Civil War 2

I don't wanna die, not at all. I don't want to be mercilessly executed for being a 'colored' in the upcoming civil war. I want to raise a family someday, And watch my sons grow to have families of their own.
This ride is all to scary for me, anons. I honestly despise and pity the majority of my own race, believe it or not, but to watch each and every one of them murdered in cold blood is something I can't bring myself to watch.
If this the content on this board can drive men to kill, how many more men could it motivate? Hundreds, if not thousands of collaborated and coordinated killings, daily, with no restraint. Imagine, hundreds of emotionless autonomous-like angry white men, marching in the streets, shooting, and slashing non-white men, women, and children alike, all the while playing Moonman music. It's frightening to think about, really.
The sheer bloodbath that is the second American Civil War will be a battle so gruesome and maddeningly horrendous would possibly bring about the end of every single non-white life on the continent of the United States.
When/if whites as a group get pissed, and I mean REALLY pissed, they could literally eliminate every Mongol, Negro, a
Aboriginal and Indian on the face of the earth without so much as one bit of remorse. Truly, truly, a terrifying thought.

But alas, that is simply a spark of the imagination, reality often disappoints, and is not all satisfying, you see. There might not be a bloodbath, hell, there might not even be a non-white genocide. It sounds ridiculous, absurdist, even wacky. So, don't count on anything I just previously described. Just don't count on it.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I’m half white half Asian. So I’ll be sitting in my home defending my family while you guys fight it out.

don't worry user, there won't be a second civil war. most people on this board are just teenagers going through a temporary phase. the few who are mentally ill enough to actually go out and commit attacks are a very tiny minority.
also pls don't do the whole "i hate my race i'm not like the other browns!" thing, sucking up to white supremacists won't make them like you.

Mutt americans...

It either won't be as bad as you think or you can just hunker down or flee to Canada if you're a pussy, I'll be staying since this is my country now nigger

I'm not White either btw

so go live in afrika then

Eurasian tiger?

Too bad nigger. World needs ethnic cleansing. At least its every race though. A huge civil war globally will fairly kill off all the shit in every race. Its natural selection. Not even racism.

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Nope. Difference is I was actually born in a central Asian country.

Wtf I just want to fold cute paper objects.

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k... keep me posted

colored white?

>Hundreds, if not thousands of collaborated and coordinated killings, daily, with no restraint. Imagine, hundreds of emotionless autonomous-like angry white men, marching in the streets, shooting, and slashing non-white men, women, and children alike, all the while playing Moonman music.
This would make one hell of an anime scene.


>but to watch each and every one of them murdered in cold blood is something I can't bring myself to watch.
Don't worry, I'll do it for you.

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>being a 'colored'
>don't wanna die
see that here is our problem

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>Imagine, hundreds of emotionless autonomous-like angry white men, marching in the streets, shooting, and slashing non-white men, women, and children alike, all the while playing Moonman music.
Just thinking about this gave me a hard-on. Blood will flow, and your parasitic kind will burn. There's no where to run, no where to hide. It will happen. I will do everything in my power to make sure of it. And I will savour the look of the lights going out in the eyes of every single shitskin I kill. It will be glorious.

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Don’t worry. Life has always been horrible. Whites are all secretly miserable too. All people fight each other endlessly, suffering endlessly, for the sole purpose of creating a new generation to suffer some more. The Buddhists are right. This world is shit and life is meaningless. Death is not so bad. Personally I hope for a meteor daily.

>the Buddhists are right
>this world is shit and life is meaningless
>death is not so bad
>hopes for meteor daily
Just listen to all that toxic that drives your life, and you proclaim that Buddhism is the the superior worldview. It all checks out user, Buddhists really do have a shit way of looking at the world.

Christ illumines. You will find meaning with the good book lad.

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>Whites are all secretly miserable too.

not like we shoot up a school every other week
but it wasnt always this way, and it wont last

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it is just infuriating that you know that they punished the guy for his bad behaviour instead of trying to fix how fucked up their whole class is

everyone dies. either go out for a strong cause, or die in an old age home as a nobody. you chose.

>stupid subhuman christian mutt
>imediately tries to convert the nonwhite

have fun coping together

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>so go live in afrika then
Americans dont last long here, they are to weak & use to 1st world easymode.

>Pagan Frog
Wew lad. I think I'm gonna be sick thinking of that one.

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not dancing on the table is abnormal behiavior
you dont want us to fire you do you goy?
hey why so angry?

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>names his files

This whole collapse just reads like poetry
We´ll balkanize and fight so violently
Soon racial tensions will become too much
The brick is on the gas just pop the clutch

Civil, Civil War, Civil, Civil War

I have the strangest feeling
That our nation will drown in blood
It makes no sense to think
That it will end any differently
We´ve been pushing it down
But soon we will erupt in chaos
George Soros and his kind
Are only looking to push this strife

It´s such a to joke to think we are the same
And when these nigs chimp out we all get blamed
Diversity is nothing but a scam
Divide and conquer just like they had planned

Civil, Civil War, Civil, Civil War

I have the strangest feeling
That our nation will drown in blood
It makes no sense to think
That it will end any differently
We´ve been pushing it down
But soon we will erupt in chaos
Peak fresh-water will only
Further perpetuate the strife

Civil, Civil War, Civil, Civil War

I have the strangest feeling
That our nation will drown in blood
It makes no sense to think
That it will end any differently
We´ve been pushing it down
But soon we will erupt in chaos
Massive recessions only
Further perpetuate the strife

Don´t tell me that we´re the same
I refuse to believe bullshit
Multiculturalism really makes me want to lose it
I think my generation is too hopeful for their own good
Conditioned to forget the differences that will get them killed

I have the strangest feeling
That our nation will drown in blood

Kek, I understand the namefag, you got me there...but why does Jow Forums not name their files again? I have so fucking many, how am I supposed to organize this shit?

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You vastly overestimate how evil white people are
I could vaguely see re segregation and forced relocation but wanton slaughter? Nah

>but why does Jow Forums not name their files again?
people with an iq above 95 dont need to
you notice that almost all retarded people who make abhorrent posts name their files

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....but I can just type the file name and it pops right up.

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>Hundreds, if not thousands of collaborated and coordinated killings, daily, with no restraint. Imagine, hundreds of emotionless autonomous-like angry white men, marching in the streets, shooting, and slashing non-white men, women, and children alike, all the while playing Moonman music. It's frightening to think about, really.
>You vastly overestimate how evil white people are
I agree

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One guy, user
Who was then arrested by white people and being tried by white people for murder. All nations and peoples are wicked but we're not that wicked.

Talk about rare flag

Lmao you pathetic racists never fail to make me laugh with your ”pol humor” threads.
Face it. most poc will be infinitely more successful than any of you sad virgins ever will be. You are on the wrong side of history. get over it losers

If it happens it will probably look like other modern civil wars like Lebanon, Iraq, Ireland, and Syria. Lots of random violent acts back and forth for years. Just stay out of the major cities and you'll probably be safe. We're not going to see another civil war with marching formations of troops like the American Civil War. That's not happening again. Violence has changed. Stay away from the places that are common targets in Syria, Iraq and places like that. Places like universities, concerts, churches, large gatherings. Lay low until the morons are done killing each other.

>on Jow Forums
There are none here and never have been

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mmmh mhhh yes

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>Civil War

As long as Yanks have a full belly, there'll be no "Civil War"

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You do realize that the most vicious genocides were perpetrated by ;non-whites'?
Don't dump that kind of shit on western civilization.
We've been trying to do better, and we have done much better than competing socio-economic systems. That sort of 'hurr-durr uh scared of genocidal whites' is the kind of crap that leads to an insensible narrowing of choices until Doing Bad Shit is Required For Survival.

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If people were smart the war would be waged against our corporate overlords and 5g spy/death grid going up.

ah yes death grid the real threat

do you think it will replace nerve gas as the number 1 cause of death,
scarry stuff

Every time there's a larp thread like this, I am reminded that Jow Forums is comprised of mongrels that don't even want to exterminate niggers.

So depressing.

Just be yourself bro

>Just bee yourself

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>most people on this board are teenagers
You wish.

Most of us don't want genocide but we're sorta being forced into a corner and it's really a kill or be killed situation at some point, if the vast majority won't accept deportation, segregation, or at the least some type of limiting factor, they cannot expect a complacent majority to become "democratically' stifled and economically burdened, then ultimately replaced up to the point of numerical superiority in which their own ethnic cleansing begins, as in South Africa, Rhodesia, etc.
I don't dislike you for being born black, hell if you met me I'd shake your hand and treat you like any other but I have my prejudice which applicable on a statistical whole, the exception of one example doesn't account for the thousands of bad examples and you will receive no sympathies in that regard because if it were the other way around and the boot were to my throat, your people would grind it in harder and they have shown that. Consider it a societal mechanism of pre-emptive self defense at this point, there are simply too many historical examples of how this multiracial game and minority majority replacement scenario plays out, ask a native. I don't wish for a second civil war or a race war, I realize American blacks wouldn't be welcomed back within Africa under any circumstances and moreso that they've resided unwillingly within our state just as long, I more or less wish we could reach an amicable agreement wherein we both segregate and kick the rest the fuck out.

One of Jow Forums‘s most underrated memes.

I doubt we'll see a hot civil war for sometime. There's definitely a lot of political unrest, but the majority of the populace is content in their daily lives and routines. Mix in some sort of nationwide food shortage, job shortage, and economic crisis, and then its pretty likely.

Quapa here.
Personally I'll be watching the livestreams of the civil war in my Oculus Go while vaping marijuana.

In Europe it will for sure happen. I am from a neighbouring nation of Germany and we follow the happenings with open eyes. Our gun laws have been dramatically eased, basically American style. Personally, I want to drive any non-Whites out of Europe at any cost necessary. Dont know anything about the US and dont really care either since its so far away.

You're either a Basketball American or Mutt-white-Melting-Pot American. There will be no race war. There are legislative measures that would start a snowball effect to bring back civil order at the sign of impending major civil strife. Most likely a couple of fake or real mutt-white group(s) that commit(s) a massive "atrocity". Like a Breivik or a Tarrant or Sept 11 would get the legislatures rolling. Trump is not a friend of mutt-whites. He is there to prevent normie-whites from going turbo ethno-nationalist. Making them think they still have power and influence over the country. Don't buy that MSM propaganda, he probably despises Southerners and White Trash and would rather split a could one with an Illegal Mexican Day Laborer before doing the same with the former. The ideas you here on Jow Forums from ethno-nationalist aren't because they are strong and fearless, no... It's because they have fear. Civil war and WW2 flashbacks. Lot's of dogs bark out of fear but whimper when confronted.

So if you're a Basketball American, have no fear. It's just your tunnel vision for being on Jow Forums too much. Take a breather and step outside for awhile. Take a minimum 2-week break from Jow Forums.

*split a *cold* one

This makes muh huwite dick so hard user pls don't stahp

Judaism is the problem. Buddhists stopped short of the solution. Christianity is close. Islam is DAMN close but practiced by non whites.

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No sorry you'll be fighting with us or you're gonna hang in the wind

There are gun laws eased somewhere in Europe? In Germany they still trying to shame gun owners. Why do you even need this?

Never saw it BEE4 nao, feels gud kek'd audibly

>continent of the United States
>1 post by this ID

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>I don't want to be mercilessly executed for being a 'colored' in the upcoming civil war.

So get out of white countries. It's very simple.

>white countries.
do you realize america is literally not a white country anymore?

Some of us leafs have brains
Its just for every one of us that are based there are 20 fucking lgbtqaiip2spirit liberal fucks showing off their socks rather than their politics
Fuck i hate my country

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It will always be a white country

not when its dirigeants arent and is also majority nonwhite

>not when its dirigeants arent and is also majority nonwhite
No, as long as the threat of the civil war that OP is talking about exists, america is a white country.

I m afraid it goes the way of south africa

>comparing America to SA

I think racial and political tensions are ratcheting up at an extraordinary pace. Most people see that we're not going to continue on our current course for too much longer.
I don't know exactly what will happen, but i think it definitely won't look like south africa.

SA went from 90% white, to 80% white, to 70% white, to 60% white, to 50% white, to 40% white, to 30% white, to 20% white, to 8% white today

at no point did they revolt

both country had a nig president voted in by nigs
both country once hhad appartheid

Let me put it this way: If whites in america found out that most whites whites in america wanted to expel the nonwhites, and were totally on board with it, a civil war would happen the next day.

In south africa whites have never been a majority, literally never, it was a colony and niggers were kept as labour force, the english even imported indians to work in mines and plantations(Ghandi lived in SA before going back to India).
Even at the peak of their power white south africans probably had never been more than 40% of the population

>If whites in america found out that most whites whites in america wanted to expel the nonwhites
but they dont though lmao
most whites are retarded normies that function on inpulses and social pressure only

italian rape baby nigger
sa was 90% white when it was first settled, 10% khoisian, 0% nigger

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>but they dont though lmao
This is the story that the media wants you to believe, but we don't actually know if that's true. Nobody really knows what percentage of whites actually buys into the MSM bullshit narrative. That's because the msm propaganda has effectively cowed most people into silence. Nobody is willing to say their true beliefs because it is very dangerous to do so.

>but we don't actually know if that's true
do you... not talk with humans?

you speak of it as if this was some impossible task

People lie about their beliefs all the time. Talking with them does not reveal the truth. Before they will reveal their true ideas, they need to believe it is safe for them to do it.

Maybe the small area originally known as the cape colony colonized by boers, but still you don’t get the point Ahmed, niggers were imported and captured as the colony expanded because at the time jews hadn’t infected yet the white man with the vermin of anti-racism and the ridicule idea that every race is equal.
Unironically as long as niggers and other sub-humans are kept as slaves, denied of citizenship and civil rights, and as long as whites keep control of the state, the police and the military being a minority isn’t such a problem for them.
America and SA started to decline when apartheid and segregation were abolished and niggers were given rights.

you dont speak for everyone. i dont WISH for the violence? but, the liberals pushing the "hate whitey" MEME, and this whole "censor all republicans" shit? will get to the point that violence will have to be used to wake the leaders up to chill out. White CHIMPING OUT could happen if the leders keep ignoring white republicans and pushing the bullshit and the censoring.

That's cute.

the big change i have seen in the last 15-20 years? is this... MOST people used to go along with the "we should all get along" modern ideas... but, the constant liberal shit has MANY white people smiling and saying sick jokes, when they are sure they are in close company. The guy who says no one really knows? because people have learned what not to say publicly? thats true. it could be violent, it could just be social presures, no one knows... but SOMErthing has to give sooner or later.

you liberals better quit with the "full court press" on the hate whitey meme.

Take a bong toke fag
Actually take ten

most of those people are literally mexicans who came here in the past 50 years and their kids who are US citizens thanks to supreme court diktat. most of them would go back to Mexico if we paid them or gibs were cut off, they don't even LIKE the US.

Fucking mongorians

I'm white & southern & I'm not ashamed of that.

I feel like the left is pushing for a war... Like I don't want a civil either... but the militant left...

They're bored and bloodthirsty...

So they're going to try to provoke the fuck out of any one who doesn't comply with their insane narrative.

Every political test I've taken places me on the left... but for reason I find myself siding with conservatives on many issues.

Call me a fascist but ... I kind'a believe people should be allowed to think for themselves. I feel like T.V shows, Comic Books, movies, are becoming less about being entertaining & more about preaching a narrative.

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Really nobody's gonna call this out as a slide thread ? I bet have the IDs here are single post. Why the hell would you be executed for being 'colored' what are you stupid ? What about the ethnic people that support conservatism or simply don't support leftism ?

Has everyone fucking IQ dropped to goddamn room temperature ? What happenned to the real discussions people used to have here. Are you people that emotionally susceptible and that easy to manipulate ? ffs

sage this shit

Dude, No one's gonna come after you for being "coloured"

They're gonna come after you because you said something or did something that didn't fit the leftist narrative.

It's not people like me you're gonna have to worry about.

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dude it's a fake thread, has the OP even answered anybody ?

forgot to sage lol

Agreed. Look what they've done to the south.
>Your history is racist, be ashamed. We're tearing down tour statues, destroying graves, banning parades, and burning shit down because of it.
>Your ancestors were racist and traitors
>Omg best Carolina doesn't want trannies in the bathrooms with their kids, boycott!
>Omg Georgia doesn't want that's using abortion as a "get me out of responsibility free" card, boycott!

I'm only 22, but the south has changed so much in the last 10-12 years that it seems like most of what made us our own culture is being scrubbed and burned, replacing it with this retarded neo-marxist progressive shit. If they're wanting some kind of civil war 2: electric boogaloo, they're heading In the right direction.

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This board doesn't radicalize people, it helps them blow off steam.

What radicalizes people is the same shit that radicalizes the left.
The left shouts that white people are shit, they're evil, they're racist, and so on.
White people hear that shit, and are like "the fuck did I do" because for the most part, white people go out of their way to make sure they're not racists.
White guilt is real.

We are not on the cusp of a 2nd Civil war, but there will come a point where whites get tired of being treated like second class citizens by those they try to treat as equals.

Will it result in mass blood shed, probably not save the few mentally ill that think they should take matters into their own hands.

What's more likely to happen is the voice minorities currently have will be muted. Everybody will stop giving a fuck about offending brown people, and will want to be as far away from minorities as possible.

All minority populated areas will be treated the same as inner city shitholes.
No cops, no white money, no development, shit education, and not a single fuck will be given about the situation you've put yourself in.

Even my Trump hating, Rachel Maddow watching mother is getting tired of the all white people are racist, all migrants should be welcome bullhshit.

When 70 year old former hippies are getting tired of it, take it as a wake up call.

The revolution will not require violence from chantards/white people.
The violence will happen in your own communities, by you own people who will no doubt throw a temper tantrum over being cutoff, and proceed to burn down your own shit like you always do.
But this time, nobody is going to help stop it.

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we are functioning in a sort of post-totalitarian system where lip service is paid to the old norms without the underlying belief. great essay on the subject from the 1970s USSR:

It is amazing how their go to tactic really is "ey yo imma torch my apartment building".

I'm going to die within a month of civil war starting because I depend on medicine to survive. But I intend to go out with a bang.

>is something I can't bring myself to watch
So close your eyes then. Stupid nigger.

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Have you considered a career as an erotic fiction writer?

Civil War 2 prep general?