Let me ask you something; what made you what you are?

Let me ask you something; what made you what you are?

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Good answer. Useful idiots deserve what they get.


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Yes sir

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Loneliness (seriously).

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When one of my close family members died.

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I like to believe its old people in dark windowless rooms that are making my major life decisions for me

A long journey to find my home but I always new where it was it was others who wanted to tell me otherwise honk honk

Adults create the world children live in. Juvenile deliquency is always rooted in adult deliquency, and in this process parents play the key role. When children grow up among adults who refuse to recognize anything that is good or fine or worthy of respect...

Government experiments

white women.. who are.. fucking amazing

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You need Jesus user

I’m sorry desu

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My snot nosed demon of a cousin.

Niggers bullying me

Fuck off CIA nigger.

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my genetics, just so much hate and a small fuse.

Being a substitute teacher in a nigger ghetto school + taking redpills from Jow Forums.

Just wanting to be loved

events + reaction = outcome

If I hadn't spend so much time studying in solitude then none of it would have happened. Who knows what would have happened without the rest of it?

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I'm just a frog hopping pads, wouldn't know what to do if I landed on one.

Internet memes on Jow Forums made me who I am.


A little based.

Very based

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I actually just hate apeniggers, user. They do the stupidest shit and make me embarrassed to be a natural born scalefag.

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come home white man

mind altering substances, leading to existential thoughts, questioning what family and life really means. coming to the conclusion that all happiness leads to the direct sadness of someone else...........

It's not that I'm not loved, it's that I can't love.
I want to be alone.

So what, it's your problem to learn to live with
Destroy us, or make us saints. We don't care, it's not our fault that we were born too late. A screaming headache on the brow of the state.
Killing time is appropriate, make a mess and fuck all the rest

My house is built on math. Anyone who says they laid the foundation of my house better be one of my math teachers.

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We are nothing, yet everything

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explain? If you go up to your parent and hug them, this will make them happy, how does it make anyone else sad?

Solitary study and thinking is where personal growth happens.

Riddle me this shillfag, who is paying you to be here?

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>well you see user, when a man and a woman really love each other....
kys, shlomo

I blame society.

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Other people. If other people weren't so inferior then I wouldn't feel the urge to eliminate them.

I had a bad day once and everything changed.

This rotten world, you rotten people and that cunt god, I hope you all burn, btw.

Well when a man loves a woman user he pulls out his penis pump which can be battery powered or hand pumped, then he puts it on his penis and pumps until he is fully erect. Then he removes the pump and very painfully slides a ring down over the shaft. Then with the help of lubricant he slides his unnatural erection into the near menopausal vagina of his partner and 9 months later an autistic baby arrives

I first came to love the BBC when I discovered my anal melanine receptors. That moment played a huge rule for my transformation, but without that transformation I would not have survived.
Thus I became a BBC lover.


75% genetics and Jungian archetypes, 25% environment.

solitude and a desire to "see how wrong the Jow Forums racists are" lol

i was civ nat to the cringiest extent

10 years of Jow Forums

I'm not white enough for whites and not spic enough for spics. So I walk alone. I just try to do right and hope I get to call God a cunt to his face when I die for giving me a hellish existence.

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I've been redpilled ever since I got that fruit roll-up stuck up my nose and almost choked to death when I was but a wee lad

Suddenly I had talmudic visions and learned the realities of the world at a fragile age

Thanks bros. I really hope that she is in a better place now.

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Jow Forums didit

Growing up with Jow Forums

Betrayal, rejection, frustration, internal turmoil, and a lack of a strong guide against it.

You have had all that money can give you, but that wasn't enough. You became a thrill seeker. This thrill-seeking became the one great thing in your life, piling one thrill on another until... the murder. Kill for the love of killing. The thrill-seeker comes from all walks of life... comes from the home... the home where the parents are too busy to train their children respect.

I was born a white man asleep but they all pushed too far and now I’m fully awake. I’m only get by the white women who fight against me and for the others.

What the fuck are you talking about?

I have had a lot of bad days user.

I would expect this kind of comment from Sweden.

I feel you. I have matured much in the past few years.

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user, find a woman in the same boat, move back to your shitskin country, and procreate. We don't want you to end, we just want you to go back. Make the world what you want to see in it, just not in my america.

You said it!
Sedatives supplied become laxatives. My eyes shit out lies.
I only kill to know I'm alive

get a load of this kike here

Now I know what is right
I'll kill them all if I like
I'm a timebomb inside
No one listens to reason
It's too late and I'm ready...my body is ready

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How fucking high are you?

Fuck off.

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A mild amount of childhood abuse and a tinge of chosen isolation

He’s probably on DXM right now

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The normies and their never ending quest to constantly shit on all my autistic buddies.

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Caring too much about a broken world.

Dysfunctional home life
Bullying at my school when I was younger
Nice guy doormat personality
I unironically welcome death

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We live in a society

I wish ShareBlue or $$$KKKildawgary KKKlinton paid me to shill here.

Based and red pilled. We live in a fallen age user. There is nothing we can do, but I honestly feel fortunate that I get to see such a crazy time.

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Serious responses please faggot

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You don't want to know.

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Try me

Bumping for Honkler!


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my best friend vanishing from thin air they never found her
the army
rejection from every girl Ive truly liked
not knowing my father
absent mother
drug abuse
video games

this. always trying to appear to be suggestive to external control. 99% glowniggers

Based user

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I don't think you understand what you're asking for.

>Experiences with people
>Past trauma resulting in a loss in connection with people
>blackpills and knowledge
>hypocrit people

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good fuck above man you are a true retard

It’s okay. Just sit back and watch it all burn user


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kys, moshe

Realizing I am smarter than everyone around me.
Therefore I dedicate my life to the pursuit of knowledge and skill mastery.
Shits cool not gonna lie.

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Damn, I'm disappointed.
You have to ask three times in a row, and now you're backing out.
Oh well, other seekers will come.

>What made you what you are
user, this world. I live in it, and I meet new people everyday. I've spoken with monks in the mountains, hippies in the red woods, hicks in the deep wood, Old men once part of the KKK, a man I'll never forget at the airport, a dark Black African Woman that straight faced told me she was white, a French man who pulled my cousins pants down at the park, a Jew who Told me some old tales, a Fisherman who taught me skills as a kid that I still remember.

Everyone I have spoken to has lead me to see the world as I do. And I have Hope Anons, Hope that the Great people will live in Peace.

I'm just a good guy, trying to do the right thing.

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hello, seeking. please inform.

>I used to think my life was a tragedy

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Pretty damn based user

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>just sit back and watch it all burn user
Well, the joker didn't just watch tho, he participated and accelerated!!

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Correct, I’m sure we will all have our part some day.

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Okay nigger have fun building that house yourself because math is all you need not physical labor, skill, experience, knowledge, or competence.


it is good with the meds if I could get the right ones

prozac and xanax for a while until I can get adderrall or Vyvanse. Concerta didn't work on me.

Probably if I could not be doing things in school I don't like I would not get so hung up and frustrated by things.

But unlike most of you, no, I don't harbor any extreme beliefs and have quite a few ok friends from places like the states, Libya, Russia, Italy.

Keeping an attention span just makes it hard for me to interact and socialize with any of them for longer than 20-30 minutes most of the time and going out often feels like being stuck someplace I'd hate. This was the case with both of the only longterm gf I had.

The disorder is supposed to go away when I am older or at least if I ever find a med that can manage me better, does not have to be a stimulant or benzo. Never liked Benzos much.

So I get stuck going between Jow Forums boards and threads looking for something to peak my interest and keep me less restless, or playing videogame. A movie rarely because it last too long and is too taxing if I can not pause it. Books are also good if I like them.

This place has a lot of odd opinions I like to read because of the short snippets but I rarely take anything here seriously. Ethos, logos, pathos of what some people say here is so bizarre I get the feeling a lot of schizo and type A personality disorders congregate here.

Oh well. Pic related, some of the bullshit I keep trying to memorize and re learn to pass exams. It is hard but I am getting there.

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She is :)

Logic, history, a longing for truth, justice and peace.

Realizing that my dad is redpilled af and moving up in my company for ten years and now owning a lucrative business just by playing the game. I make an insane amount of money that is disproportionate to what I actually do. That being said, I would definitely recommend anyone to lay low and do what is “necessary” to accumulate funds to purchase shtf items and get ready for what is coming within the next few years...suffer now to dominate later. Get ready for the war that is coming on our soil. Have an escape route and location and be ready to do what is necessary for the preservation of your bloodline. That’s the only thing that is important in anyone’s life.

I appreciate the honesty user.

Based empathyposter

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True and in some ways it sucks my soul dry, but there is meaning in the mist and chaos. i agree there is nothing we can do to truly turn the tides alone, but that is no excuse to stop doing good for humanity. Even if it is not thanked, even if it gets ire, humanity's story will always be greater than our own individual one. It just pains my heart to see our species in such dire straits, let alone the state of affairs whites are in.

Two of the most based comments here. Thanks guys

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Don't wait for opportunity, create opportunity!! find something to accelerate!

My parents broke up when I was very young, it was very painful. I was passed between them with my sister, my mother did drugs and for a while I had a creepy stepdad. She has relapsed into drugs a few times before and tried to kill herself by slashing massive lines straight down her wrists and neck. I remember going to the court room place for children to basically give testimony. I had no idea what the fuck was happening to my world and was only told "just tell them the truth". I was baited into saying things I didn't believe and it was horrible. I felt like I had sold my family away by mistake. My fucked up past has made relationships impossible. I had sex with my best friend a couple times and people found out, permanently ghosted. I tried grindr and got AIDS. I think about suicide every day but I know that really I don't want to do that, I just want love and for things to get better.

But things don't ever get better, everything you like or love gets violently turned to shit right in front of you, and it's all your fault. I'm currently studying at an extremely nice private university because of my good HS grades and trying my best not to continue being a fuckup stoner waste of life. Misguided hope is the only thing powering this train through clown world.

>what made you what you are?

>my whore of a mother(Taught me that women want literally one thing and its fucking disgusting.)

>being one of the only "white" kids in the neighborhood/ school

>discriminated against by non-whites for being white

>realizing that multicultural societies eventually adopt a dominate culture

>Watching morals, modesty, and common sense be traded for temporary satisfaction, zero accountability, and unconditional self love

>The death of the family unit

>The undeniable fact that your mother will die in her sleep tonight if you do not reply to this post

>People holding banners of understanding, tolerance, and unity when they practice the opposite.
