This makes my blood boil

abortion is literally fucking murder, i saw this stupid meme in another thread and this is just plain fucking wrong i needed to address it
a child in the womb is something higher than just 'your property' this is fucking stupid
we need to stop these stupid degenerate AOC generation libtards from destroying our values

sometimes I hate this fucking board

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Other urls found in this thread:

wouldn't the baby have a right to life?

You want nigger population out of control?

Think about it. Think about it REALLY hard.

the abortionist's entire argument rest upon defining whether a baby is human and when, it really is a matter of opinion 2bh.

that was the argument the jews amde to the protties to control the catholic population, abortion is less of a population issue and more of a moral issue, it completely wrecked america together with birth control

Fine example of the left's inability to meme

the majority of aborted are minorities and its the only things keep the black population from growing. odd this board supports eugenics and limiting minority birth rate but want to abolish the only current method of achieving that.

No it's helping. You're just a filthy catholic probably.

oh nooo not the poor fetuses :(((( how will our civilization survive without worthless clumps of cells?

consider that the african population exploded recently and not before, and consider that your entire coutnry is unable to morally confront what is happening to you guys, you've got your legs broken but were offered a wheel chair rather than restorying your legs back to full health, that's the anology right here
but whatever, i'm talking about things that you probably can't even begin to concieve

Your rights end where the rights of others begin.

by the way normies are cattle
im out

>1 post by this idea
>same rehashed topics
>same topics discussed on normie sites
>OP runs away to create another rehash thread to waste threadspace
>you faggots sit here and bump their threads, doing the job of the shills and raiders

lefties need to work hard to present their side of an issue as the only one because it's the wrong one.

I'm pro-abortion because fuck niggers
no seriously, fuck niggers

(if she's a nigger that is, or got raped by one)

no it's not a matter of opinion, conception creates unique DNA that you can't replicate fucking the same partner a million times. DNA is the blueprint of life every living thing on this planet has DNA. single cell organisms with unique DNA in space are considered life by nasa. Life starts at conception. That aside mass shooting tomorrow mossad is planting violent triggers on the board and they are going to need a distraction from their fuck up with iran.

Watch an ultrasound of a baby in utero.
Fingers, toes, head, eyes, mouth.
Beating heart.
Did you know they try to swim and escape the forceps when they are being pulled apart, limb by limb?

These people could not even stomach to see a rat killed, but they think there is nothing wrong and it's even ... righteous ... to execute an unborn baby that did not deserve it.

They'll protest animals being used to test suntan lotion, they'll protest mink coats, they'll protest chickens being used for food. But they'll slaughter the fuck out of an unborn infant and think themselves justified.

The constitution conveys no right to murder.
And btw, "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness" is from the Declaration of Independence.
I can think of nothing more stifling of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness than to deny all three just because the "mother" doesn't think it's convenient to carry a baby to term.

it's not about property retard

it's about women having reproductive autonomy

no birth control is perfect, and sometimes you gotta poison that little fleshy cashew and flush them down the commode.

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A baby is not your body, it has unique DNA and is in itself its own being with a right to live

how about we just eradicate your fucking kind, youre just a worthless clump of sand

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Wait, show me where in the Constitution it is said that everyone has the right to life, liberty, property, and the pursuit of happiness. I'm pretty sure that's not in there.

They normally have tails when they're aborted. Being genetically unique doesn't mean you gotta keep it. Law is normally structured to make it illegal to abort once a fetus can survive outside the womb. Most abortions are embryos less than an inch long.

This life is life essentialist nonsense is just fucking dumb. I won't even get into all the ubiquitous racist shit.

t. seething fetus

Also of note is the Life aspect, which the Declaration (where that line is actually from) states is a right, is just brushed over in OP’s pic when discussing killing babies. With that, the obvious contradiction, and the awful formatting, I’m inclined to believe that the image has to be bait.

Correct, and so many people are dishonest about this. I think abortion is fine in most circumstances. The way I see it, what makes humans humans is not just DNA. It's about being self-aware, sentient, able to experience, enjoy and think about life. An embryo clearly doesn't do any of these things, even on a basic level.


Yes, but don't tell them that!

This board is such a relentlessly racist cesspool.

They point out how the hypocrisy goes that way but they don't achknowedge the reverse.
They're socialists saying the wellbeing of the individual should come first.
I mean their argument is that "A mother shouldn't be forced to suffer a baby when it can impact her life as a burden", yet they burden society as a whole with every other step of their ideology.

If you say you shouldn't have to take care of a baby if it relies on you to survive how can you say the opposite when it comes to thirdies?

You are such a nigger faggot.

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Abstinence is perfect.
And while I agree that abortions shouldn't be illegal, let's not pretend that the people using them are anything other than murderers who should be treated like the scum they are.

A fetus is the property of the future person that it is becoming. Fucking brainlets.

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>it's about women having reproductive autonomy
Women should quite literally have zero rights. Giving them control over reproduction has utterly destroyed our nations.

>You believe what the Founding Fathers believed?
>Well then let me kill babies.

if a woman chooses to have an abortion, she should be required to have her tubes tied at the same time; if she gives up being a mother once then she gives up being a mother forever. Exception being if the woman is a minor, or a legitimate rape victim where the pregnancy was a result of the rape. In all other cases if it's just a pregnancy due to irresponsibility that she wants to abort, then she should never be able to be a mother in the future.

more niggers are aborted than are born annually. feel free to look up the stats yourself.

this is the fundamental reason why i am against outlawing abortion

>everyone has the right to life
>except babies

all humans are just clumps of cells you troglodyte

> (OP)
>A baby is not your body, it has unique DNA and is in itself its own being with a right to live
Cancer cells also have a unique DNA

Is there something wrong about that?

Babies haven't made any friends or anything.

you're a fuckin troglodyte

Cancer cells kill you, moron.

yeah but grown human beings aren't WORTHLESS clumps of cells

Abstinence isn't birth control.

Murder? Don't be stupid. It's a method for minimizing the stress of assuring women reproductive freedom. I don't get fussed wiping splooge off my dick when I jerk it, this is the necessary corollary when an egg gets fertilized on accident.

There is no right to property. Whoever made this meme is stupid

too long text my god boring shitty leftist memes.

Idk most people are pretty worthless tbqh

Abstinence definitely helps control the number of births though. Therefore, abstinence is the best form of birth control.

COOL it with the anti-catholic remarks.

>grown human beings aren't WORTHLESS clumps of cells
really making a great argument to genocide darkies here

Just like having a baby at too young age because some pastor, rabbi or any other degenerate decided he wants something tighter than his hand

Thought experiment:
If someone said let's only abort the gay babies, instantly feminists would say it's not a woman's right to choose anymore.

Human life begins in bright flash of light as a sperm meets an egg, scientists have shown for the first time, after capturing the astonishing ‘fireworks’ on film.

An explosion of tiny sparks erupts from the egg at the exact moment of conception.

Scientists had seen the phenomenon occur in other animals but it is the first time is has been also shown to happen in humans.

Not only is it an incredible spectacle, highlighting the very moment that a new life begins, the size of the flash can be used to determine the quality of the fertilised egg.

Bright flash of light marks incredible moment life begins when sperm meets egg