government bullshit.

>per capita
Canada would be lower on this list but we unfortunately forgot that importing chinese pets would cause us to drastically increase our electricity consumption.