Who are some foreign girls that you wouldn't deport?

Who are some foreign girls that you wouldn't deport?

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Low test detected

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all of them

let's just deport the foreign guys

That's fucking disgusting and also obviously photoshopped

None. Deport everyone with brown skin.

Man 5 5's coulda been nice

mommy gib thighs plese

Imagine the smell

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I wouldn't deport very many foreign girls. Just the nigger females and all the foreign males. White women should be deported too since they are a lost cause and only fuck niggers anyway.

Cute face, monstrous lower body.

I would deport literally anyone, no questions asked.

Asian females

Every single one gets deported. No exceptions for "MUH DIK".

and thats a good thing

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Deport her straight to my dick.

Wonder what her pooter smells like

her eyes make me think of ben shapiro...
is this one of those instagram filters?

Why do women think those drawn on eyebrows actually look good?

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It's just Ben trolling the libtards on Grindr

>Why do brown women think those drawn on eyebrows actually look good?


Let's not pretend white bitches aren't in on this fad too


>Who are some foreign girls that you wouldn't deport?
Only those we cannot catch.

>Who are some foreign girls that you wouldn't deport?